1 Day to CAT : Important Tips & Initiatives to Keep in Mind



VARC : I would suggest abhi aur kuch practice ya questions mat hi karo. Keep a clear mind. You’ve done the hardwork. Just keep your calm.

  • I cannot stress how important it is to keep your cool while reading a passage. Try not focussing on what others are doing. Be it writing question first, be it finding out the different types of RCs first, or attempting VA first. Do what suits you the best. You must have had a mock or a sectional where you scored good marks. Try recreating that.
  • Do not take others strategy and try implementing it as yours. I would strongly advise against that.
  • While attempting PJs, try understanding what is the topic that the author is talking about. Try forming those links in your mind, without scribbling if possible. And when you’ve formed atleast a couple of linkages try speaking in your head with the sentences.
  • For RCs, I’ve always believed in going through the entire passage first and then attempting the questions. I have always stressed how important it is to understand the key point being talked about in the passage. Don’t over stress or over think or over write the RC while attempting it. Try keeping it simple and simply read the passage while being registering the different facts in your mind. If you can’t register them in your mind, maybe scribble down a few keywords. And after reading it once go ahead with the questions. If you’re stuck in any question you can go back to the particular Paragraph or lines, but don’t go through the entire passage again. Therefore, the first read is vital.
  • Option Elimination – Some RC questions and Para summary or CRs with options can easily be solved by eliminating options. So, don’t only focus on finding the correct option, you can also see which of the options aren’t at all going with the idea given in the passage. Eliminate those options and try finding an option which is the least wrong.

DI LR : Go with an open mind without any pre-conceived notions regarding X number of attempts.

  • Attempt the easier sets first. That’ll give you a shot in the arm. Don’t rush behind the 6-question set first even if you know that there’s an easier 4-question set that’s waiting for you.
  • Not every question of each set has to be attempted! Leave the Heavy calculation questions for later to be attempted at the end if there’s time.
  • Read the questions before formulating the whole table! You might realise boht kuch toh unnecessarily solve kar dia.
  • Read the questions to eliminate multiple cases you might be getting. Sometimes, questions also act as major hints to solve the sets.

Quant : Ensure you go through the 250 QA Series, all formula QA event(s) and some notes that you might have made.

  • Repeat to yourselves some common errors that you don’t have to commit. Eg. Not checking the values of x by putting in log, domain questions, etc.
  • If you’re in slot 2/3, discuss if you want with your friends in slot 1 about how their paper went and if there are any changes in the paper pattern from last year’s. But do not get influenced by their paper difficulty review. Maybe a friend of yours says “QA is tough, dekh ke attempt karna” don’t let that eat you up. Difficulty varies from one slot to the other. So, this is again in continuation with the DI LR advice of not going to the exam with any pre-conceived notions.
  • Also, do keep a check on the timer while attempting questions. If you feel you’ve spent time and still getting nowhere with the question, move on and come back later.
  • Attempt QA in at least 2 rounds, attempting the easier ones first and keep on marking for review the lengthier questions to be done in next round (which you think you can do).

Again I would like to say, these are only suggestions and if you’re already doing something or have a strategy that you’re comfortable with please please follow that. Do not change your strategy at the last moment. These few pointers should be kept in mind if you happen to lose your cool, or if you feel the pressure creeping up.

It’s never late to hit a stop and restart your paper. And never ever carry forward your guilt or success of one section to the next.

And before you leave for the center make sure to :

  • Carry 2 copies of your admit card, just in case you misplace or damage the first one.
  • The passport size photographer should be the same as the one you’d uploaded.
  • Pen, papers will be provided there itself.
  • Don’t drink too much water before the exam, don’t have too much food tonight. Wear sufficient woollens if the weather is cold. Do everything that helps keep your focus unhindered.

Attaching Some CAT Materials here for Reference:

Last week CAT Materials for all CAT Aspirants

■ CAT QA 250 Series by Indra : https://facebook.com/events/s/iquanta-qa-250-series-by-indra/1036552928214932/

■ All Last Mile Marathons here : https://www.iquanta.in/cat-2024-last-mile

■ 120 CAT QA Videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcnA9i_EzzE&list=PL4YW4OWyzRDQVmPJHJWxg-Mw1LJjgEzHU

■ Quant Arithmetic Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4YW4OWyzRDR2Ou7rlPHtn8n8ntWPCOGd

■ CAT VARC CheatSheet : https://media.iquanta.in/ui_images/VA-RC.pdf

■ Quant Algebra Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4YW4OWyzRDT7EGi7WhLOCDcHFurSyreo

■ 100 Passages with 100%iler: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4YW4OWyzRDSyTSuLOVaJzqCDYVuNF-Pi

■ Past CAT QA Videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ng7FMue-N_w&list=PL4YW4OWyzRDSu7ygcmpeCpgHo2pu1jHAe

■ Past CAT LRDI Videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAVfTubR0Vk&list=PL4YW4OWyzRDT8VYPrvr4hnrwCtbeJf6c-

■ Past CAT RC Videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGcoLNAYc_Y&list=PL4YW4OWyzRDRPzvjkq2IACYZzWYVktkiz

■ CAT Before CAT Series : https://www.iquanta.in/cat-before-cat

● 100 LRDI Playlist to solve : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4YW4OWyzRDS7VhRSNqx42cvvpOp6zg8Z

● 130 LRDI Master Series by iQuanta : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu-7QCBvr1A&list=PL4YW4OWyzRDSKP7fL8Bo2c1PV5-Ew0c3N

■ Past CAT Papers as Sectionals: https://www.iquanta.in/test/cat-previous-papers

■ 3 Free iCATs & Take Past CAT Papers as Mock here : https://www.iquanta.in/cat-mock-test

■ CAT Formula Book : https://iquantamedia.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/ui_images/iQuanta+Quant+Formulae+eBook+.pdf

■ iQuanta Exclusive Materials for QA, LRDI, VARC : https://www.iquanta.in/test/free-cat-study-material

■ For Doubts use this CAT Preparation – iQuanta Group : https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1B4nRNQTWy/