10 Must to Do Things to Crack GDPI and WAT


As all the MBA aspirants have been studying really hard for CAT, it is now time to continue the momentum to ace the MBA admission process. We should not forget that almost 30% to 40% of your total composite scores are based on your WAT, GD and PI and therefore after CAT your main focus should be to crack GDPI and WAT. You cannot change your CAT scores, academic profile or professional profile now but WAT, GD and PI are still completely under your control. However, with the right approach, you can excel in each of these areas and secure an admit in any top B-School. These assessments are meant to evaluate not just your knowledge of any particular topic but also your communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and clarity of thought on any given topic. This article will highlight the 10 Must to do things to Crack GDPI and WAT, so that you are all set for the admission season ahead.

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1. Understand the Evaluation Criteria for GD-PI-WAT

Before jumping right into the preparation, take your own time to understand what GDPI and WAT assess and how are they weighed in different colleges. In a GD, esteemed panellists try to focus on your ability to contribute to general discussions, your team behaviour, and your problem-solving skills or rather the approach. For PI, they assess your overall personality, confidence and how you articulate your thoughts. WAT, on the other hand, tests your written ability skills, your ability to form structure and ability to present a coherent argument. We believe that understanding these parameters first will help you tailor your preparation accordingly and you should be able to reach your goal. It is not enough to have bookish knowledge. You have to show them practical understanding, an open mind to think on the toes and confidence during these rounds. Panellists will try and look for individuals who can bring a balance of all the above parameters to the table.

2. Stay Updated with Current Affairs for GDPI

Whether it is a GD topic, WAT essay or a question during your personal interview, being aware of current happenings around the world and in India is very important. Build a habit of regularly reading newspapers, magazines and credible online sources like news apps. Topics related to economy, international relations, technology or even societal changes can frequently appear in these rounds and you might be asked to frame a discussion around it. For example, if there is a recent policy change, you should be able to analyze its impact from all possible perspectives. Practice writing and noting key events daily and formulating your own opinions around them. This will also help you improve your articulation which is an essential skill for both GDPI and WAT.

3. Practice Mock GDPI

Nothing prepares you better than practice. Mock GDs and PIs are the best possible tools for identifying your strongest strengths and weaker areas for improvement. Try to join a study group or a coaching institute where you can participate in these mock GD sessions. Best would be alums taking these sessions where you get the real feel of WAT and GDPI of top B-Schools. Focus on improving your listening skills, presenting points in a very crisp manner and always try to maintain the decorum during these discussions. Similarly, for PIs, practice answering commonly asked questions like “Tell me about yourself,” “Why MBA?” or “What are your short-term and long-term career goals?” Make sure that your answers sound very natural and not excessively rehearsed or monotonous. Always ask for feedback after each session to refine your performance before the D-day.

Join the GDPI course by iQuanta which has produced 500+ 99 percentilers in CAT 2024 and prepare for your MBA journey ahead.

4. Work on Your Communication Skills for GDPI and WAT

One of the 10 Must-to-Do Things to Crack GDPI and WAT is to have clear and effective communication. Remember that it is the true road to success in your GDPI and WAT. You may have brilliant ideas but if you cannot communicate them clearly and on time, they lose their impact totally. You should focus on improving both your verbal and written communication. Use simple yet clear and clean language and avoid any sort of heavy jargon unless necessary. For GD, learn to articulate your thoughts in a very structured manner. Do not complicate it at all. For PI, practice framing answers logically, with a beginning, middle and a proper conclusion. Be cautious as you might be grilled later on whatever you answer. For WAT, you should work on your writing speed and coherence rather than writing it without a flow. Additionally remember that regularly writing essays or opinion pieces which will help you sharpen your skills and will boost your confidence.

5. Develop Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills for GDPI and WAT in MBA Admission

Panellists are not just looking for someone who agrees with the crowd rather they do appreciate individuals who bring a unique, well-thought-out perspective which might be very different. For GD, think very critically, play devil’s advocate about the topic before jumping into any kind of discussion. Take a moment to structure your thoughts, you can use pen and paper too but just ensure that you add value to the discussion. For WAT, start by understanding both sides of the coin and jot down key points related to the topic. Then, formally organize them into an introduction, body and a conclusion. Analytical skills are equally important during PI where you might be asked to justify your opinions and stances or might need to explain the rationale behind a decision.

6. Improve Body Language and Presentation

Your non-verbal communication i.e., your body language speaks louder about your confidence and personality in general. One of the 10 Must-to-Do Things to Crack GDPI and WAT is to improve this. In GDs, sit straight, maintain a confident posture, smile whenever necessary. Further, maintain eye contact and use subtle yet visible hand gestures to emphasize on certain points. Avoid interrupting others as much as possible and display active listening through nodding or subtle acknowledgements here and there. In PIs, greet the panel with a smile, maintain good posture and avoid any form of nervousness. Remember, a confident act can leave a lasting impression which might hide any sort of technical shortcomings in the interview. Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself to identify and rectify any habit that hinder your performance on the D-day.

7. Prepare for Common and Unique Questions in the PI Round for MBA Admission

Personal interviews are usually a mix of generic and specific questions. While you should prepare for common questions like “Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses,” you should also be ready for unique questions which might be suited as per your profile. For example, if your resume mentions a specific achievement, the panel might dive deeper into it or you might end up having a discussion around a sport which you might be playing. Ensure you know your resume inside out and can justify every point, ensuring legitimacy. For academic-related questions, brush up on basics from your graduation subjects, especially if they relate to the field you wish to pursue during your MBA. Here, eco grads and commerce needs to be more prepared as these subjects are again taught in almost every MBA curriculum.

8. Handle Stress and Pressure Gracefully

These rounds are designed to test your calmness and composure under pressure. In GDs, do not let an aggressive participant intimidate you. Stay calm and wait for the right moment to present your points. Remember that 1-2 good entries are far superior to cutting off someone or making unimpactful entries. If interrupted, you may politely ask for a chance to complete your thought. In PIs, you may face tricky or provocative questions which might seem overwhelming. If you do not know the answer, admit it honestly rather than bluffing as interviewers are way smarter than you think. Similarly, in WAT, even if the topic feels challenging or ambiguous, stay composed and focus on writing a clear and concise essay. Here, you can use an example to justify your thought process which might help in convincing the panellists. Practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, to remain calm during high-pressure situations. Remember, it is not always about answering right but about being calm and handling the situation with a smile.

9. Seek Constructive Feedback and Improve

One of the 10 Must-to-Do Things to Crack GDPI and WAT is constructive criticism is definitely invaluable during your preparation journey. Share your GD performances, mock PIs or WAT essays with mentors, peers or other industry professionals for feedback. Identify any mistakes which you seem to repeat and work on correcting them. Feedback is especially crucial for identifying behavioural traits like over-dominating in GDs or being too brief in PIs. Additionally, ask for suggestions on how to add more details to your arguments or improve the clarity of your writing which might be more impactful. Treat every feedback session as an opportunity to improve and incorporate these in your next opportunity.

10. Time Management is Key for WAT GDPI Preparation for MBA

Understand that time is limited during GD, PI and WAT rounds, making time management an important skill. In GDs, ensure you contribute but do not over-dominate the discussion. Learn to summarize points briefly but should cover all the key points. For WAT, practice writing essays within the allotted time frame as this will work as a simulation for actual WAT. Focus on delivering quality content and adhere to the word limit as a penalty might be levied otherwise. During PIs, ensure your answers are crisp yet effective, avoiding beating around the bush. Mock sessions will help you be better with time management in all of these formats.