Preparing for the NEET exam in just 100 days requires the right strategy and resources. This 100 Days plan for NEET Preparation 2025 will help you cover the vast syllabus and high-weightage topics. Thus, NEET aspirants must ensure all important chapters are covered in detail. We have discussed 100 days study plan for NEET 2025 and other details on this page.
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100 Days Plan for NEET Preparation 2025
NEET is one of the most difficult entrance exams for admission to UG courses like MBBS, BDS, etc. As the NEET 2025 exam is near, students must implement the right strategy. A 100 day plan for NEET preparation 2025 requires knowledge of the syllabus. This plan can solidify their concepts and revision sessions. NEET aspirants must remain motivated, eat healthy and stay positive during the preparation. Check 100 days study plan for NEET 2025 on this page.
Strategy for 100 Days Plan for NEET Preparation 2025
With around 100 days left for the NEET 2025 exam, aspirants must stay motivated and revise frequently. Get the 100 days study plan for NEET preparation 2025 below:
Maintaining Consistency
You must maintain consistency by using an exam-oriented timetable. Dedicate at least 12-13 hours daily to your NEET preparation 2025. To maintain consistency, you must not be stressed and must eat healthily. After studying continuously for 2-3 hours, take a short break of 10 minutes for mind relaxation and refreshment. You must avoid distractions like social media, mobile phones, etc in the last 100 days plan for NEET Preparation 2025.
Smart Study
Smart study is an important part of the 100 days plan for NEET Preparation 2025. NEET exam is divided into three subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Moreover, biology constitutes 50% of the syllabus. Do not skip any subject in your daily schedule. Dedicate equal study hours to all the subjects for top-notch preparation. As Biology is one of the scoring subjects, you must cover all the chapter-wise concepts efficiently. This will help you solve any questions asked in the exam. Â
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Establish daily goals and achieve them within the remaining 100 days. Jot down the topics of the syllabus and mark the completed chapter. They must also highlight those with high weightage. Ensure covering all the chapters without skipping any. Focus more on the chapters that carry significant weightage. For example, Biotechnology and its applications is an important chapter of biology as it carry 12-15 questions. You must also allocate one hour daily to the revision of each subject to avoid forgetting concepts. To revise efficiently, solve topic-wise questions of the last 10-15 years of NEET papers. Practice unlimited questions to understand the pattern on which questions are usually asked in the exam.
Follow NCERTs
Aspirants must include NCERT books in their 100 days plan for NEET Preparation 2025. NCERT textbooks cover 80% of the NEET syllabus, so you cannot skip it. It is important for all the subjects including physics, chemistry, and biology. It is even helpful in your 12th board preparation. You must not avoid NCERT questions as it can negatively affect your performance. Follow limited books and resources/faculties to cover each subject and avoid conceptual confusion. Prepare short notes for last-minute/quicker revision.
Solve NEET Previous Year Papers
NEET aspirants must solve unlimited questions from previous papers to get an idea of the pattern of the exam, the weightage of the chapters, and the marking scheme. They will be able to identify the weak chapters that require improvement. This can maximise their scores in the NEET 2025 exam.
Attempt NEET Mock Tests
Incorporate NEET mock tests in your 100 days plan for NEET Preparation 2025. To ease the NEET 2025 preparation, IQuanta is offering free NEET mock tests on its website. It provides insights and a real experience to improve your performance.
Daily Time Table for 100 Days Plan for NEET Preparation 2025
Creating a balanced NEET timetable is crucial for exam success. Check the daily timetable for 100 days plan for NEET preparation 2025 given below:
Daily Time Table for 100 Days Study Plan for NEET 2025
Particular | Details |
8:00 AM- 12:00 PM | Cover Basic Concepts/Complex Topics of Physics, Chemistry, Biology |
1:30 PM-3:30 PM | Focus on Problem-Solving |
4:30 PM-6:30 PMÂ | Revise all the topics covered so far. |
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM | Attempt Mock Test or Previous Paper |
Week Wise 100 Days Plan for NEET Preparation 2025
The weekwise 100 days plan for NEET preparation 2025 must include conceptual coverage, revision, and practice papers. You must focus on high-weightage chapters of all the subjects. Here is the weekwise 100 Days study plan for NEET 2025.
Week Wise 100 Days Study Plan for NEET 2025
Week | Detail |
Week 1-3 | Focus on concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.Revise all the concepts regularly. |
Week 4-6 | Master advanced topics of all the subjects.Maintain short notes of important chapters for quick revision. |
Week 6-8 | Identify high-weightage chapters and weak areas of all the subjects. Dedicate more time to improve all the weak sections. |
Week 8-10 | Solve different levels of questions from previous NEET papers and mock tests. |
Week 10-until last week | Revise all the key formulas and high-weightage chapters from which questions are asked frequently. |
For complete guidance from the NEET expert check out this video
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100 Days Plan for NEET Preparation 2025 FAQs
You must cover the syllabus and grasp all the concepts to prepare well for NEET 2025.
Yes. NEET preparation in 100 days requires conceptual clarity, the best approach, and high-quality resources.
Yes. To score 700+ in NEET 2025, you must not skip any chapters of physics, chemistry, and biology. Focus more on high-weightage chapters and improving mistakes.
NEET 2025 is likely to be difficult in nature, but aspirants with the right approach can excel in the exam.