2 Months to CAT : Preparing Like a 99%iler?


Guys Where’s the Josh ? Today marks exact 2 months to CAT 2024!

Are you guys really preparing as hard as a 99%iler should do?

Are you really putting your everything into it the way you thought on the first day of deciding to get into an IIM ?

CAT Community

No ? Oh are you demotivated with your CAT Mock Scores currently ? You think you are lagging behind compared to others who started early ? You think you don’t have enough time ?

Did you know that majority of the Mocks are not a Replica of CAT?

I have seen many examples of aspirants getting a 70-80 in Mocks and ending up with 95 + in CAT.

I have also seen many examples of aspirants getting in 90’s in Mocks and ending up with a 99+ in CAT.

This is the time where 50% of the aspirants stop believing in themselves and stop preparing.

This is the time for you to be among the other 50%, and sail through this journey till the end like sailor of your career boat.

In every single warrior fighting in a battlefield posses more or less same artillery, equivalent amount of bombs and guns, and almost everyone of them are trained enough to shoot at the target in one go. They all are loaded with all essentials. But one factor, and the most crucial one, which is decisive in turning any war upside down is the courage and morale of those heroes”.

You, friends, are those soldiers. You are those heroes.

Every year we see many success stories from iQuanta community, many 99%lers who just believed in themselves that they can do it.

My only request is that give your fullest till the CAT Exam. Let bygones be bygones.

So Buckle up and fix your fate of where you wana be after a few months.

Just comment below that “I will do my best for my CAT exam and no day will go to waste till I maul CAT”.

Just fulfil the same till CAT exam and the end result may surprise you. If I see 500 comments I will start few excellent iQuanta initiatives for you guys which has helped many achieve there dream B-School along with CAT Crash Course starting day after Tomorrow.

I only need that energy from you guys. !!!

~ Indrajeet Singh

Special focus on shortcuts and techniques, Mega Marathons with the facility of 24×7 doubt clarification from the moment you enroll & 3 Months of Rigorous Practice. Enroll Now and get iCAT mocks for Free!