High Weightage Topic for JEE

High Weightage Topic in JEE
High Weightage Topic in JEE

When preparing for JEE, focusing on high weightage topics is crucial for maximizing your score. Certain subjects and chapters are more important due to the number of questions they carry in the exam. In this guide, we have highlighted the high weightage topic for JEE for the subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. By understanding the most important areas of study, you can effectively segregate your preparation time and boost your chances of success.

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High Weightage Topic for JEE – An Overview 

SubjectHigh Weightage Topic
PhysicsMechanicsElectrodynamicsThermodynamicsOpticsCurrent ElectricityElectromagnetic InductionAlternating Current 
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry – Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, StoichiometryInorganic Chemistry – p-Block Elements, s-Block ElementsOrganic Chemistry – Benzene, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes
MathematicsCalculusAlgebraCoordinate GeometryProbabilitySetsRelations and FunctionsDifferential EquationsMatrices 

JEE Mains Subject – Overall Weightage 

SubjectOverall Weightage in Percentage (2025)Overall Weightage in Percentage (Previous Years)


In 2025, the weightage of subjects in JEE Main has seen some shifts compared to previous years. Physics and Chemistry both have a weightage of 22.5% in 2025, slightly lower than the 25% they had in previous years, indicating a small reduction in their importance. On the other hand, Mathematics has seen an increase, with a weightage of 35% in 2025, up from 30% in previous years, making it the most important subject in the upcoming exam. This shift shows that Mathematics will have more questions, while Physics and Chemistry will have less questions.

Physics High Weightage Topic for JEE 

The table below gives detailed information on the Physics topics in the JEE Main 2025 syllabus, the weightage of each topic in the exam, and the number of questions likely to be asked from each topic. Current Electricity

 is the most important, making up almost 9.90% of the exam. Focus on understanding Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism,bModern Physics and Rotational Dynamics. There will be around 14 questions relating to topics like Kinetic Theory of Gases & Thermodynamics, Alternating Current, Work, Energy, and Power, Centre of Mass, Kinematics, Wave Optics, and Law of Motion, so pay attention to these as well.

TopicsWeightageNo. of Questions
Current Electricity9.90%3
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism6.60%2
Modern Physics6.60%2
Rotational Dynamics6.60%2
Kinetic Theory of Gases & Thermodynamics6.60%2
Alternating Current6.60%2
Work, Energy, and Power6.60%2
Centre Of Mass6.60%2
Wave Optics6.60%2
Law of Motion6.60%2
Sound Waves3.30%1
Error in Measurement3.30%1
Electromagnetic Waves3.30%1
Circular Motion3.30%1
Simple Harmonic Motion3.30%1

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Chemistry High Weightage Topic for JEE

The table below shows the weightage and the number of questions from each Chemistry topic in JEE Main 2025. The Periodic Table and p-Block Elements, and Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds each carry 9.90% weightage, with 3 questions from each. Nuclear & Environmental Chemistry, Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics & the Gaseous State, Solid-State and Surface Chemistry, and Carboxylic Acids & their Derivatives all have a weightage of 6.60% and about 2 questions each. Topics like Chemical Kinetics, Alkyl Halides, Mole Concept, Electrochemistry, Aromatic Compounds, Redox Reactions, Solution & Colligative Properties, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Polymers, Stereochemistry, Hydrocarbons, and General Organic Chemistry have a weightage of 3.30%, with 1 question from each.

TopicsWeightageNo. of Questions
Periodic table, p-Block Elements9.90%3
Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds9.90%3
Nuclear & Environmental Chemistry6.60%2
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium6.60%2
Atomic Structure6.60%2
Chemical Bonding6.60%2
Thermodynamics & the Gaseous State6.60%2
Chemical Kinetics3.30%1
Alkyl Halides3.30%1
Mole Concept3.30%1
Carboxylic Acids & their Derivatives6.60%1
Aromatic Compounds6.60%1
Redox Reactions3.30%1
Solution & Colligative Properties3.30%1
Carbohydrates, amino acids, and Polymers6.60%1
General Organic Chemistry3.30%1

Mathematics High Weightage Topic for JEE

In JEE Main 2025, Maths topics are divided based on their importance and weightage. Calculus is the most important, with 25% of the weightage, covering differentiation, integration, and their applications. Algebra and Coordinate Geometry follow closely, requiring practice with equations, inequalities, and understanding conic sections. Vectors and 3D Geometry topics make up around 15%, focusing on vector operations and spatial reasoning. Sets, Relations, and Functions account for 12% all together, covering basic concepts in set theory and functions. Finally, Differential Equations and Matrices each carry around 10%, so mastering these topics with regular practice is key to doing well in the exam.

Topics WeightageNo. of Questions
Coordinate Geometry16.6%5
3-D Geometry6.60%2
Straight Lines6.60%2
Sequences & Series6.60%2
Definite Integration3.30%1
Indefinite Integration3.30%1
Height & Distance3.30%1
Permutations & Combinations3.30%1
Area under the Curve3.30%1
Tangents and Normals3.30%1
Complex Numbers3.30%1
Binomial Theorem3.30%1
Maxima and Minima3.30%1
Quadratic Equations3.30%1
Differential Equations3.30%1
Trigonometric Equations3.30%1

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High Weightage Topic for JEE FAQs

What are the high weightage topic for JEE Mains Physics?

Current Electricity, Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism, Modern Physics, Rotational Dynamics Kinetic Theory of Gases & Thermodynamics, Alternating Current, Work, Energy, and Power, Centre of Mass, Kinematics, Wave Optics, Law of Motion and Semiconductors are the high weightage topic for JEE Mains Physics.

Which are high weightage chapters for JEE Mains 2025?

Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current , Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Stoichiometry), Inorganic Chemistry (p-Block Elements, s-Block Elements), Organic Chemistry (Benzene, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes), Calculus, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Probability, Sets, Relations and Functions, Differential Equations and Matrices are high weightage chapters for JEE Mains 2025.

Which is the most weightage chapters for JEE Mains Chemistry?

Periodic table, p-Block Elements, Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds, Nuclear & Environmental Chemistry, Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics & the Gaseous State, Solid-State And Surface Chemistry are the most weightage chapters for JEE Mains Chemistry.

Can you list the most weightage chapters for JEE Mains Maths?

Yes, here is the list the most weightage chapters for JEE Mains Maths – Coordinate Geometry with 16.6% weightage and 3-D Geometry, Straight Lines, Determinants and Sequences & Series with 6.60% weightage.