Is Good Vocabulary Important for CLAT? 


For the CLAT exam a strong vocabulary is very important to score well in the CLAT english section. This will help the candidates to tackle questions on synonyms, word meanings and antonyms and also plays an important role in understanding the comprehension passages. This blog post will guide the candidates about the most important vocabulary words for CLAT  and their meanings and how to use them in sentences. The candidates will also get to know about the effective tips for gaining and retaining a rich vocabulary for the CLAT exam. 

Importance of Good Vocabulary for the CLAT Exam

Check below the following reasons why vocabulary for the CLAT exam is important:

  • Important component of the English section: Vocabulary based questions such as antonyms, synonyms, and word meanings are directly tested in the CLAT English language section.
  • Improves Reading Comprehension: A strong vocabulary for the CLAT exam will help the candidates to understand better the complex words and phrases in comprehension passages, leading to accurate answers
  • Improves accuracy in grammar and error spotting: It is very important to understand the correct usage of words as it improves the ability to spot the grammatical errors and sentence correction questions
  • Saves time during exam: Candidates who are familiar with a wide range of English vocabulary words will allow them to quickly interpret and answer questions and hence this will save valuable time
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: Knowing the meaning of important words will help the candidates to infer meanings, answer inference based questions in an effective manner, draw conclusions
  • Improve Communication Skills: Strong vocabulary skills will not only help the candidates in CLAT but also improve the ability to articulate ideas clearly in writing and speaking
  • Helps in Other Sections of the CLAT exam: Vocabulary for the CLAT exam is very helpful in answering legal and logical reasoning questions, as here understanding the key terms and phrases is very critical for answering the questions correctly.

How to Improve Vocabulary for the CLAT Exam?

Building vocabulary is an important part of the CLAT preparation. Check below the how to build effectively and enhance the vocabulary skills for the law entrance exam:

Read Regularly: Reading is one of the best ways to improve vocabulary. They must include a variety of reading materials in their daily routine such as 


Magazines and article from various sources

Fiction and non-fiction books

Candidates must look into the meanings or note unfamiliar words. This will help them to absorb new words and make it easy to remember them

Create a Vocabulary Journal: They must keep a dedicated notebook or digital document to record new words that they encounter during their reading or study sessions. They must write down the new words, their meanings, part of speech and also example sentences. The students can also organize the journal into categories such as antonyms, synonyms. 

Use Word Roots to Expand Vocabulary: They must learn the roots of words and will help to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words. By learning common roots they will be able to understand many more words without memorizing each one individually.

Practice Previous Year Question Papers: Candidates must go through the previous year CLAT question papers and will help the candidates to understand the type of vocabulary questions that are generally asked. Candidates must solve the questions to get familiarised with the format and difficulty level.

Other Techniques to Build Vocabulary for the CLAT Exam

Check below some of the other techniques to build a good vocabulary for the CLAT exam:

Engage in Various Group Discussions: The candidates must participate in group discussions or study groups where they will get to know new vocabulary words that will help them to reinforce their learning

Watch English Movies or TV Shows with Subtitles: They must watch English language movies or TV shows with subtitles that can expose them to real world usage of vocabulary. They must pay attention to how words will be used in dialogues, especially those to be formal or conversational
Listen to English Podcasts and Audiobooks: They must listen to podcasts and audiobooks in English that will introduce them to new vocabulary in a different format. They must also watch podcasts that are engaging and educational and focus on a wide range of topics that will expose them to diverse vocabulary.

Is Good Vocabulary Important for CLAT? – FAQs

How many vocabulary questions are asked in the CLAT exam?

There is no fixed number about the number of vocabulary questions but this plays an important role in reading comprehension, error spotting, synonyms or antonyms. 

Which of the sections in the CLAT exam required a strong vocabulary?

The English language section primarily requires a good vocabulary but it also helps in comprehension in other sections such as legal.

How can reading newspapers improve vocabulary?

Newspapers will help the candidates to expose a variety of new words in context, learn their meaning and usage in real life situations.