Studies Say 7 Out of 10 CAT Retakers Overthink Their Past—Don’t Be One of Them!

Advice for CAT Retakers
Advice for CAT Retakers

When you couldn’t clear CAT, the same questions haunt you—Why did I fail? I should have won. How did others get top percentiles when they didn’t work harder than me? I sacrificed everything—family functions, friends, relationships, even job opportunities—yet it still didn’t work out. Why did I fail?

These thoughts are common among CAT aspirants who couldn’t clear the exam. But if you’re still determined to change your future, a reattempt could be your chance. However, this time, don’t let regret and overthinking hold you back. Our survey suggest that 7 out of 10 CAT retakers fall into this mental trap, wasting valuable time in self-doubt, mindless scrolling, or procrastination instead of focused preparation.

That’s why, in this blog, we bring you real advice from CAT retakers who turned their failures into success. These aren’t just theories—these students are now studying at IIMs and other top B-schools after overcoming the same struggles you might be facing.

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Real-life Advice to CAT Aspirants from CAT Veterans

1. Start your preparation as soon as possible

The most common and genuine advice we heard from CAT retakers is this: don’t underestimate the exam. Many aspirants do, only to regret it later. The key is to start early and take your preparation seriously. If you can do both consistently, you’ll be closer to the 99th percentile than most others. 

Early preparation gives you enough time to build strong fundamentals, revise thoroughly, take mock tests, and identify gaps in your strategy. iQuanta is here to help you kickstart your CAT 2025 preparation with a new batch focused on building strong fundamentals, revising key concepts, rigorous practice, AI-driven mock tests, and personalized mentorship to bridge any gaps in your preparation.

2. Take it seriously. Respect time—because if you don’t, it will punish you.

Many CAT retakers fail again simply because they weren’t serious enough the first time. If you truly want to pursue an MBA, don’t let distractions—hangouts, trips, or procrastination—turn into regrets after the results. In this race, time is your greatest teacher. Ignore it, and it will teach you the hard way.

iQuanta helps you stay disciplined with its dual-pedagogy classes, ensuring consistency in your preparation. With regular sessions, you’ll develop focus, manage time effectively, and ultimately understand your priorities.

3. Yes, profile matters, but don’t get caught in that trap.

Many aspirants believe they need a perfect profile, but remember—IIMs and other top B-schools accept freshers too. Your priority should be the exam first. If you don’t clear the cutoff, your profile won’t matter. So, focus on your preparation now. Once the exam is done, you’ll have time to work on your profile if needed.

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4. Cry if you need to. Cry hard. But cry just once—and then move forward.

No amount of advice will help if you’re stuck in the past. If old regrets keep resurfacing, it’s a sign you’re not moving forward but backward. The solution? Let it out. Cry if you must, but only once. Free yourself from the weight of the past. Remember, the side mirror in a car is for quick glances, not for staring. Keep your eyes on the road ahead.

5. Prepare anywhere you can—let them talk!

If you’re a working aspirant, use every spare moment, even office breaks, to study. It won’t be easy, but it’s necessary. After work, you’ll likely feel 49% exhausted, 49% tempted to unwind with Netflix, 1% motivated to study, and 1% dreaming of your IIM seat. How you act on these feelings makes all the difference.

Studying at work isn’t embarrassing—people do it all the time. Some learn languages, some code, some prepare for exams, and some just play games. Yes, you might hear gossip or even get a warning email from HR, but in the end, what matters more—temporary distractions or your future? Let the crowd make noise while you focus on breaking out of the race.

6. Practice new questions. Practice difficult questions. Prepare for the worst.

If you’ve attempted the exam before, you know that solving only easy questions just to boost your confidence won’t help. You need to push yourself. Challenge yourself with tough, unfamiliar problems. Train your mind to handle the most complex and unpredictable questions in the exam. Level up, strengthen your fundamentals, and take the leap toward better performance—and a better version of yourself. iQuanta helps you tackle new question patterns through its application classes, where you get 20-25 fresh questions per concept with a set time limit. This trains you to work under pressure, think faster, and sharpen your problem-solving skills.

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