CLAT Cut-off Analysis

CLAT Cutoff Analysis
CLAT Cutoff Analysis

The Common Law Admission Test is the gateway to India’s most renowned and prestigious law colleges, the National Law Universities of India. The CLAT 2025 Examination was conducted on 1st December 2024 and the results were declared on 7th December 2024. Now with the increasing competition among candidates, it is crucial to understand the CLAT 2025 cut-off. The CLAT cut-off is the minimum mark or score required to secure admission into India’s top National Law Universities (NLUs). The cutoff varies each year and depends upon various factors such as difficulty level, number of applicants, seat availability and others. Candidates must have information about the CLAT cut-off as it will help the aspirants set realistic goals for themselves and construct a solid preparation strategy accordingly. This blog provides a complete analysis of the CLAT 2025 examination covering the previous year’s trends, expected scores and influencing factors. 

CLAT 2025 Cut-off Marks for the top 10 NLUs 

Every aspirant is determined to acquire a seat in one of the top 10 National Law Universities of India. The expected cut-off marks for the top 10 NLUs are given below according to the Category of the candidates.

Category of the CandidateCut-off Marks
General 90-102

NLU cut-off marks 2025 for the top 10 NLUs

The top 10 NLUs are considered the best in terms of pursuing legal education. The category-wise cut-off marks for each of the top 10 National Law University is given below:

NLSIU Bangalore1009590869680
NALSAR Hyderabad989386829478
WBNUJS Kolkata949084809278
NLU Jodhpur928981769076
NLIU Bhopal918882788970
GNLU Gandhinagar908476728660
CNLU Patna858270668352
HNLU Raipur878374708565
RMLNLU Lucknow878476728555
RGNUL Punjab898372688456

Section-wise Score Analysis for CLAT 2025

The section-wise score analysis for the CLAT 2025 Examination includes the difficulty level for each section, an ideal attempt of questions and much more. All the details are mentioned below:

Section Total Number of QuestionsIdeal Number of Attempts Good Score Difficulty Level 
English Language 2420-2320-21Easy
Quantitative Techniques 128-96-7Easy-Moderate
Legal Reasoning 3228-3-25-26Easy 
Logical Reasoning 241515Moderate 
Current Affairs and General Knowledge2825-2620-22Easy-Moderate 
Total 12096-10390-95Easy-Moderate 

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CLAT Cutoff Analysis – FAQs

Does the CLAT cut-off vary across various categories?

Yes, the cut-off in the CLAT Examination varies across various reserved categories. The general category candidates are expected to have a higher cut-off while the reserved categories have lower cut-offs compared to them.

Is the cut-off for the AILET Examination and the CLAT Examination the same? 

No, both examinations are conducted by different bodies and are conducted for different purposes with different difficulty levels. The cut-offs for both examinations are released separately. 

What is the cut-off for 2025 across various categories?

The cut-off for CLAT 2025 is different for various categories. General candidates will require 87-98 marks, OBC candidates 83-95 marks and SC/ST candidates are expected to have a cut-off near 70-90 marks.

Does the cut-off vary across the 5-year LLM and LLB Program?

Yes, the cut-off marks for the 5-year LLB Program are higher than the 5-year LLM program due to the increased number of candidates sitting in the examination. 

Which National Law University is considered to have the highest cut-off among all of them?

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU Bangalore) is considered the best law school in India and as a result, has the highest cut-off among all the 21 NLUs of India. 

What is the expected cut-off for NLSIU Banglore for 2025?

The closing rank for general category students for CLAT 2025 for NLSIU Bangalore is expected to be around 140 making this one of the most competitive National Law University of India.