AILET | Exam Pattern, Eligibility & Syllabus


About AILET 

All India Law Entrance Test or popularly known as AILET is a law entrance test conducted by NLU Delhi for admission to 5-year integrated BA LLB, one-year LLM, and PhD programs.

Note: NLU Delhi does not accept any other law entrance exam. 

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Qualification: Any candidate who has completed 10+2 or equivalent examination with the requisite score is eligible for the AILET.
  • Minimum marks: Any candidate who has completed 10+2 or equivalent examination with not less than 50% of marks in the aggregate is eligible to apply for AILET.
  • Age Limit: There is no upper age limit
  • Note: Candidates appearing for their class 12th exams are also eligible to appear for AILET.

Exam Pattern 

  • The exam is conducted for both UG and PG programs
  • AILET is conducted in offline mode
  • The duration of AILET is 90 minutes
  • Total Questions: 150 (MCQs)
  • Marking scheme: For every correct answer, 1 mark will be awarded. For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

AILET exam is divided into 3 sections as given below:

  • English Language
  • Current Affairs & General Knowledge
  • Logical Reasoning
Subject Number of questions
Old Pattern New Pattern
English Language 35 50
Current Affairs & General Knowledge 35 30
Logical Reasoning 10 70
Legal Aptitude 35
Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) 35
Total 150 150


Seat Intake

Program Number of Seats
BA LL.B. 110
LLM 70
Ph.D. 18


Exam Syllabus 

 In order to qualify any exam the first step is to be aware of the exam syllabus. Similarly for candidates who wants to qualify AILET it is paramount to know AILET syllabus.

1. Current Affairs and General Knowledge

  • The General knowledge will be tested on the general awareness including static general knowledge.
  • Questions on current affairs will test candidates on their knowledge of national and international current affairs.
  • Apart from GK, questions will also cover the recent topics and current affairs.
  • A total of 35 questions will come from this section
Politics Ancient, Medieval, Modern and World History
Geography Economics (Outline of Indian Economy, Five Year Plans, National Income of India, Indian Tax Structure)
Science and technology Environment & Ecology
General Science National & International Burning topics
Books and Authors Environment
Industries Major Industries in India
Agriculture Awards and Achievements


2. Logical Reasoning

  • The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the candidate’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments.
  • It may include a variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc. However, visual reasoning will not be tested.
  • This section will have 35 question
Statement & Assumptions Statement & Conclusions
Statement & Arguments Statement & actions
Assertion – Reason Syllogism
Number test Direction and distance test
Coding and Decoding Blood Relationships
Ranking Analogy


 3. English

  • The English section will test the candidates’ proficiency in English based on comprehension passages and grammar.
  • In the comprehension section, candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein, etc
  • This section will have 35 questions.

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