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Mansi Sankhe


Things to keep in mind for the last day and the D – Day of the CAT Exam.

1 day to go for CAT 2021, and you might be wondering what you can do to maximize your score on the D-day! The short...

6 Mistakes To Avoid During The CAT Exam

Mistakes To Avoid During CAT What you are about to read are a few common CAT traps and pitfalls that need to be avoided. It's...

CAT (99.3) & IIFT (99.67) percentiler, IIFT alumni Jatin Singla explains selection process of IIFT

What IIFT has to offer to you as a student of Business Administration? As the topic suggests, we will discuss in detail, how an MBA...

94 Percentiler Explains What went Wrong in his Initial CAT Attempt

Let’s discuss about you, my happy reader. You might be someone who would be any of them; an MBA aspirant, fresher, working professional, someone...

12 Days To CAT : Things To Keep in Mind

CAT 12 Days Strategy You have done your preparation. You have written and analyzed all your mocks. You have done everything under the sun, but...

Quant Strategy by 99.45%iler

It would be the right thing to say that syllabus wise, the Quants section boast of being the heaviest of the 3 sections in...

“Why, how, and what” of quicker calculations, 20 days before CAT

Take a look at the picture below, can you identify who this is? She is Shakuntala Devi, who was known as the “Human Computer”. She...

Things to remember in the first year of MBA by a current MICA student

As Indian students, most of us are familiar with the false happy ending of the story that is fed to us by brown parents;...

CAT Preparation journey of a student who scored 99.45 percentile, along with his job

It was back in January 2018, when the CAT results of 2017 were published and I found a plethora of my friends getting their...

Summer Internship with Tata Administrative Services amidst Covid-19

THE PLACEMENT PREPARATION After stepping into a b-school and getting over that honeymoon phase (fresher parties and section wars), the thing you hear the...

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