Best Books for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT

Best Book for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2025
Best Book for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2025

The most common question MBA candidates ask is which is the best book for Quantitative Aptitude to ace the QA section of the CAT exam. The selection of best book for quantitative aptitude for CAT is an extensive and diverse task. In terms of study material, all books available in the market are rather identical, but what matters most is how you interpret them. In order to help you prepare for the tests more quickly and ace them, we have listed the best books for quantitative aptitude for for CAT 2025.

Best Book for Quantitative Aptitude Preparation for CAT 2025

The most highlighted component of CAT is quantitative aptitude. Out of the 66 questions in CAT, there are 22 questions from the Quantitative Aptitude part, which forms one-third part of the total scoring. For every question, three marks are awarded, and every wrong answer calls for a negative mark of one mark. You must focus on each area because most of the best B-schools take into account your sectional percentile. The subjects for this section are derived from elementary mathematics, but the questions are tricky and complicated enough to fool anyone.

Five books encompassing five main topics of the Quant Section-number system, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and modern mathematics-are included in the iQuanta CAT preparation books. In total, among these 5 QA books are 2350 questions. There are 50 questions in each topic with 30 being easy to moderate and 20 being moderate to difficult. Indrajeet Sir who is also known as the Wizard of Quants handpicked 100 questions at the Author’s Desk for every topic. Know about the best book for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT at iQuanta given below:

Number System250+100 Author’s Desk Questions 
Arithmetic550+150 Author’s Desk Questions 
Algebra350+150 Author’s Desk Questions 
Geometry350+100 Author’s Desk Questions 
Modern Maths250+150 Author’s Desk Questions 

Check the CAT Previous Year Papers

Why is iQuanta’s CAT Preparation Books Best for CAT 2025?

Here are the reasons why iQuanta CAT preparation books are best for the CAT 2025:

  • Expertly Curated subject book material: To ensure that the relevant and updated material is in the minds of the students, specialists in the subject have carefully curated the books at the CAT level for a more than effective preparation of students.
  • Complete Coverage: The main subjects of iQuanta’s CAT preparation books comprehensively cover all areas of logical thinking, data interpretation, and verbal skills such that the students don’t get left behind over any topic.
  • Questions for the Author Desk: Under iQuanta’s ADQs project, students are being given questions at the CAT level covering each of the subjects. The mastermind, Mr. Indrajeet Singh, more commonly known as the Wizard of Quants, and the erudite faculty members have chosen these questions after due deliberation and developing them in strict conformity to the pattern of the latest CAT exam format. These ADQs have been designed while fully keeping in view the intricacy of the CAT 2023 exam.
  • No More Material Hunt: Other than other general books on Quants, LR, or VA that cover everything, iQuanta gives you a bundle of 12 books that are just perfect for your CAT 2025 exam. Instead, these books are categorised into key subjects essential for appearing in the CAT exam. Coming to Quants, iQuanta gives you a dedicated book for Geometry, Arithmetic, Number Systems, Algebra, and Modern Math.
  • Proven Results: The CAT rank lists prove that students credit iQuanta for its relevance to the topic. So, iQuanta has prepared these study materials for CAT to help you create effective time management plans and use your time well for all sorts of questions.

Listed below are some handpicked books by our experts for CAT 2025. You can refer to these books for the best percentile in CAT 2025. 

Name of the BookPublisher
1. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. AggarwalS.Chand 
2. Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT Common Admission Tests for Admission into IIMs by Sarvesh K. VermaArihant
3. The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by Dinesh KhattarPearson
4. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun SharmaTata McGraw Hill
5. Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Nishit K SinhaPearson
6. Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Dinesh K. SinhaCengage Delmar Learning India Pvt
7. Quantum CAT by Sarvesh VermaArihant
8 Quantitative Aptitude For CAT And Other MBA Entrance ExaminationsTIME
9. Complete the course Pack for CAT [Set of 12 Books] (Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Logical ReasoningErudite

Check the Best CAT Study Material at iQuanta


What are the best books for CAT 2025?

The best books and materials are provided by iQuanta. These books are specially curated and designed to match the difficulty level of the questions on the actual CAT Paper.

How much time is required for CAT Preparation?

It is advisable to start your CAT Preparation as early as possible. However, the candidates can start their preparation at least two to three months before the actual CAT exam.

Which section comes first in the CAT Paper?

The CAT Paper comprises three sections VARC, QA, and DILR. As seen in the past patterns VARC was the section followed by DILR and QA. The candidates are advised to follow this pattern as they won’t be able to switch sections.