BITSAT Chapter Wise Weightage 2025

BITSAT Chapter Wise Weightage 2025
BITSAT Chapter Wise Weightage 2025

The time before the BITSAT is overwhelming for applicants. They cannot afford to lose any time to complete their preparation before the exam. The most important thing is to understand the BITSAT chapter-wise weightage which will help them complete the high-weightage topics in a detailed manner. BITSAT 2025 syllabus is lengthy with many topics to cover and the time is limited. Completing the topics as per the syllabus might be risky as there is not much time left for the exam and the competition is high. Moreover, it is not required to invest equal time in all the topics. Now, at this point you might be struggling to decide which subject and topics to pick first. Let’s dive into the article to find out how to start your preparation. It contains the important topics and chapter-wise weightage for BITSAT 2025.

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BITSAT Chapter-wise Weightage

Some of the important chapters of Physics include Magnetic Effect of Current, Heat and Thermodynamics, Wave, Optics, Fluids, Motion etc. In case of chemistry, some of the important chapters include Chemical Bonding, Carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives, Biomolecules, Mole Concepts, p-block Elements, etc. Candidates can refer to the following table to know the chapter -wise weightage of BITSAT 2025.

BITSAT 2025 Chapter-wise Weightage: Physics 

Magnetic Effect of Current10%
Heat and Thermodynamics10%
Current Electricity6%
Simple Harmonic Motion5%
Rotational Motion5%
Units, Dimensions and Errors4%
Work, Power and Energy3%
Alternating Current3%

BITSAT 2025: Physics Important Topics 

ChapterImportant Topics 
Magnetic Effect of CurrentBiot-Savart’s Law, Lorentz Force, Ampere’s Law , Magnetic Moment and Torque (Current Loop), Galvanometer (Conversion to voltmeter and ammeter)
Heat and ThermodynamicsKinetic Theory of Gases, Carnot Engine (Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance), Newton’s Law of Cooling Work, Heat and First Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature, Specific Heat, Heat Transfer (Conduction, Convection and Radiation, Thermal Conductivity)
WaveProgressive Sinusoidal Waves, Doppler Effect, Superposition of Waves, Beats, Standing Waves in Strings and Pipes
OpticsLaws of Reflection and Refraction, Lenses and Mirrors, Optical Instruments (Telescope and Microscope), Interference – Huygen’s Principle, Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Interference in Thin Films, Diffraction due to a Single Slit, Electromagnetic Waves and their Characteristics, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Polarization, Malus’ Law, Brewster’s Law
FluidsElasticity, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Viscosity and Surface Tension, Pressure, Density and Archimedes’ Principle
MotionNewton’s Laws (Free Body Diagram, Resolution of Forces), Circular Motion – Centripetal Force, Inertial and Non-Inertial Frames, Motion of Blocks with Pulley Systems, Inclined Plane Motion
Current ElectricityJoule Heating, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws, D.C Circuits covering Resistors and Cells (Series and Parallel), Electrical Resistance covering topics like Resistivity – Origin and Temperature Dependence, Potentiometer and Wheatstone Bridge
OscillationsSimple Harmonic Motion
Rotational MotionDescription of Rotation (Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration), Rolling MotionTorque and Conservation of Angular Momentum, Rotational Motion (with Constant Angular Acceleration), Moment of Inertia, Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems, Rotational Kinetic Energy
ElectrostaticsCoulomb’s Law, Electric Dipole, Parallel Plate Capacitor, Electric Field (Discrete and Continuous Charge Distributions), Electrostatic Potential and Electrostatic Potential Energy, Capacitance and Dielectrics, Gauss’ Law and its Applications, Capacitors in Series and Parallel
Units, Dimensions and ErrorsUnits – Different systems of units, SI units, fundamental and derived units, Fundamental measurements in Physics- Vernier calipers, screw gauge, Physical balance etc, Dimensional Analysis, Precision and Significant Figures
GravitationNewton’s Law of Gravitation, Motion of Planets – Kepler’s Laws, Satellite Motion, Gravitational Potential Energy, Escape Velocity 
Work, Power and EnergyKinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem , Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Conservative Forces and Potential Energy, Work Done by Force, Power

BITSAT Chemistry Chapter-wise Weightage

Chemical Bonding10%
Carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives6%
Mole Concepts6%
p-block Elements6%
Atomic Structure6%
Chemical Thermodynamics5%
Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes5%
General Organic Chemistry4%
Solid State4%
s-block Elements4%
Chemical Equilibrium4%
Chemical Kinetics3%
Ionic Equilibrium3%

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BITSAT Chemistry Important Topics 

ChapterKey Topics
Periodicity and BondingBrief History of the Development of Periodic Tables, Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic Table, Types of Elements: s, p, d, and f Blocks, Periodic Trends (Ionization Energy, Atomic and Ionic Radii, Inert Gas Radii, Electron Affinity, Electronegativity, and Valency.
Nomenclature of Elements with Atomic Number Greater Than 100), Valence Electrons (Ionic Bond – Lattice Energy and Born-Haber Cycle), Covalent Character of Ionic Bonds and Polar Character of Covalent Bonds, Bond Parameters, Molecular Structure (Lewis Picture and Resonance Structures; VSEPR Model and Molecular Shapes), Covalent Bond (Valence Bond Theory – Orbital Overlap, Directionality of Bonds, and Hybridization -s, p, and d Orbitals Only), Resonance, Molecular Orbital Theory (Methodology, Orbital Energy Level Diagram, Bond Order, Magnetic Properties for Homonuclear Diatomic Species – Qualitative Idea Only), Dipole Moments, Hydrogen Bond
Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Oxygen and NitrogenGeneral (Nomenclature, Electronic Structure, Important Methods of Preparation, Identification, Important Reactions, Physical and Chemical Properties, and Uses of Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Nitro Compounds, Amines, Diazonium Salts, Cyanides, and Isocyanides), Specific (Reactivity of Alpha-Hydrogen in Carbonyl Compounds; Effect of Substituents on Alpha-Carbon on Acid Strength; Comparative Reactivity of Acid Derivatives; Mechanism of Nucleophilic Addition and Dehydration; Basic Character of Amines; Methods of Preparation and Their Separation; Importance of Diazonium Salts in Synthetic Organic Chemistry)
BiomoleculesStructure and Function of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids
States of MatterChemical reactions (Laws of Chemical Combinations, Dalton’s Atomic Theory; Mole Concept; Atomic, Molecular and Molar Masses; Percentage Composition Empirical & Molecular Formula; Balanced Chemical Equations and Stoichiometry)
p-block ElementsGeneral (Abundance, Distribution, Physical and Chemical Properties, Isolation, and Uses of Elements; Trends in Chemical Reactivity of Elements of a Group; Electronic Configuration, Oxidation States; Anomalous Properties of the First Element of Each Group)Group 13 Elements (Boron; Properties and Uses of Borax, Boric Acid, Boron Hydrides & Halides. Reaction of Aluminum with Acids and Alkalis), Group 14 Elements (Carbon: Carbon Catenation, Physical & Chemical Properties, Uses, Allotropes – Graphite, Diamond, Fullerenes, Oxides, Halides, and Sulphides, Carbides; Silicon: Silica, Silicates, Silicone, Silicon Tetrachloride, Zeolites, and Their Uses), Group 15 Elements (Dinitrogen; Preparation, Reactivity, and Uses of Nitrogen; Industrial and Biological Nitrogen Fixation; Compounds of Nitrogen; Ammonia: Haber’s Process, Properties, and Reactions; Oxides of Nitrogen and Their Structures; Properties and Ostwald’s Process of Nitric Acid Production; Fertilizers – NPK Type; Production of Phosphorus; Allotropes of Phosphorus; Preparation, Structure, and Properties of Hydrides, Oxides, Oxoacids -Elementary Idea Only, and Halides of Phosphorus, Phosphine), Group 16 Elements (Isolation and Chemical Reactivity of Dioxygen; Acidic, Basic, and Amphoteric Oxides; Preparation, Structure, and Properties of Ozone; Allotropes of Sulphur; Preparation/Production, Properties, and Uses of Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphuric Acid; Structure and Properties of Oxides, Oxoacids- Structures Only), Group 17 and Group 18 Elements (Structure and Properties of Hydrides, Oxides, Oxoacids of Halogens; Preparation, Properties & Uses of Chlorine & HCl; Interhalogen Compounds; Bleaching Powder; Uses of Group 18 Elements; Preparation, Structure, and Reactions of Xenon Fluorides, Oxides, and Oxoacids)
Atomic StructureIntroduction (Subatomic Particles; Atomic Number, Isotopes and Isobars, Thompson’s Model and Its Limitations, Rutherford’s Picture of Atom and Its Limitations; Hydrogen Atom Spectrum and Bohr Model and Its Limitations), Quantum Mechanics (Wave-Particle Duality – de Broglie Relation, Uncertainty Principle; Hydrogen Atom: Quantum Numbers and Wave Functions, Atomic Orbitals and Their Shapes (s, p, and d), Spin Quantum Number), Many-Electron Atoms(Pauli Exclusion Principle; Aufbau Principle and the Electronic Configuration of Atoms, Hund’s Rule)
ElectrochemistryRedox Reactions(Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Electron Transfer Concept, Oxidation Number, Balancing of Redox Reactions, Electrochemical Cells and Cell Reactions, Standard Electrode Potentials, EMF of Galvanic Cells, Nernst Equation, Factors Affecting Electrode Potential, Gibbs Energy Change and Cell Potential, Secondary Cells, Dry Cells and Fuel Cells, Corrosion and Its Prevention), Electrolytic Conduction (Electrolytic Conductance, Specific and Molar Conductivities, Variation of Conductivity with Concentration, Kohlrausch’s Law and Its Application, Electrolysis, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, Electrode Potential and Electrolysis)
Chemical ThermodynamicsBasic Concepts (Systems and Surroundings; State Functions; Intensive and Extensive Properties; Zeroth Law and Temperature), First Law of Thermodynamics (Work, Internal Energy, Heat, Enthalpy, Heat Capacities and Specific Heats, Measurements of ∆U and ∆H, Enthalpies of Formation, Phase Transformation, Ionization, Electron Gain; Thermochemistry; Hess’s Law, Enthalpy of Bond Dissociation, Combustion, Atomization, Sublimation, Solution, and Dilution), Second Law (Spontaneous and Reversible Processes; Entropy; Gibbs Free Energy Related to Spontaneity and Non-Spontaneity, Non-Mechanical Work; Standard Free Energies of Formation, Free Energy Change, and Chemical Equilibrium), Third Law (Introduction)
Alkanes, Alkenes and AlkynesAlkanes (Structural Isomerism, General Properties, and Chemical Reactions; Free Radical Halogenation, Combustion, and Pyrolysis), Alkenes and Alkynes (Structure of Double and Triple Bonded Compounds; General Methods of Preparation and Reactions; Physical Properties, Electrophilic and Free Radical Additions; Addition of Hydrogen, Halogen, Water, Hydrogen Halides – Markovnikov’s Addition and Peroxide Effect; Ozonolysis, Oxidation, Mechanism of Electrophilic Addition; Acidic Character of Alkynes and – 1,2 and 1,4, Addition to Dienes)
General Organic ChemistryClassification (General Introduction, Classification Based on Functional Groups, Trivial and IUPAC Nomenclature. Methods of Purification: Qualitative and Quantitative), Electronic Displacement in a Covalent Bond (Inductive, Resonance Effects, and Hyperconjugation; Free Radicals; Carbocations, Carbanions, Nucleophiles, and Electrophiles; Types of Organic Reactions, Free Radical Halogenations)
Solid StateClassification, Space Lattices and Crystal Systems, Unit cell in 2D and 3D Lattices, Calculation of Density of Unit Cell (Cubic and Hexagonal Systems), Close packingCrystal Structures (Simple AB and AB2 Type Ionic Crystals, Covalent Crystals – Diamond and Graphite, Metals, Voids, Number of Atoms per Unit Cell in a Cubic Unit Cell, Imperfections- Point DefectsNon-Stoichiometric CrystalsElectrical, Magnetic, and Dielectric PropertiesAmorphous Solids – Qualitative Description; Band Theory of Metals, Conductors, Semiconductors, and Insulatorsn- and p-Type Semiconductors
s-block ElementsAbundance and Occurrence, Anomalous Properties of the First Elements in Each Group, Diagonal Relationships, Trends in the Variation of Properties – Ionization Energy, Atomic & Ionic Radii
Chemical EquilibriumEquilibrium Constants – KP, KC, Factors Affecting Equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s Principle
Chemical KineticsAspects of Kinetics (Rate and Rate Expression of a Reaction, Rate Constant, Order and Molecularity of the Reaction, Integrated Rate Expressions and Half-life for Zero and First Order Reactions), Factors Affecting the Rate of Reactions (Concentration of the Reactants, Catalyst, Size of Particles, Temperature Dependence of Rate Constant, Concept of Collision Theory – Elementary Idea, No Mathematical Treatment, Activation Energy, Arrhenius Equation), Surface Chemistry (Adsorption: Physisorption and Chemisorption, Factors Affecting Adsorption of Gases on Solids, Catalysis: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous, Activity and Selectivity, Enzyme Catalysis, Colloidal State: Distinction Between True Solutions, Colloids, and Suspensions, Types of Colloids: Lyophilic, Lyophobic, Multimolecular, and Macromolecular Colloids, Properties of Colloids: Tyndall Effect, Brownian Movement, ElectrophoresisCoagulation), Emulsions: Types of Emulsions
Ionic EquilibriumStrong and Weak Electrolytes; Acids and Bases – Arrhenius, Lewis, Lowry, and Bronsted.and Their Dissociation; Degree of Ionization; Ionization of Water; Ionization of Polybasic Acids; pH; Buffer Solutions; Henderson Equation; Acid-Base Titrations; Hydrolysis; Solubility Product of Sparingly Soluble Salts; Common Ion Effect

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BITSAT Chapter-wise Weightage – English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning 

Figure Formation and Analysis40%
Figure Matrix40%
Synonyms and Antonyms30%
Sentence Completion15%
One-Word Substitution15%
Logical Deduction10%
Series Completion10%
Paper Cutting7%
Rule Detection5%

BITSAT 2025 Mathematics Chapter-wise Weightage 

Pair of Straight Lines7%
Straight Lines7%
Differential Calculus6%
Binomial Theorem4%
Differential Equation4%
Set Theory and Relations4%
Complex Numbers4%
Matrices and Determinants3%
Trigonometric Ratios, Functions and Identities3%
Properties of Triangles3%
Application of Derivatives3%

BITSAT Mathematics Important Topics 

ChapterKey Topics 
CirclesEquation of Circle in Standard Form, Parametric Equations of a Circle
Straight LinesStraight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines: Equation of Straight Lines in Various Forms, Angle Between Two Lines, Distance of a Point from a Line, Lines Through the Point of Intersection of Two Given Lines, Equation of the Bisector of the Angle Between Two Lines, Concurrent Lines
Differential CalculusDomain and Range of a Real Valued Function, Limits and Continuity of the Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient of Two Functions, DifferentiabilityDerivative of Different Types of Functions (Polynomial, Rational, Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Exponential, Logarithmic, Implicit Functions), Derivative of the Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient of Two Functions, Chain Rule, Parametric Form, Geometric Interpretation of Derivative, Tangents and Normal, Increasing and Decreasing Functions, Maxima and Minima of a Function, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, and Intermediate Value Theorem
VectorsDirection Ratio/Cosines of Vectors, Addition of Vectors, Scalar Multiplication, Position, Vector of a Point Dividing a Line Segment in a Given Ratio, Dot and Cross Products of Two Vectors, Projection of a Vector on a Line, Scalar Triple Products and Their Geometrical Interpretations
Binomial TheoremBinomial Theorem for a Positive Integral Index, Properties of, Binomial Coefficients, Pascal’s Triangle
Differential EquationOrder and Degree of a Differential Equation, Formulation of a Differential Equation Whole General Solution is Given, Variables Separable Method, Solution of Homogeneous, Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree, Linear First Order Differential Equations
Set Theory and RelationsSets, Relations and Functions, Algebra of Sets Applications, Equivalence Relations, Mappings, One to One, Into and Onto Mappings, Composition of Mappings, Binary Operation, Inverse of Function, Functions of Real Variables like Polynomial, Modulus, Signum, and Greatest Integer
Complex NumbersComplex Numbers, Addition, Multiplication, Conjugation, Polar Representation, Properties of Modulus and Principal Argument, Triangle Inequality, Roots of Complex Numbers, Geometric Interpretations; Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
Matrices and DeterminantsMatrices and Determinants of Order Two or Three, Properties and Evaluation of Determinants, Addition and Multiplication of Matrices, Adjoint and Inverse of Matrices, Solutions of Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two or Three Variables, Elementary Row and Column Operations of Matrices, Types of Matrices, Applications of Determinants in Finding the Area of Triangles
ProbabilityVarious Terminology in Probability, Axiomatic and Other Approaches of Probability, Addition and Multiplication Rules of Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability and Bayes’ Theorem, Independent Events, Discrete Random Variables and Distributions with Mean and Variance
Trigonometric Ratios, Functions and IdentitiesMeasurement of Angles in Radians and Degrees, Positive and Negative Angles, Trigonometric Ratios, Functions with Their Graphs and IdentitiesSolution of Trigonometric Equations, Inverse Trigonometric Functions

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What is the cut off for BITSAT 2025?

The expected BITSAT 2025 cutoff scores are: 175–357 for the BITS Pilani campus, 241–331 for the K.K. Birla Goa campus, and 161–318 for the Hyderabad campus.

Which book is best for BITSAT 2025?

NCERT textbooks for Class 11 and 12 are the most recommended resources for BITSAT 2025 preparation. For English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning, candidates can use Wren and Martin and BITSAT English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning by Disha Experts.

When should I apply for BITSAT 2025?

The BITSAT 2025 registration will begin in January 2025. Candidates must visit the official BITS website to complete the application process and proceed with slot booking.

Which class has more weightage in BITSAT?

Based on the previous year analysis, BITSAT 2025 will have more weightage on the topics included in Class 12. However, the weightage might differ in the ratio of 60:40, 50:50 or 40:60 for Class 11 and Class 12 topics.

What is a safe score for BITSAT 2025?

The highest cutoff for BITSAT 2024 was 327. For 2025, candidates should aim for a score above 350 to secure admission to their desired campus and course. Based on past score trends, achieving 340–350 marks can increase the chances of getting a seat in the preferred BITS campus, whether Pilani, Hyderabad, or K.K. Birla Goa.