Calculators Allowed in XAT 2025 – Is Difficulty Level Going Up?

Calculators Allowed in XAT 2025
Calculators Allowed in XAT 2025

A scientific calculator is allowed in XAT 2025. In a recent press release by XLRI Jamshedpur on November 28, 2024, it was informed that student can now use scientific calculators for XAT 2025. Students are now curious about this move of allowing calculators in XAT 2025. Many are raising questions as to whether the difficulty level of the paper is expected to go up or not. This is for the first time that XAT has introduced an on-screen calculator and that too it being a scientific calculator. Read this article carefully to understand what the merits and demerits of using a scientific calculator in XAT 2025 are.

Merits of using a scientific calculator in XAT 2025

  1. Easier Calculation: With XLRI allows scientific calculator; students can now calculate complex numerical values easily. A scientific calculator can find the values of complex roots, logs, etc. in a few seconds making the exam a bit easy for students.
  2. Improves Accuracy in XAT: By the very nature of XAT, the DI section used to have very tedious and multi-step calculations. This will now be much easier with a calculator. It is bound to improve accuracy for the students.
  3. Time Saving: Mental math is not everyone’s cup of tea. Hence having a calculator now will save a lot of time for students who are coming from non-mathematical backgrounds. This move will ensure a level-playing field for candidates from varied academic backgrounds.

Calculators Allowed in XAT 2025 – What might go wrong with this move?

  1. Rise in difficulty level of XAT 2025: With introduction of calculators, the questions may not be straightforward anymore. There could be more complex questions focusing more on the logical thinking rather than just calculations.
  2. Losing the unfair advantage of mental math: A lot of candidates who were good at mental calculations will now not be that advantageous. Hence, scoring will be more competitive and XAT score vs percentile might go up.
  3. Might lose time: Contrary to the common notion that calculators are to save our time, it can actually waste time. Double checking every small calculation via calculator often leads to time wastage and results in overall poor scores.

What to do now for XAT 2025?

As the convenor of XAT 2025 have mentioned that XAT is not a tough paper. It is a smart paper for smart applicants. That being said, try to focus on foundation, build that strong. Practice a lot, especially from the past year XAT papers. Do not worry at this stage. Have confidence in yourself. Prepare and revise for the remaining one month before the exam. Take mocks, improve on your weaknesses and you should be good to go. These small changes like XLRI Allows Scientific Calculator should not bother you if you have prepared well enough.