Can You Crack CAT 2025 With a Full-Time Job?


CAT is one of the most prestigious exams for aspiring MBA candidates in India. With a reputation for being challenging, cracking CAT requires disciplined preparation, strategic planning, and consistent practice. Thus, preparing for CAT is not an easy job. With the exam being your ticket to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management, the stakes are extremely high. For working professionals, with the demands of a full-time job, the challenge may seem even more overwhelming. However, each year, many candidates have cracked the CAT along with their full-time jobs. This article will therefore explore and try to find an answer to Can You Crack CAT 2025 With a Full-Time Job or not. It will also include the challenges involved in it, the alternatives, and simple steps to help you succeed.

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Understanding the Challenge of CAT Preparation Along With A Job

Before diving directly into the strategies, let us all try to understand the challenges which are somewhat unique to working professionals who are preparing for CAT while juggling their jobs. This is the first step towards finding the answer to “Can You Crack CAT 2025 With a Full-Time Job”. Below is the list of such challenges:

Time Constraints

Balancing an 8 to 9 hour workday along with CAT preparation is in itself a significant challenge. Unlike students or someone with a gap year, working professionals have very limited hours in a day to dedicate to studying. Besides, a few jobs may be extra demanding where one needs to stretch around 12 hours a day, making preparation further difficult.

Mental Fatigue

After a long day at work, finding any sort of energy and motivation to study can be tough and mostly results in ignorance. This mental exhaustion often tends to hamper productivity and concentration among working professionals.

Unpredictable Work Schedules

Tight deadlines, last-minute meetings and extended working hours can severely disrupt even the most well-planned study schedule, causing a break in the preparation.

Skill Retention

For those who have been out of touch with academics, revisiting concepts like mathematics or logical reasoning can be very overwhelming initially. This is a significant challenge for people with higher work experience due to the break in their academics.

However, we need to consider the fact that despite these challenges, many working professionals crack CAT each year with soaring percentiles. What sets them apart from the rest of the crowd is their ability to turn these challenges into opportunities. Additionally, their discipline and the motivation to stick to the routine lead them to success.

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Creating a CAT Study Plan That Works

You do need to have a well-structured and focused study plan for CAT preparation, especially when you have limited time. This will help you in finding the answer to “Can You Crack CAT 2025 With a Full-Time Job”. While it is true that the schedule may differ for person to person but below is the list of strategies that you can incorporate while tweaking your own schedule.

Assess Your Current Level Before CAT Preparation

If you are not really sure how to go about the preparation, start by taking a mock CAT exam to understand where you stand. More than a mock score, it will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in each section, i.e., Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). You can then dedicate time according to your weaknesses, giving them more time to prepare. Similarly, if you are inherently good in any of the sections, you can start covering higher level questions to maximize your scores in the actual exam.

Set Realistic Goals

Avoid setting unrealistic goals like studying for 6-8 hours daily, which is practically not possible if you are already slogging for about 10 hours a day at work. Instead, to start with at least aim for 2-3 focused hours of study each day. You can slowly increase based on your workload and comfort. Additionally, you can always supplement your preparation by the additional time you get on weekends.

Leverage Early Mornings

It is believed that mornings are often the most productive time of the day. You can easily use this time to tackle difficult topics or practice mock tests or even sectional tests. However, if you are a night person and feels that you are more productive late at night, dedicate an hour or two at night to brush up certain topics.

Prioritize Weekend Study for CAT Preparation

Weekends are literally the best friends of working professionals. Try to dedicate at least 6-8 hours over the weekend. It is the best time to appear for mock tests, do an intense study like covering 2 – 3 topics, revising old topics or just giving sectional mocks to gauge your preparation till now. While it is necessary to take breaks occasionally but do not let the weekend slip away easily.

Break It Down

CAT is quite challenging when it comes to completion of syllabus, revising topics and taking adequate practice sessions and mock tests. You can surely make your own chunks depending on your own set of weaknesses but below is an example of how you can do so:

  • VARC: If you do not have a habit of reading, dedicate at least 30 minutes of reading daily. It can include newspapers, editorials, articles etc. Additionally, practise 1 reading passage minimum along with solving a handful of verbal ability questions.
  • DILR: While you should surely focus on solving at least 2 sets every day, your focus should be on solving a good mix of LR and DI sets to have a good grasp on both of them.
  • QA: You should start by covering arithmetic first. You can keep about 3 days for topics like ratios, percentages, interests, etc. Additionally, aim at solving at least 15 to 20 questions daily, irrespective of the topic to maintain the continuity as well as to practise the newly learned topics.

Balancing Work and Study for CAT 2025

Balancing work and CAT preparation is as much about your own mindset as it is about the time management. This will help you in finding the answer to “Can You Crack CAT 2025 With a Full-Time Job”. Though there is not hard and fast rule to achieve that but below is the list of a few tips which have generally worked for the aspirants:

  1. Communicate with Your Employer: If possible, inform your manager or team lead about your CAT preparation. It can help you prepare better by having some extra time or may grant leaves here and there. If that is not possible, try to inform your colleague, they may help you in sharing workload at times which can provide you some extra time for a mock or a quick revision.
  2. Make the Most of Commute Time: If your commute to work means significant time spent in a public transport or a cab, you can use that time effectively. You can easily listen to audio lessons, read articles to improve VARC skills, or solve some sort of basic puzzles to boost your logical reasoning skills.
  3. Cut Down on Distractions: Identify and eliminate any such activities that consume unnecessary time of yours. These are not limited to but include excessive social media usage or watching TV shows. It is better to replace these with productive study sessions and solving some practise questions.
  4. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key for any aspirant to success. Even if you can dedicate only an hour daily for some time due to your workload, make sure it is a focused and distraction-free hour, so that it adds value to your preparation. Do not let go or take huge break amidst your preparation as coming back to routine can be very difficult later.

Leveraging Resources

As a working professional, using the right resources can save your precious time and also boost efficiency. Here is the list of items what you should ideally consider for your preparation:

  1. Online Coaching: Platforms like iQuanta offer flexible online courses which are tailored for working professionals. These allow you to study at your own pace and also help you utilise the early mornings or late nights. Furthermore, iQuanta also provides you an online community which is filled with aspirants, where you can get your doubts solved as well as to keep yourself motivated.

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  1. Apps and Tools: Use mobile apps for quick practice on the go. You can practise certain puzzles maybe whenever you can. You can also browse sites like GMAT club to practise RCs, leading to improvements in VARC.
  2. Mock Tests: Take as many mock tests as possible. Spend good time to analyse your performance to identify weak areas and work on them. Ideally, a candidate should at least try to take 40 mocks before the actual CAT exam.
  3. Books and Study Material: If you are someone who likes to prepare from physical copies of books, invest in reliable CAT preparation books. A few of the commonly used books are Arun Sharma’s guides or Nishit Sinha’s QA and DILR books.