How To Prepare For CAT Exam In 2 Months
In this blog, we will help you build CAT 2 months strategy, as you finally decided to give CAT this year only? Tensed of the less time left? That’s perhaps the most valid self-doubt new-in-the-line CAT aspirant would be having these days.
But the big achievement here is that you have made up your mind and in a perfect go ahead to head start this amazing journey of reaching a desired career, you always have dreamt of. Conclusion of your thought process is a mandatory task, and since leaving all the chaos aside, if you have decided then do not keep the option of looking back valid with you. Go ahead!

All About CAT Exam
CAT, Common Admission Test, is a computer-based test conducted every year for getting into Business Management schools in India. The Exam consists of 3 sections, namely, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantative Ability (QA); and they appear in the same order as mentioned herein, with a total duration of 2 hours, which makes you to attempt each section within a set time limit of 40 minutes.
Since there is a bit less time left, you need to understand a few fundamentals that will help you clear your thoughts and thus bring in streamlined clarity.
CAT is not a knowledge-based exam, this is an aptitude exam which tests a candidates presence of mind, problem solving capabilities and the stamina to keep calm and show on the buckets of practice you put in while preparing. So, it is okay if the time is less.
Before we start, do some pre-requisites as a part to devote the time on essential areas, while making it casual and fun at the same time. For this, join iQuanta Facebook Group, it provides with good questions that you can solve on-the-go. This will be a random thing yet will ensure competitive fun in the preparation.
CAT 2 Months Weekly Planner
It’s 8 weeks for the CAT now, So let us help you to make a detailed A-Z plan to sort all your confusion out and to keep your aspirations on the right track.
Week I :
- Syllabus: Understand the CAT syllabus, and gain confidence on the structure of the Actual Exam.
- Reality Check: Give an initial CAT mock, to reflect on your familairity of the topics that are any which ways forms a crucial chunk of CAT.
- Resources: Arrange Material/Books for all the 3 sections. For those enrolled in the iQuanta CAT Crash Course, the classes are now started and will cover rigorous practice throughout the day along with mega marathons and shortcuts.
- Prioritise : Sort your priorities, and make a realistic CAT Exam study plan. Focus on the high weightage important topics first. For this purpose, the classes in the iQuanta Crash Course will focus first upon the important topics such as Geometry, Arithmetic & Algebra involving dedicated 3 hour marathon sessions for each of the topics.
Week II :
- Concepts Clarity: Work on clearing the basics, since it is not an exam which will be cleared basis the amount of mug-up one can do. Try spending the 2nd week to understand the logic behind the Quants formulae, basic mental calculations, et cetera.
- Inculcating Habits: Get yourself accustomed to reading on a daily basis. Since the VARC section is more on to see the comprehension skills of a candidate in less time, one needs to develop to read fast while understanding the text and the purpose the author is trying to communicate and conclude. Instead of going for full-fledged novels, which will make your mind get accustomed to 300 pages of a single writer, try giving your mind variations, in style, tone, the way different people think and present their ideas. Hence, the advice would be to go for quality articles on all topics. The sources could be The Hindu, The Economic Times.
- Balance Strategy: Make a mix of all 3 sections in your daily practice. Do not go ahead with the startegy of taking 1 section for a long length of weeks and leaving the rest on luck! Keep taking iCAT mocks and analysing them.
- Working on Weak Areas : Simultaneously, keep working on your weaker areas. Many aspirants go on practising questions randomly without checking the level of the question or whether it follows the updated exam pattern. The IIM ABC Batch is a remedy by iQuanta which provides 7500+ CAT level questions at one place. This will ensure effective practice and strengthening of your weaker sections.
Week III to Week VI :
- Time Management: CAT is a Time Management exam, had one be having 6 hours of time to attempt, all would be cracking the CAT, but that is not the case, as you know by now, hence Time Management is the key to opt for. Try solving questions/sets in a time limit.
- Mocks: Coming to the Mock Test part. Do not leave them for end. By Week 3, you have gained a fair amount of clarity, start giving mocks. You can take the iCAT mocks for the same that would involve an in depth analysis on how to improve and work on your weaker areas. Try attempting 2 Full-length mocks per week. Also, for the topics you complete each week, try giving 2-3 sectional mocks for gaining confidence, speed and accuracy.
- Mock Analysis: Post giving mock, this is needless to say, analysis is the way to materialize the time spent on mock into desired output. Those who have taken the iCAT
- Training yourself: In October Last week, the CAT admit card will be available, and you will get to know your slot time, thereon practice the Full-Length mock on the same time to get your mind accustomed.
Week VII :
- Past Papers: Practice past year CAT exam papers. 3-4 CAT previous year papers would suffice.
Week VIII :
- The Final Mock: One Final Mock and Mock Analysis.
- The Saviour Strategy: Revise. Revise.
- Take a good break of 2-3 days before CAT. That will ensure a good Relief, and a Rewarding Return.
Below is the list of the important topics from the past years that have been the favourite of the conducting bodies to assess their future candidates.
CAT 2 Month Crash Course Schedule
The prime focus of iQuanta’s CAT Crash Course Schedule would be on covering the important high weightage topics first. For example, Geometry, Algebra & Arithmetic will be covered first. Mega marathons for all these topics along with rigorous practice and shortcut methods are also provided.

Do not fret over doing well everywhere, but try using the most of the time in hand and ensuring you are giving in what all you can! Be the best version of your sincere self and the returns would be life-long showering over you.
Don’t think about the final exam, think only about how to outperform your previous score in the next mock. Take it one step at a time, the journey will sort itself out and will be a fruitful one.
The less time before D-day environment could be sometimes a bit carrying negativity, Consider criticism from people you would usually take advise from, based on their credibility in that particular domain. And comparison one needs to avoid, do not go with the flow of a fellow peer that has attempted 100 mocks while there are only 15 completed at your end. That’s fine!
The hand holding is the thing one needs at this point of time, for which iQuanta has launched CAT Crash Course that will make you do and achieve the thing for which you have started reading the article for, Yes! Cracking CAT in 2 Months.
For a structured CAT preparation in 2 months along with rigorous practice, you can check out iQuanta’s CAT Crash Course.

To join India’s largest CAT preparation community and for free 24*7 doubt clarification, join the group linked below.