CAT 2023 Strategy & CAT Preparation
CAT Exam | Pattern | Important dates | Eligibility
The CAT 2023 exam is conducted by the reputed IIMs every year on a rotational basis to get into the top business schools of India for various courses. The most popular of such courses is the coveted MBA program. The CAT 2023 exam is the most popular entrance exam, a gateway to 20 IIMs and over 1200 B-schools in India. A proper CAT 2023 strategy requires a candidate’s general aptitude, analytical abilities, and problem-solving skills which are essential for a manager. This is why having a CAT preparation strategy is important. Patience is crucial for the preparation of any competitive exam.
CAT 2023 Exam Pattern
In order to build a fool proof CAT 2023 strategy, you need to be well acquainted with the CAT 2023 exam pattern. The CAT Exam is divided into 3 sections, spanning 40 minutes each, making it a 2-hour exam.
As per previous years, the paper pattern has been:
The tricky part of the above pattern is that CAT does not allow you to switch between sections, i.e. you have to complete the section within 40 minutes to move on to the next one as per the above order.
Check out this CAT Online Coaching by iQuanta
CAT 2023 Important Dates
Following are the tentative CAT 2023 important dates.
Also Read : CAT Free Study Material
CAT 2023 Eligibility
- Candidates must have completed graduation in any stream with minimum 50% in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/PwD candidates) or equivalent from a recognised university.
- Final year bachelor’s degree candidates or those awaiting their result are also eligible to appear CAT exam.
- Candidates will professional qualifications such as CA/CS/ICWA can also appear in the CAT.

CAT 2023 Syllabus | Subjects | Weightage
CAT exam is conducted for admission into IIMs, SPJIMR, FMS, MDI, IMT and over 1,200 B-Schools in India. Aspirants generally aim to get into Top 50 B-Schools of India. Covering the entire syllabus is an essential part of your CAT 2023 strategy.
1. CAT 2023 Syllabus : Quantitative Aptitude
Topics Duration of the Topic Sub-Topics Application Sessions Conceptual Sessions Total Videos Total Practice Questions
Numbers 3 weeks
6 4 99 290
Arithmetic 4 weeks
9 6 176 585
Time, Speed & Distance 2 weeks
5 5 53 215
Modern Maths 3 weeks
6 4 102 250
Algebra 4 weeks
8 6 155 365
Progressions & Series 1 week
2 1 36 80
Geometry 3 weeks
5 5 106 230
Total 20 weeks 40 31 727 2015
So a student following iQuanta CAT Course Structure | For any topic should take 1 Application Class, 1 Conceptual Class, take an assignment available on Dashboard, attend 1 Practice session and then can do self study from IIM ABC Practice Batch. Then move to next topic classes in the same manner.
Topic Wise CAT Quants Weightage
- Arithmetic: 8-9 Questions
- Algebra: 5-6 Questions
- Geometry: 5-6 Questions
Other important topics:
- Numbers: 1-3 question but this topic is going to be your base for all other topics, some concept that you’ll learn in this topic will help you not only in Quant but some DI sets as well.
- Series, logs ,P and C: 3-4 Question
- Miscellaneous: 1-2 Questions
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2. CAT 2023 Syllabus : Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation
Topics Duration of the Topic Application Sessions Live Sessions Total Videos in Application Sessions Total Practice Sets With Video Solutions
Data Interpretation
4 weeks 8 4 40 152
Cubes 1 week 2 1 10 28
Linear Arrangements 1 week 3 1 15 33
Circular Arrangements 1 week 2 1 10 28
Venn Diagrams 2 weeks 4 2 20 48
Distribution 1 week 2 1 10 28
Selection 1 week 2 1 10 28
Binary Logics 1 week 2 1 10 28
Games & Tournaments 2 weeks 4 2 20 48
Network Flow Diagrams 1 week 1 1 5 23
Quant Based DI 1 week 1 2 5 26
Total 16 weeks 29 16 155 470
So a student following iQuanta CAT Course Structure | For any topic should take 1, Application Class, 1 Conceptual Class, take an assignment available on Dashboard, participate in Daily LRDI initiative and then can do self study from IIM ABC Practice Batch. Then move to next topic classes in the same manner.
Topic Wise CAT LR & DI Weightage
3. CAT 2023 Syllabus : Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Topics Duration of the Topic Application Sessions Live Sessions Total Videos Total Practice Questions
1.5 week 3 1 36 116
Reading Comprehension
10 weeks 20 10 90 214
Para Summary 1 week 2 1 24 81
Para Completion 0.5 week 1 1 12 46
Odd One Out 1 week 2 1 24 81
Para Jumbles 1 week 2 1 24 183
Critical Reasoning & FIJ 1.5 weeks 3 1 36 103
Total 16.5 weeks 33 16 246 824
So a student following iQuanta CAT Course Structure | For any topic should take 1, Application Class, 1 Conceptual Class, take an assignment available on Dashboard, Participate in Daily Reading & RC initiative and then can do self study from IIM ABC Practice Batch. Then move to next topic classes in the same manner.
Topic Wise CAT VARC Weightage
- RCs: 16 questions (4 sets)
- Parasummary: 3 questions
- Parajumbles: 3 questions
- Odd One Out: 2 questions
The following topics cover the CAT 2023 syllabus, which should make for a wholesome CAT 2023 strategy.

Past Year CAT Papers : Topic wise & Year wise
CAT Preparation for 2023
To build a CAT 2023 strategy, understanding the CAT exam syllabus is crucial before you directly jump into your CAT 2023 preparation. After that, analyse the paper pattern by referring to the CAT Past year papers. This analysis will help you identify your weak and strong areas. Using this information, you will understand which area will require more effort from your side.
If you are wondering why you may not be able to solve all the questions, keep in mind that you can master any topic in the CAT syllabus with sufficient practice. For example, quantitative ability is an area found to be most difficult by aspirants from non-engineering backgrounds. Just focus on clearing your basics, then subsequently move on to the trickier concepts; with sufficient practice and a proper CAT 2023 strategy, you can easily score 99+ percentile.
It might take you a lot of time to solve the questions at first but always remember that first you need to work on your accuracy, and with adequate practice, you’ll automatically start taking less time to crack the solution. Solve previous year’s CAT exam papers to get an idea of what kind of questions you’ll be facing.
Once you are confident enough to solve all types of questions from a topic, start appearing for mocks and analyse them. Mocks are very important as taking them will get you into a habit of sitting for a 2 to 3-hour exam. They are also very important to figure out your weaknesses, and once you spot them, you should give them more attention.
Also Read : CAT Mock Strategy & Analysis
Section Wise CAT 2023 Preparation
1. Quantitative Ability (QA)
Get a basic understanding of all topics and solve the question bank provided by iQuanta. Don’t leave any topic as you can get an easy question out of anyone. If you are not comfortable with some topic, just read its basics to solve conceptual problems. It is the most diverse area in the paper, and there are a lot of concepts involved. Hence one must be thorough with almost 95% of them. If the basics are strong, getting 99%ile + is easier for aspirants with a proper CAT preparation strategy.
The major focus should be on arithmetic as it consists of many questions then followed by algebra, geometry, number system and modern maths. Work on calculations so that you can solve basic calculations within seconds. So learn tables and squares of numbers, and you will see that this will definitely increase the speed of solving.
Solve as many questions from every topic, and try to be familiar with all the types of questions by practising lots of varieties.
CAT 2023 Quant Strategy For Working & Non- Working Aspirants
1.5 hours/day on weekdays and 5 hours/day on weekends or holidays should be the CAT 2023 strategy for the Quants section for working aspirants. From any standard material, you have in hand, along with iQuanta Sessions.
If you are a non- working aspirant, 3-4 hours per day is the optimium time you should alot to the Quant section.
Keep solving and practising questions on CAT Preparation-iQuanta Group daily and whenever you see the questions, because solving randomly prepares you better than solving them chapter-wise for a competitive exam. (Most Important)
2. Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Subscribe to a daily newspaper and/or a weekly news magazine: 70% of the Verbal Ability section in a typical CAT exam paper comprises Reading Comprehension passages. This section requires a regular reading habit from the candidates. Reading different genres will help you get familiar with various topics that could be brought up for RCs. You’ll see that the RCs on familiar topics seem to be easier than the unknown ones.
After this, you can now start focusing on your speed. Various online sites can determine your reading speed. Start by solving 1–2 RCs a day and then gradually increase them once you start gaining confidence. Try to analyse the tone and the passages. It will eventually come with time.
Indeed, even if you solve only RC with an accuracy of 70% (very achievable), you will comfortably clear your VA cut-offs without even having to touch the dreaded grammar section. This is why RCs should be a major part of your CAT 2023 strategy.
Practice as many previous year papers for the verbal section as you can. It mainly consists of topics like Para-jumbles, Para-summaries, Odd One Out, etc. After you’ve gained at least 80-90% accuracy with the questions and RCs, start appearing for mocks and analyse them so that you can figure out and work out your weaknesses.
CAT 2023 VARC Strategy For Working & Non- Working Aspirants
If you are a working aspirant, your CAT 2023 strategy would be to keep a daily practice of reading for at least 30 mins. Basically read some editorials, and also try to summarize from what you read. Try to do this from your office. Practice RCs 1 hour/day on weekdays and 2.5 hours/day on weekends or holidays.Â
For non-working aspirants, keep a daily practice of reading for at least 30 mins. Practice RCs for 2 hours on a daily basis.
For the VA section, one should keep 2 days for one topic, 45 mins/day on weekdays and 2 hours/day on weekends or holidays.
3. Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation (LRDI)
LRDI is the most unpredictable section in the CAT exam. The best CAT 2023 LRDI strategy would be to solve as many questions as possible from the question bank.You can start slow and eventually solve at least 4 sets daily comprising of different varieties and be consistent with it.
Make yourself comfortable with diagrams like in seating arrangement, network flow diagram, 4 Set Venn diagram, et cetera. You also need to know every type of graph in the DI section, like the Stacked graphs, Line chart graphs, Layered pie charts, et cetera.
Do not write excessive information and avoid reading the information again and again while solving as it will lead to confusion and silly mistakes. The focus should be on solving the question. This is why it’s very important to build some logic through regular solving puzzle-based questions.
Solve the maximum number of sets as you can in both data interpretation and logical reasoning. You should be familiar with all the types of sets for an effective strategy for the CAT exam.
CAT 2023 LRDI Strategy For Working & Non- Working Aspirants
This area generally needs lots of practice to get hands onto a variety of sums. If you are a working aspirant, keep practicing one day LR and another day DI for 45 mins/Day on weekdays and 2 hours/Day on weekends or holidays.
For the non working aspirants, practicing the LRDI sets for 2 hours a day would be sufficient
Also Read : CAT Mock Strategy & Analysis

Where To Prepare From For CAT 2023 : India’s best CAT Coaching
What Makes iQuanta the Best CAT Preparation Platform?
1. 24×7 Doubt Solving in iQuanta CAT CourseÂ
As an aspirant, anyone would want their doubts to be cleared immediately as they arise at any time of the day. This is the ideal situation. Immediate doubt clarification could be a great addition to your exams preparation. This is why we at iQuanta provide free doubts solving mechanisms on our CAT preparation Fb group. Therein, you are able to ask your doubts whenever they arise, i.e, 24×7 doubt solving. All you need to do is post your doubts in the group and it will be resolved within 10 minutes of posting. To know the steps to 24×7 doubt clarification in detail, click here.
2. Peer-to-Peer Learning in CAT students Community
A community is very important as having a dedicated community at one place will provide you with the necessary support for your preparation. In our secret Facebook group and in our public Facebook group, every student studies in a group wherein they learn from each other by asking and solving doubts, sharing strategies and uplifting each other by providing motivation. A functioning ecosystem is built that is engaging as well as informative. Click here to know more about iQuanta’s peer-to-peer learning and how they managed to create an engaging community.
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Listening passively has certain disadvantages because one is not actively involved in the learning process. And as we have limited attention spans, any student will not be able to listen attentively for an extended period of time. Hence, short attention spans can be increased through iQuanta’s dual pedagogy wherein the focus is not only on teaching theoretical concepts but also application-based learning. How iQuanta conducts it’s interactive classes? Click here to find out.
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iQuanta’s quality preparation materials are reflected in their result with more than 60 students getting 99+%ile. It is important to note that this result came from a single place. At iQuanta, our aim is to provide you with value to enable you to get into your dream bschool.
Check out how Avinash Singh, a boy who belonged to a village with no schools got 99.5%ile in CAT. To watch more such videos click here. iQuanta is deeply happy for its students. After burning the midnight oil and after a year of hard work, lots of rigorous sessions, unlimited doubts solving, 400+ iQuanta students got 95%ile+ and 225 got 97+%ile.Â
Click here to check iQuanta’s detailed past CAT results.
We do not just cater to the bright ones. iQuanta also has a history of getting students from a lower to a higher percentile.
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