CAT Exam 2024: Registration, Preparation, Syllabus, Eligibility

MBA Entrance Exam

The CAT exam 2024 registration window is going to be closed soon. Candidates can register by visiting the official website i.e. The application window will be open till Sep 13, 2024, up to 5:00 P.M. The CAT application fee for this year is INR 2500 for the general category and INR 1250 for reserved categories.
In 2023, more than 3.3 lakh aspirants took the CAT Exam, which is expected to increase this year. The exam is scheduled for November 2024 and the CAT admit card will be released by November 5, 2024. To know all the major details for the CAT exam, continue reading further.

MBA Entrance exams

CAT Exam 2024: Major Highlights

It is very important to understand all the important details for the CAT exam like duration, eligibility, syllabus, etc before appearing for the same. To know the major highlights of CAT exam 2024, check the table below:

ParticularsDetails of CAT Exam 2024
Name of the ExamCommon Admission Test (CAT)
Conducting BodyIIM CAT (
Duration of CAT Exam2 hours
CAT Application FeeINR 2400 (For General, OBC Category)
INR 1200 (For Reserved Categories)
CAT Exam Date 202424th November 2024
Mode of ExamOnline (CBT)
Language of ExamEnglish
EligibilityBachelor’s Degree with 50% aggregate for General Category (45% aggregate or equivalent for reserved categories).
Type of QuestionsMCQ and TITA (Type In The Answers)
Subjects and WeightageVerbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC): 37%
Quantitative Aptitude: 33%
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: 30%

Important Dates for CAT Exam 2024

Usually, CAT Releases its notification at the end of July month. IIMs conduct the registration process from the 1st week of August to the 3rd week of September. In the following table, we have mentioned important dates one should keep in mind.

CAT Exam EventsDates
Release of Online Notification30th July 2024
Commencement of Online ApplicationAugust 1, 2024 (10:00 A.M.)
Registration ClosesSeptember 13, 2024 (5:00 P.M.)
Admit Card DownloadNovember 5, 2024 Onwards
CAT Exam DateNovember 24, 2024
Result Declaration2nd week of January 2025 (Tentative)
All about CAT Exam by IIM Calcutta Alumnus Kaushal Jha

CAT: Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for the CAT exam 2024, the Candidate needs to have a Bachelor’s Degree from any Indian university or any institution recognized by the Government of India. The aspiring candidate must have scored at least 50% marks or an equivalent CGPA in their graduation. Check more details below:

  • For the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), and Persons with Disability (PwD) categories, a minimum of 45% marks or equivalent CGPA is required.
  • Candidates appearing for the final year of graduation or who have completed the degree and are waiting for the university to declare the results can also appear for the CAT.
  • The students must note that if such candidates are selected, the respective IIM will allow them to join the program provisionally only if they submit a certificate from the university (issued on or before the date stipulated by the respective IIM)
  • The certificate must state that they have completed all the requirements for obtaining the Bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification on the date of issuing the certificate.
  • Applicants need to note that meeting the minimum eligibility criteria alone does not guarantee admission to the IIMs or other participating institutes.
  • Applicants must also meet the selection criteria set by the institutes, which may include factors such as academic performance in secondary and senior secondary school, and work experience if any.

Category-wise Reservation in CAT Exam 2024

As per the government’s directions, there are certain percentages of seats reserved in the CAT exam for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and PwD categories. Check the category-wise reservation percentage in CAT Exam 2024 below:

Scheduled Cast (SC)15%
Scheduled Tribe (ST)7.5%
Other Backward Classes (OBCs- NCL)27%
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)Up to 10%
Person with Disabilities (PwD)5%

CAT Exam Pattern 2024

The CAT Exam Pattern is revised annually by the organisation in charge of administering the exam. CAT is an Aptitude-Based Exam. As per the previous trends, the exam consists of 66 Questions. The exam contains 3 Sections, VARC (Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension), LRDI(Logical Reasoning And Data Interpretation), And QA(Quantitative Aptitude).

Mode of ExamComputer Based Test
Duration of Exam120 Minutes
CAT Exam SlotsThe Exam is conducted in 3 Slots:
Slot 1 – 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Slot 2 – 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Slot 3 – 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Number of Questions66
CAT Total Marks198
Language of question paperEnglish
Number of answer choices4
Question TypeMCQs And TITA Questions
Mark awarded for Each Correct Answer+3 Marks
Mark Deducted for Every Wrong Answer-1 Marks
  • CAT VARC Section Pattern: The VARC Section in the CAT consists of 24 questions, out of which 16 questions are based on Reading Comprehension from diverse genres and 8 questions are based on Verbal Ability. 4 out of 24 questions are TITA-Type Questions(There is no negative marking for TITA Questions).
  • CAT LRDI Section Pattern: The LRDI Section in the CAT consists of 20 questions, the exam gives these questions in the form of sets. In CAT’23 there were 4 Sets containing 5 Questions each. One can expect 4 TITA questions distributed among the four sets.
  • CAT QA Section Pattern: The Quantitative Aptitude Section in the CAT consists of 22 Questions, based on mixed concepts of basic mathematics.

CAT Exam Syllabus

CAT is one of the most competitive exams in India. The purpose of this exam is to test the candidates in three different sections namely VARC (Verbal Ability Reading Comprehension), LRDI (Logical Reasoning And Data Interpretation), and QA (Quantitative Aptitude). Being an aptitude-based exam, the CAT Exam syllabus doesn’t have a fixed pattern. However, the experts in the subject have understood the paper pattern to provide an overview for understanding the CAT syllabus.

The VARC Section is the first section of the exam, and it mainly tests the Candidate’s Ability to comprehend complex texts. The second section in the CAT Exam is the DILR Section, which tests a candidate’s ability to analyze data to make logical linkages. The third and last Section of the CAT Exam is Quantitative Aptitude, the section demands a strong hold on fundamental mathematical skills. Check more details regarding the CAT syllabus in the table below:

SectionsImportant Topics
Verbal Ability & Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Para Summary, Odd One Out, And Para Completion
Logical Reasoning & Data InterpretationGames and Tournament, Venn Diagram Optimization, Puzzles etc.
Quantitative AbilityArithmetic, Algebra, Geometry & Mensuration, Number System, and Modern Maths.
CAT 2023 Live Exam Analysis for Slot 1

CAT Exam 2024 Registration Process

As per the previous trends, the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will conduct the Registration Process for the CAT Exam from August 1 to September 13, 2024. The process of Registration is online and the candidates will have to fill the CAT application form 2024 at the official website of CAT. The steps to initiate and complete Registration for CAT’24 are listed below:

  • Go to the official website for Registration i.e.
  • On the home page, Click on ‘new registration’
  • Enter your Name, Date of birth, Nationality, Phone number and Email Address to register.
  • You will receive a Registration ID at the provided Email Address.
  • Log in with the ID received in the email to fill out the CAT Application form.
  • Enter Personal, Academic and Work experience details.
  • Upload a recent Passport-size photo and scanned Signature
  • Select the Courses you want to apply for.
  • Select test city preference.
  • Pay the CAT application fees to complete your Application.

CAT 2024 Admit Card

CAT Admit Card is a mandatory document that contains major details of the examination like test Centre location, exam slot, reporting time, and other exam-related information. The exam conducting authorities release the admit card one month before the exam. For CAT exam 2024, the admit card will be released on November 5, 2024. Candidates must download the admit card and carry its printout to the exam center. Check some important details below:

  • After downloading the CAT admit card, check properly and make sure there are no discrepancies in any details
  • In case you find any kind of discrepancy, report it immediately to the exam conducting authorities and get it corrected before the exam
  • You can contact IIM-CAT on the provided helpdesk number i.e. 1800 210 8720 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM or send an email to

CAT 2024 Response Sheet

CAT Response Sheet is released after 1-2 weeks of the Exam. It has the record of a candidate’s response to each question in the whole exam, with the correct answers to each question. It is similar to Answer Key, through which one can get an idea about their score.

CAT Results

Candidates can expect the CAT Result after 4-5 weeks of the CAT Exam. The exam authorities generally release the CAT result by the last week of December or the first week of January. In 2023, they declared the CAT exam result on December 21, 2023. The candidates who will appear for the exam can get the CAT Result Or Scorecard in PDF format on the official website of IIM CAT 2024.

CAT Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme

Evolution of the CAT Exam over the years

The Exam has evolved numerous times over the years, here we have described how the CAT Entrance exam has evolved from the year 2011 to 2024.

  • CAT 2011 Exam: In the year 2011, the duration of the Common Aptitude Test was 140 Minutes. It had two sections, VALR(Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning) & QADI(Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation). Each section had 30 questions, making the total number of questions in the exam to be 60.
  • CAT 2012 Exam: In the year 2012, the duration of the Common Aptitude Test was 140 Minutes. This year the number of sections increased to 3, QA(Quantitative Aptitude), DI(Data Interpretation) & VARC(Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension). The Sections had 21,9 and 30 questions respectively, making the total number of questions in the exam to be 60.
  • CAT 2013 Exam: In the year 2013, the duration of the Common Aptitude Test remained the same at 140 Minutes. The Exam Pattern was revised back to the CAT 2011 pattern, VALR(Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning) & QADI(Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation). Each section had 30 questions, making the total number of questions in the exam to be 60.
  • CAT 2014 Exam: In the year 2014, the duration of CAT was increased to 170 minutes. It had two Sections QADI(Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation) & VALR(Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning). Each section had 50 Questions, Making the total no. of question to be 100.
  • CAT Exam from the Year 2015 to 2019: In the year 2014, the duration of CAT was increased to 170 minutes. It had two Sections QADI(Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation) & VALR(Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning). Each section had 50 Questions, Making the total no. of question to be 100.
  • CAT 2020 Exam: In the year 2020 there was a change in Exam Duration and the number of questions. The duration of the exam was decreased to 120 Minutes. Sections remained the same, VARC(Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension), DILR(Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning) & QA(Quantitative Aptitude), having 26,24 and 26 Questions Respectively, making the total no. of questions 76.
  • CAT Exam from Year 2021 to 2023: During these 3 years the time duration of the CAT was 120 minutes. The sections of the exam remained the same in the last 3 years, VARC, DILR(Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning) & QA(Quantitative Aptitude). However, the number of questions dropped to 24,20 and 22 in the respective sections, making the total no. of question to be 66.
  • CAT Exam 2024 (Expected): This year too the exam is expected to follow the same pattern as the previous year. VARC, DILR(Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning) & QA(Quantitative Aptitude) Sections are expected to have 24,20 and 22 questions respectively. Also, there is no change expected in the time duration of the exam.

Problems Faced in the Preparation of CAT Exam

Preparing for the CAT is a whole journey in itself. Every year thousands of aspirants face various problems when they prepare for the CAT Exam. In this section, we have discussed some of the most common problems faced by CAT aspirants with the viable solution to those sections.

Not selecting the right questions/Sets:

The individuals responsible for crafting the CAT Exam questions have developed expertise in striking a calculated balance between easy and hard questions. After going through past year’s CAT question papers, you will observe that some easier questions may take only a few seconds to solve, On the other hand, there will be some questions that might be quite tough to crack, at least in the given time constraints. The reason for having such a mix of questions is to test the time management skills and selection capabilities of the candidates.
To perform well in the exam, you need to master the art of selecting the right set of questions to attempt. You should always target to attempt the easier questions/sets first and then move forward to attempt the questions of medium difficulty (depending upon the time left with you). The reason for such an approach is to maximise your attempts.

Not being thorough with the concepts.

Most of the time, when you are not able to solve some question even after knowing the concept, it indicates that either you do not know the concept well or you are not well versed in applying the concepts. Hence, it is advised to be thorough with the fundamental concepts. Practice plays an important role in concept clearance. Always ensure that you spend an adequate amount of time understanding the concepts during the initial phase of your preparation. Once you have understood the concept well, practice questions related to it. Practising questions helps in solidifying your concepts.

Bad time management.

Bad time management can cause a huge loss in one’s CAT Percentile. Sometimes, attempting a single question brings a huge difference in the CAT percentiles of candidates. Therefore, good time management is vital for cracking the CAT Exam.
Always manage your time in such a way that you can go through all the questions in the Exam. You can improve your time management skills by taking sectional practice tests and full-length mock tests. Moreover, one should always ensure they do not leave easy questions for the end time. This may result in unnecessary panic and nervous situations and one may lose out on some easier questions.

Not reading questions carefully.

Reading a question carefully is necessary to save time during the exam. Like, suppose you read a question incorrectly due to which you invested ten minutes to solve a question, that you could have solved in five minutes or maybe less than that.

Not Having a Reading Habit.

Another common problem faced in the CAT Exam is not having a Reading habit. Most of the CAT aspirants, don’t have English as their native language, and they do not converse or write in English frequently, which eventually results in poor Comprehension Abilities. The solution to this problem is that you develop a reading habit by reading as much as possible from diverse topics. Most of the comprehensions in CAT can be solved if you have a dedicated reading habit. Reading also helps in enhancing one’s vocabulary and Reading speed. We recommend that you frequently read long passages, note all the unfamiliar words, and revise them regularly.

Mistakes to Avoid During CAT Exam Preparation

The Common Admission Test is the most competitive Management Entrance Exam in the Country. One can note a year-by-year increase in the number of candidates for the Exam. With this increase in competition, candidates should be cautious about not making the following mistakes in their Preparation.

Not Starting Early

One of the most common mistakes one can make is not Starting their preparation early. However, you can cover the basics of CAT in 3-4 months. But for a well-structured preparation and to be CAT-Ready one must dedicate at least 7-8 months to their CAT Preparation. The competition in the CAT Exam is increasing year by year. Hence to have an edge over this competition, one should start their preparation early.

Not Understanding The Basic Requirements of the Exam

To crack any exam one should first understand the basic requirements of that exam. One should have enough knowledge about the exam pattern, and also about the type of questions that one can face in the exam.

Basic requirements of the CAT Exam:

  • Developing a diverse reading habit. Reading is a one-stop solution for aspirants who face major issues in the VARC Section. Be it increasing Reading speed, improving vocabulary, or developing comprehension ability; reading helps in every aspect. But for an exam like the Common Admission Test, general reading won’t help enough. That is why experts suggest reading from diverse genres. Each genre presents unique plot structures and narrative techniques. Hence iQuanta has developed a comprehensive 250 Genre-wise reading articles for CAT for the benefit of all CAT aspirants. The articles are attached with the Summary.
  • Developing a basic knowledge of Quants before starting practice. Many students don’t focus much on developing the basics of Quant Section, and jump onto practising at an early stage, which results in self-doubt. That is why it is suggested to focus majorly on basics at an early stage. Once you have your basics clear, then you can start practising and increase the level of questions gradually.
  • Focusing equally on every section. Aspirants tend to focus more on their subject of interest, due to which preparation of other sections suffers. Hence it is essential to divide your time and focus equally among all sections.
  • Being consistent in practice. As CAT is an aptitude-based exam, it not only demands syllabus completion but also a consistent practice routine.

Not Strategizing Your Preparation

When aiming for an exam like CAT, one should go for a well-structured preparation. One may not have a fixed study routine but one should have a study plan that assigns time evenly to each Section. One can also prioritize sections that need the most improvement.
A Well-Strategized CAT Preparation must have the following factors:

  • Familiarity with Exam Pattern
  • Completing syllabus on time
  • Having a Consistent practice routine
  • Taking and analyzing mocks
  • Making formula/cheat sheets for quick revision
  • Staying Healthy throughout your cat preparation

Also Read: CAT 2024 Preparation Strategy

Not Doing Frequent Revisions

Another common mistake to avoid during CAT Preparation is not having a Revision Routine. Revision is important to understand the concepts thoroughly and to transform our weak concepts into our strengths. As it makes our studies complete & effective. It may not seem important, but it helps you in keeping your concepts collected.

Not Taking Mock Tests

Mock Tests are one of the most important aspects of CAT Preparation. Through mocks one gains test-taking experience, which makes one habitual of exam pattern. Mocks are designed to help aspirants build concepts, prepare strategies, identify weaknesses, and take steps to eliminate them. CAT Mock tests are considered to be a vital aspect that enables an aspirant to perform well in the exam.

Not Analysing Mock Test

Mock tests are taken by most of the CAT aspirants but many candidates skip evaluating their scores. Analyzing mocks is as important as taking the mock tests. By Analyzing mocks, one can understand their level of preparation, and can also reflect on their weak areas. After analyzing mocks, it is also important to strategize further preparation accordingly.

Skipping Topics / Not Completing Syllabus

Many a time, students skip some topics because they feel that they are not able to understand certain topics. What they tend to forget in this is that every topic holds a certain importance and shouldn’t be skipped. Instead, if you face difficulty in some particular topics, you should focus more on that particular topic.

How to Prepare for the CAT Exam

When it comes to CAT Preparation, One needs a Well-Structured Strategy to ace the Exam. When Preparing for the CAT Exam there are a few key factors CAT Aspirants should keep in check in order to Crack CAT’24.

  • Getting familiar with the Exam.
    Getting Familiar with the Exam is the first thing every CAT Aspirant should do in their CAT Preparation. Knowing the exam well would help one in framing their preparation strategy according to their requirements.
  • Building Solid Concepts.
    Building Solid Concepts would help you during practice and Mocks as well. One can build their foundation by watching concept videos and attending lectures. Frequent Revisions help in further solidification of Concepts.
  • Practice.
    The CAT Exam is Aptitude-based. And the best way to get better results in the exam is to practice dedicatedly. Practising can help increase your question-solving speed.
  • Mocks And Analysis. Taking Mocks is one of the most important components in CAT Preparation. Mocks let you attempt questions in a time-bound manner. Attempting Full-length Mocks helps one in assessing one’s preparation. Though simply taking mocks is not enough, one should analyse mocks to know their weak and strong areas and work on them accordingly.

CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Competition

The Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) section in CAT tests how well you can comprehend sentences, identify the tone of the passage, summarise and understand the structure and flow. The VARC section comprises 24 questions which are to be completed in 40 minutes(Assuming this year’s CAT will be 2 hours). Hence there will be 16 questions on RC, which is 70% of the total VARC questions. This is a section that checks your comprehension the most, and not the vocabulary or the grammar. The first step towards comprehension is how you can retain what you have read.

The best way to exercise your mind is to start reading articles from reputed newspapers and summarise them in your mind. You can start reading English newspapers like The Hindu or Economic Times, or online articles on Aeon or Al-daily to get used to reading long passages. But for your rescue, we have provided multiple Genre-wise articles from those sources from where CAT has been giving RCs in recent years with Summary. People who read a lot of novels or just like reading in general will have a head-start in this section, but with some dedicated reading practice, you can cover this gap in a few months.

CAT Logical Reasoning Data Interpretation

The Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning section in CAT is considered to be highly unpredictable. It checks the problem-solving and critical thinking ability of the Candidate. In recent years, the LRDI difficulty level has increased. There is no definite syllabus or concept in LRDI. Hence you should rely on practicing 350-400 DILR sets from now till the CAT Exam. And you’ll be good to go. The LRDI section consists of a total of 20 questions to be solved in 40 minutes.

The LRDI Master Playlist by iQuanta

All you need for cracking LRDI is familiarity with CAT-Type LRDI Sets. This means if you have solved 300-400 CAT-Type LRDI sets till CAT you will be able to solve at least 50% of the sets in CAT’24. In CAT 23 if you could solve 2 out of 4 LRDI sets you could get 99%le+ and Solving just 1 set could give you around 90%le. So all you need to do is select the sets you can solve and solve them with patience. And to get that familiarity all you need is practice.

CAT Quantitave Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude is considerably the most improvable section of CAT. One is either confident in this section or scared of this section. There’s no third way. One thing non-engineers or anyone who gets intimidated by this section should note is that this is the easiest section to improve upon. There is a well-defined syllabus that covers a lot of topics that all of us have studied in Class 9th and 10th. Concepts used are the same but the application might differ in some topics like Numbers, PNC & Algebra. Quant is also the highest-scoring section of the CAT Exam. From this point, we have 7 Months; it is a sufficient amount of time to prepare well for this section.

One should begin with writing the complete quants syllabus in detail. Writing the syllabus in detail would give you an overview of the syllabus, which eventually would result in better planning. Initially one should go with any standard book, for eg CAT Hardcopy Material by iQuanta or IIM ABC CAT material by iQuanta or any coaching material you have or you can get.

Once you have cleared your concepts of a particular topic, then you must start practising questions on it. In case of any doubts, you should ask and get it cleared by your mentors. One should not forget to note any new things you learn during your lectures or practice.

Free Resources For the CAT 2024 Exam

Choosing the best CAT study material for CAT preparation is very important. iQuanta offers plenty of free resources to CAT Aspirants.

Reading resources for VARC

Reading is the most important aspect when it comes to CAT VARC Section. There are abundant resources available on the internet through which one can develop their Reading habits. But there is a lack of proper genre-wise reading articles available in one place. To help CAT aspirants, iQuanta has come up with a comprehensive 250 Genre-wise reading articles with their summary. One can improve their Comprehension abilities through Reading from these resources.

Practice questions

Once you are done with concept clearance, you should jump on to the practising part. Practising highly relevant questions and learning the right concepts is the key to success in the CAT exam. Strengthening your basics through conceptual learning, moving on to advanced-level questions gradually after solving the basics and taking mocks is the right order for CAT preparation. iQuanta here is providing you with the right CAT study material for free. Initially, one can start practising basic questions and can later move to more complex ones. The iConcept-material by iQuanta can serve as a good resource for basic CAT Preparation.

As the concept-building material can only help you to a certain level, hence iQuanta has come up with comprehensive CAT Preparation Books for the benefit of all CAT aspirants. Unlike the usual preparation materials, these books are Updated as per the recent trends of the exam.

CAT Past Year Papers

When it comes to efficient CAT preparation, practising past year papers is a vital component. Solving past year’s papers will help you understand the CAT’24 syllabus and what kind of questions are asked in the exam. iQuanta provides you with the past 23 years of CAT papers in test format along with solutions.

Mock-Tests For CAT 2024 Exam

Mock Tests are described as the key component of the CAT Preparation by many CAT Toppers. Taking and Analysing mocks helps one in getting an idea about their weak and strong areas. Choosing the right set of mocks is also very important. One should follow mocks which are updated as per the latest standard of the CAT Exam.
iCAT Mocks by iQuanta has proven to be a reliable Mock test series which have CAT-Level questions. These mocks have many features, which makes the analysis time-saving and interesting for the students.

Toppers Of CAT 2023 And Their Journey

Most of the CAT Aspirants start their preparation for the CAT Exam in the month of April-May onwards. Though 700+ students from iQuanta have scored 95+ percentile in CAT 2023. Every student has their own story of Success, here we have listed a few stories, from which future CAT Aspirants can take insights.

CAT 2023 ToppersTopper’s Words of Gratitute
Nayana Nair,
CAT 2023-99.79%ler
“I was one of those people who was quite upset after CAT I felt like I had not done justice to the effort that I had put in over the past N6 months, trying my best to manage CAT preparation with work. November was a hectic month, I had a big project at work, my cousin’s wedding, and CAT! There were some days when I did not have any time to study and some days when studying was”. Read more.
Souradeep Banerjee,
CAT 2023- 99.95%ler
“As I finally sit down to write this post, all the memories of the last 6
months come to my mind. From not being sure of what to do going
into the final year of my engineering, to securing a percentile of
99.95% in my first attempt at CAT 2023 has been good.
Mind you, just like any anxious first-timer, I was skeptical of different
CAT coaching institutes. But iQuanta’s interactive approach and
their ABC batch made it very clear to me that this was the
preparation I needed…..” Read Souradeep’s entire CAT journey here.
Satyajit Das,
CAT 2023- 99.97%ler
“My journey with iQuanta has been nothing but amazing. This was my first attempt to crack the CAT examination. I was part of the CAT full course batch – I. These gruelling 9 months of live classes,….” Read the entire post here.
Vidya Datta,
CAT 2023- 99.68%ler
“I decided in July 2023 that I will give CAT this time. Without any proper direction or structure, I started preparing from August. Contrary to friends or YouTube channels, it was my mother who suggested me to checkout iQuanta, and boy that was one of the best decisions I took. I enrolled in Iquanta’s CAT 2023 last batch and the batch had already started by then with….” Read the complete Article here.
Rounak Tikmani,
CAT 2023- 99.90%ler
“After some 100 odd mocks and unlimited marathons, live and application classes, it’s finally the endgame. It was my 2nd attempt though my first serious attempt was this year. And trust me just me just being from IlT doesn’t guarantee a very good percentile because last year I failed miserably and realised that the only way out is hard work….” Read the Strategy Post here.
Simran Gupta,
CAT 2023-
“After almost a month of excitement and prayers, the D-day is finally here. This was my second attempt at CAT and the journey from 92.97% in CAT 2022 to 99.45% in CAT 2023 was filled with a lot of learning. Since I was preparing for it full-time and taking a career break, the stakes were pretty high this time….” Read the Complete Journey here.

Read More CAT Success Stories here: CAT Toppers

Top Colleges One Can Aim Through CAT 2024

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a gateway to the most prestigious Management Institutions in India. There are many MBA colleges in India. Here, we have mentioned the Top B-schools you can aim for, if you are looking to take admission through CAT 2024.

CollegesExam AcceptedFeesAvg. Packages
IIM AhmedabadCAT25 lakh34.36 LPA
IIM BangaloreCAT24.5 lakh35.31 LPA
IIM CalcuttaCAT31 lakh35.07 LPA
IIM LucknowCAT20.7 lakh32.20 LPA
FMS DelhiCAT2 lakh34.20 LPA
SPJIMR MumbaiCAT, GMAT24 lakh33 LPA
IIM KozhikodeCAT22.5 lakh29.23 LPA
IIM IndoreCAT25 lakh25.01 LPA
MDI GurugramCAT25 lakh27.67 LPA
IIM MumbaiCAT21 lakh27.75 LPA
IIFT DelhiCAT21.77 lakh29.10 LPA
SJMSOM (IITB)CAT14 lakh28.88 LPA
IIFT KolkataCAT21 lakh29.10 LPA
IIM ShillongCAT17.5 lakh26.96 LPA
DMS (IITD)CAT11.2 lakh25.82 LPA
VGSOM (IIT-KGP)CAT9.08 lakh22.13 LPA
GLIM ChennaiCAT, XAT, GMAT, CMAT14.77 lakh14.5 LPA
IIM RaipurCAT18 lakh21.04 LPA
IMT GhaziabadCAT, XAT, GMAT21.5 lakh17.35 LPA
IIM RanchiCAT17.2 lakh17.30 LPA
XIMB BhubaneswarCAT, XAT, XGMT19.3 lakh16.64 LPA
IIM TrichyCAT19.5 lakh20.55 LPA
IIM NagpurCAT18.9 lakh16.74 LPA
IIM SambalpurCAT14 lakh16.63 LPA
IIM VisakhapatnamCAT10.80 lakh15.64 LPA
IIM KashipurCAT17.30 lakh18.11 LPA
MICA AhmedabadCAT/XAT/GMAT + MICAT23 lakh20.09 LPA
IIM RohtakCAT17.90 lakh18.73 LPA
IIT KanpurCAT2.80 lakh18.14 LPA
MHRM, IIT KharagpurCAT1.50 lakh15.45 LPA
DFS (University of Delhi)CAT26k17.1 LPA
IIM UdaipurCAT12.4 lakh20.03 LPA
IIM AmritsarCAT12 lakh16.51 LPA
IMI DelhiCAT, XAT, GMAT18.2 lakh17.01 LPA
TAPMI ManipalCAT, NMAT, XAT, GMAT17.34 lakhLPA
DoMS (IIT Madras)CAT8 lakh20.19 LPA, 30.60 LPA
SIMSREE MumbaiCAT, CMAT, MAHCET1.34 lakh12.30 LPA
GIM GoaCAT, XAT, GMAT18.31 lakh17.20 LPA
DBE (University of Delhi)CAT48.5k12 LPA
UBS ChandigarhCAT2.25 lakh13.72 LPA
FORE New DelhiCAT, XAT18.27 lakh15.10 LPA

Read More: Top 50 Best MBA Colleges in India

Programs Offered by IIMs

IIMsPrograms Offered
IIM AmritsarMBA, EMBA, MBA-Business Analytics, MBA-HRM
IIM Bodh GayaPGP
IIM CalcuttaMBA
Executive MBA (Blended Mode),
PGP in Health Care Management (Jointly with AIIMS Jammu
and IIT Jammu),
PGP in Hospital Administration (Jointly with AIIMS Jammu
and IIT Jammu)
IIM KashipurMBA, MBA (Analytics), EMBA
IIM RanchiPGP, PGP-HRM, PGP (Business Analytics)
IIM SambalpurMBA, Executive MBA
IIM SirmaurMBA, MBA (T&HM)
IIM TiruchirappalliPGPM, PGPM-HR, PGPBM

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