CAT LRDI Preparation Strategy 2025


The Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI) section in the CAT exam is often considered as the trickiest section to master. What makes it more challenging is the fact that there is no defined syllabus that one can cover and be content about their preparation. Further, there is not enough actual resources other than actual past year CAT papers. Further, questions in this section comes in sets, so if you are unable to decode the set, you lose away all the questions associated with that particular set. Hence, this article will help you formulate your CAT LRDI Strategy 2025 so that you ace this section in CAT 2025.

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LRDI Preparation Strategy 2025 – Phase 1: January to February – Building Fundamental Skills

Objective: Let us try to build a strong foundation by focusing on core LRDI concepts and level 1 problem sets.

CAT LRDI Preparation Strategy 2025 – January

Key Focus: Understanding LRDI concepts and practicing basic sets.

  • Start with basic Logical Reasoning (LR) concepts like circular arrangements, any form of syllogisms, puzzles and other grouping. LR questions is there to test your critical thinking and pattern identifying skills.
  • For Data Interpretation (DI), begin with simple tabular and bar graph sets. Get a hang on basic calculations, percentages, ratios which are essential for interpreting and calculating data accurately.
  • You can also focus on mental math calculations. This will help you solve easier DI sets in a very short span of time, leaving you with more time for difficult sets.

CAT LRDI 2025 Daily Study Routine:

  • Dedicate 2 hours daily to CAT LRDI preparation 2025. You can spend 1 hour on LR questions (aim for solving 2-3 sets) and the other hour maybe for DI (aim for solving 2 sets).
  • After solving each set, spend time understanding the solution. This will help you to remember a particular type of question and can be helpful on the D-day.

End-of-Month Goal: By the end of January, you should be now knowing the basic LR and DI sets and know what is usually tested in the exam.

CAT LRDI Preparation 2025 – February 2025

Key Focus: Improving accuracy and solve slightly more complex sets.

  • Slowly transition into more complex LR sets like circular seating arrangements, puzzles involving multiple variables and Venn diagrams. These are some of the common sets which are seen in CAT and can be tricky.
  • For DI, start solving sets involving line graphs, pie charts and a few mixed graphs. Learn to draw conclusions from mixed graphs.
  • Begin practicing calculation-based DI sets where you would need speed and accuracy in performing basic arithmetic operations which are important.

Daily Study Routine for LRDI Section in CAT

  • Dedicate 2-2.5 hours daily to LRDI practice, splitting time equally between LR and DI.
  • As we move ahead, slowly increase the number of LRDI sets solved every day. Do not overdo it; focus on learning and knowing different types of sets.

End-of-Phase Goal: By the end of February, you should know the peculiar sets which are common in CAT and should be able to solve till medium-level sets.

LRDI Strategy for CAT Preparation – Phase 2: March to June – Increasing Difficulty and Timed Practice

Objective: Transition from basic to complex sets and start solving sets in a timely manner as per our CAT LRDI Strategy 2025.

CAT 2025 Preparation Strategy for LRDI – March – April 2025:

Key Focus: Move towards more advanced LR and DI sets and improve or change problem-solving techniques.

  • Get into solving difficult sets like tournaments, games & competitions, conditional arrangements and cubes. Though these sets are usually ignored in CAT 2025 but sometimes these comes under easier sets, hence knowing them becomes essential.
  • For CAT DI preparation, begin working on different caselets, data sufficiency sets or sets with a mix of different types of graphs. These can be tricky and have no fixed pattern which you can learn. It is your practice which sets the tone and keeps you updated.
  • Ideally, you should now start timing your solving. Allocate around 10-15 mins per set and try to solve all the questions associated with that set.

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CAT LRDI Section Daily Study Routine:

  • Dedicate 2.5-3 hours daily to LRDI practice. Aim to solve around 3 LR sets and 3 DI sets per session. It can vary from day to day but try to stick to this.
  • Time is essential in LRDI. So, make sure that you focus on accuracy as well as speed.

End-of-Month Goal: By the end of March, you should be able to solve a variety of sets within a pre-decided time frame.

CAT LRDI Strategy 2025 – May – June

Key Focus: Be consistent with timed practice and identify strengths and weaknesses.

  • Continue solving advanced LR sets with a focus on grouping and selection-based puzzles, logical deductions and complex puzzles.
  • In DI, you can focus on sets involving combinatorics, Venn diagrams and percentile-based sets & questions. These sets take more time in general to solve and also have a increased risk of committing errors.
  • Now, start taking sectional tests for LRDI along with other sections. Try to have at least 1 LRDI set every week to simulate a real-time-like exam environment.

CAT LRDI Section Daily Study Routine:

  • Start dedicating 3 hours daily to LRDI. You can divide them equally based on your experience or put more time into your weaker areas.
  • After each of these mock tests, review your mistakes and analyze the sets where you struggled or went wrong.

End-of-Phase Goal: By the end of June, you should be able to solve a full LRDI section under timed conditions with decent to good accuracy. Ideally, should solve 2 sets in every test and have started aiming the third set out of the total 4 sets.

CAT LRDI Preparation Strategy 2025 Phase 3: July to September – Intensive Practice and Mock Tests

Objective: To have a better understanding of where you stand, try solving full-length mock tests and build your strategy to attempt the test on the D-day as per our CAT LRDI Strategy 2025.

LRDI Preparation Strategy – July 2025:

Key Focus: Start taking full-length mock tests and fine-tune your test-taking strategy.

  • Start taking full-length mock tests focusing on the LRDI section if that is your weakness amongst the other sections of CAT 2025.
  • Focus on identifying which types of LRDI sets you find easiest and hardest. Some might be good at LR sets whereas some might be very comfortable solving DI sets due to their mental math solving abilities.
  • After each mock test, spend time analyzing your performance. Re-solve the entire set to know where you went wrong and only then see the solutions. Even if you have gotten the solution right, visit the solution given by the mentors.

CAT LRDI Strategy 2025 Daily Study Routine:

  • Dedicate 3-4 hours daily to LRDI practice, including full-length mocks and analyzing performance. You can also look for topic-based tests if full mocks are tiring.
  • Focus on identifying the right sets to solve during the exam. In CAT, picking the right sets can make a huge difference in your score rather than just solving it correctly.

CAT 2025 LRDI Mock Test Strategy:

  • Take 1-2 full-length mocks every week. After each mock, understand every set in detail and their solutions as well.

End-of-Month Goal: By the end of July, you should be comfortable with having the structure and solving full-length mock tests under time pressure.

CAT LRDI Preparation Strategy – August – September 2025:

Key Focus: Refine test-taking strategy and focus on improving weak areas.

  • Increase the frequency of mock tests to two every week. You can even sit for mocks as per the actual slots of CAT exam to stimulate your senses accordingly.
  • Give more time to your weaknesses. Do not skip any sets initially. Learn them as they might come under the easier sets in actual CAT 2025.
  • Focus on time management and question selection. Also learn to skip questions and even the entire set if required. Do not over attempt if not needed.

Daily Study Routine for LRDI Preparation in CAT 2025

  • Dedicate around 3-4 hours daily to practicing LRDI sets and reviewing mock test performance.
  • Continue working on improving your speed and accuracy for different types of sets.

End-of-Phase Goal: By the end of September, you should be consistently scoring well in mock tests and have a solid strategy for approaching the LRDI section and be confident in your problem-solving abilities.

LRDI Preparation Strategy 2025 – Phase 4: October to November – Final Revisions and Exam Readiness

Objective: Maintain the formed performance levels, finalize strategies and stay mentally fir for the exam as per our CAT LRDI Strategy 2025.

CAT LRDI Preparation Strategy – October 2025:

Key Focus: Finalize test strategy and focus on accuracy.

  • Continue the full-length mocks (2-3 per week) but lean more towards maintaining accuracy and confidence rather than over-attempting and losing marks.
  • Learn multiple solutions for a same LRDI set as this will help in opening your mind towards different approaches.

LRDI 2025 Daily Study Routine:

  • Dedicate 2-3 hours daily to LRDI practice and revise the commonly asked sets in the CAT exam. Focus on solving less but few high-quality sets every day rather than over-practising easy sets.

CAT 2025 LRDI Strategy November 2025:

Key Focus: Stay calm and confident.

  • In the final two weeks before the exam, reduce the frequency of mock tests to almost 0 and focus on staying calm and peaceful. Avoid trying to learn new concepts at this stage.
  • Just have 1-2 sets casually every day and avoid any regress practicing which can lead to stress if unable to solve.