CAT Normalisation Process – Know the Calculation of CAT Scaled Score

CAT Normalisation Process 2024
CAT Normalisation Process 2024

Knowing the normalisation of CAT scores and its importance is extremely crucial for the aspirants. CAT 2025 normalisation process is equating the CAT scores to ensure transparency and equality for all the test takers of different slots. Since the exam is conducted in different slots the difficulty level of the question paper may vary therefore CAT normalisation process is done for the fair evaluation. The normalisation process of CAT scores is done before the release of the results and performance of the candidate is standardised accordingly. Check out the complete details about the normalisation of CAT scores 2025 and why is it important.

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Understanding What is CAT Normalisation of Scores in CAT?

CAT normalisation of scores ensures fairness and transparency as the exam is conducted in different slots. This process eradicates all discrimination and discrepancy that might occur due to the different questions in different slots. In CAT 2024 the slot 1 paper was comparatively easier than other 2 slots. Considering this, the difficulty level being a bit high in the other two slots will be unfair for the test takers of slot 2 and 3 if the same cutoff is to be met. Here comes the role of the CAT normalisation process. Now the authorities will adjust the scores of the performance of the candidates on a common scale and then the CAT results 2024 will be declared.

What is CAT Scaled Score?

CAT scaled score is the final score that is calculated after the normalisation of CAT scores. The raw scores of the candidate undergoes the normalisation process and the score obtained after is called the CAT scaled score. 

How are CAT 2025 scores normalised?

There are two main steps of CAT scores normalisation process that has been stated below – 

Calculation of CAT raw scores – The very first step is to calculate the raw or real scores simply by considering the number of correct and incorrect answers.

Equating/normalising the CAT scores – This will be the final step in the CAT normalisation process. Considering the difficulty level in CAT exam, the raw scores of the candidates are then adjusted for each section so that there is transparency. This is the reason why candidates might find a slight difference in the CAT scores when they compare it with the score they calculate with the CAT answer key 2024. The score after the normalisation process is called the CAT scaled score. 

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CAT Scaled Score Calculation

Step 1 – At the very first stage the standard deviation and mean for the raw scores obtained by the candidates of slot 1 is done.

Mean = M1

SD = S1

G1 = M1 + S1

Step 2 – Next the standard deviation and mean for the slot 2 candidates is calculated from the raw scores.

Mean = M2

SD = S2

G1 = M2 + S2

Step 3 – The third step involves calculation of the scaled scores using the raw scores of slot 3 through standard deviation and mean.

Mean = M3

SD = S3

G1 = M3 + S3

Step 4 – Finally the mean and standard deviation of the raw scores of all the CAT aspirants appearing in all 3 slots is calculated.

M = Mean of all 3 slots + SD of all 3 slots

Step 5 – The top 0.1% of candidates in slot 1 is taken for calculation of mean for the first slot


Step 6 – The top 0.1% of candidates in slot 1 is taken for calculation of mean for the first slot


Step 7 – The top 0.1% of candidates in slot 1 is taken for calculation of mean for the first slot


Step 8 – Now the mean scores of the top 0.1% of the CAT test  takers for all the 3 sections is calculated


Step 9 – Using the following formula the scaled score is calculated for each slot

Scaled Score = M + {(R – M1) x (M0.1 – M) / (M1.01 – M1)}

Step 10 – Final overall score = Scaled Score in DILR + Scaled Score in QA + Scaled Score in VARC

Why is CAT Score Normalisation Important

Here are the following reasons why it is the CAT normalisation process important –

  • Accuracy is ensured – By calculating the final scores through the normalisation process accuracy is assured as it will reflect the candidates relative performance with the other test takers.
  • Builds Trust and Transparency – Since the scores of the candidates are fairly equated this builds trust amongst the students and transparency is ensured.
  • Fair comparison of CAT scores – As a result of the CAT normalisation process candidates performance can be easily compared with any other candidate irrespective of the slot they have appeared for.

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CAT Normalization Process – FAQs

What is CAT scaled score?

CAT scaled score is calculated using the raw scores of the candidates. The raw scores undergo the normalisation process that ensures transparency and measures the scores of the candidates on a equal parameter irrespective of the slot they have appeared for. The final score obtained after this is known as CAT 2024 scaled score.

What is CAT normalisation process?

CAT 2024 normalisation process is the standardising the performance of the candidates on an equal parameter in order to derive the percentile of the candidate.This ensures transparency in the CAT results 2024.

Will my marks increase or decrease in CAT 2024 normalisation process?

This cannot be predicted before hand and entirely depend on the difficulty level of the question paper in the slot that you have appeared for. Candidates who have appeared in the slot that had a higher difficulty level in the questions might have an increased score after the normalisation process and vice versa.