CAT Preparation with Job


Prepare for CAT Exam with Job

Before actually understanding a few tips and tricks that will help in CAT preparation especially if you are a working professional. You need to first understand “What is CAT?” and “How will it benefit you in your job?”

What is CAT?

Let’s answer the first question. CAT (Common Admission Test) is a computer-based test for admission in post-graduate management programs conducted by IIMs and other prestigious Top B-schools in the country.
CAT exam consists of 3 sections
1) VARC (English)
2) DILR (Logical)
3) QUANT(Maths)
To get a detailed understanding for a clear idea about the CAT syllabus as well as strategy kindly check CAT strategy 2022.

How will the CAT exam benefit your Job?

By getting a good CAT score, you can get admissions to top B-schools.

1) Salary raise 

Getting a good salary package is one of the benefits of CAT preparation. Most of us know about getting highly paid is one of the prominent reasons behind pursuing an MBA, but very few people are aware of the reasons behind it. Let’s unfold them one by one.
• You acquire the skillset in 2 years of MBA which are not taught in a casual school or university. The skills are-

Soft Skills

CommunicationCommunication plays an important role in managerial roles. The students and the environment challenges us with opportunities that teach us transparent communication approach. No business can work effectively until a clear way of communication is established.

Team handling- Team handling is an important skill that is required by any professional. The first and foremost step to be taken forward by any manager in any firm is to analyse the right potential of their team members which would be useful in assigning the tasks and responsibilities that they are fully capable to perform. The job is not over yet, but it begins right here, by making sure that all the team members are rightfully performing their duties.

Conflict managementConflicts in any business may occur due to any of the reasons like Poor communication, Lack of openness, Failure to respond to employee needs. Problem-solving attitude and good communication skills may eradicate any hindrances that are affecting teamwork or the work environment.

Working under pressure- It’s not an easy skill to acquire but with practice, nothing’s impossible. Working under pressure involves dealing with constraints that are often not in our control eg. time constraints, the difficulty of the task or having insufficient knowledge required to complete the task or even unforeseen problems for that matter. The competitive environment of best B-schools offers a helping hand in overcoming the above-mentioned challenges.

Peer pressure management– Pursuing MBA from good colleges and surrounding yourself with peers also helps in positively impacting a person to perform the tasks in their best capabilities. The best learning process is learning with and from peers, but “Do not compare yourself with others“, is an important thumb rule in managing peer pressure. Understanding that each individual has unique strengths and same goes for weakness, then comparing is out of the question. 

Time Management- The 4 time management skills which are taught to mba students to the tee are- Setting realistic goals for each day, Minimising your distractions, Delegating your tasks to others, Prioritising your present responsibilities, and avoid multitasking.

Check out this CAT Online Coaching by iQuanta

Technical skills-

Understanding Market relevant tools– Let’s say you wanted to get into marketing then Marketing tools and the techniques, strategies, resources, technology and materials used by companies or marketing professionals to create and implement marketing campaigns. Understanding of different marketing tools for different companies is of utmost importance. And same is true for Finance and others.

Practical knowledge- The 2 years of MBA course provides valuable experience ahead in your career. Learning through work can help in enhancing skills and become fully ready to switch into career in business administration.

2) Networking with top B School alumni-
• Job security
• Always someone to refer and vice-versa

3) More job opportunities
• Switching to Multiple Industries
• High profile position at recognised MNC’s
• Chance to meet industry-relevant people

4) You may end with great knowledge and skill set that may help you in either-
• Journey of your own Start-up
Join Top MNC’s.

5) Earn respect and high-profile position in high profile firms.
6) Getting admissions to top IIMs is of utmost importance-
Understanding the difference between Top b-schools and others gives us a clarity of thought as to why all the above-mentioned aspects can be achieved.
Best b-schools provides a competitive environment.
• An average salary package from Top B-schools is approximately 25L P.A, whereas from any other college is 10-15 LPA.
Networking with Top IIM alumni.

Weekly Planner- CAT preparation while working

8.00 AM-7.00 PM———Office time (Read articles/editorials in between and do practice 2-3 RCs in between office time)
Also in between office hours do try to solve the practice questions posted in iQuanta Paid group by iQuanta Mentors
8.00 P.M -9.30 P.M——- (Quant chap) (you can start it as soon as you get free from your office, say at 6 or 7 pm)
9.30 P.M -10.00 P.M—– Break
10.00 P.M to 12.00A.M — iQuanta Classes: Weekly 2 days either of QA/LRDI/VARC (so 2+2+2= 6 days a week)
12.30 A.M-1.30 A.M ——LR/DI
8.30-9.00 AM—Read editorials or newspaper
12.00-01.00—Reading comprehension of 1-2 passages
01.00-01.30—Lunch time
01.30-04.00—Quant Practice
04.00-05.30— Reading comprehension (1-2) passage
06.00-08.00— Solve LR/DI sets
08.00-10.00— Verbal Area (SC, CR,PJ,PC)
10.00-10.30—Dinner Time
10.30-01.30—Full Mock/Analysis

Tips and Tricks for CAT preparation

1) Time Management– Rightfully utilizing time is of utmost importance. It leads to the completion of the syllabus in time.
2) Analyse your strengths and weakness– Understanding one’s strong points, as well as weaknesses, will help in understanding what needs to be practised more.
3) Analyse your Tests/Mocks- It would take 10-15 mocks to accustom yourself to the exam taking mentality. The mocks will help you to point out your weakness, level up your time management skill and eventually form a strategy. Analyse each and every mock meticulously, point out your weakness, practice those types of questions more and more. Go for the next mock.

Here is a success story of CAT topper that may be of some assistance in your CAT journey.

Here are a few examples of people who graduated from top B-Schools and experienced all the above-mentioned points and are currently, inspiring our youth to pursue their passion.
1) Harsha Bhogle- One of the most renowned, knowledgeable and liked cricket commentators.
2) Raghuram Ranjan- The previous governor of RBI, the prophesied saviour and rockstar heartthrob of many people.
3) Ramachandra Guha- Notable historian, columnist and Padma Bhushan recipient.
4) Indra Nooyi- CEO of PepsiCo and one of the most powerful women in business.
5) C.K. Prahalad- A prominent thought leader and author of the famous “The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid”.

Feedback from working professional who prepared for CAT while working

“I will be pleased if I can make some contribution for CAT 2022 preparation by sharing my experience”.

I would first like to give brief information about myself, I have done my graduation with B.Tech Computer Science and currently working in the IT industry. My office timings were 9:30 am to 7:00 pm weekly sometimes worked on Saturdays due to the final phase of sprint completion.

To start with my experience CAT 2021 was my first attempt before I have joined iQuanta for my CAT preparation. Though I was a part of batch 3 of iQuanta I have given only 2 months for CAT preparation dedicatedly and I didn’t score well in CAT.

So there are some key learnings that I would like to share with you all. Despite joining coaching it will not going to help until and unless you are fully devoted to CAT preparation as in my case I was not able to maintain my consistency due to my immense working schedule.

You have to find time whenever possible, 3 hours per day with consistency is much much greater than if you are studying 8 hours but only for 2 or 3 days. Also mocks and weekly revision is two important facets to ace this exam. Coaching institutes are part of strategy making and quality content provision during the preparation phase which is definitely a major aspect but being consistent with dedication is what actually matters the most. There are some positives also that I come across during my preparation phase that is none other than iQuanta only.

I was amazed how iQuanta brilliantly uses the concept and features of social media which is Facebook for teaching. Everything is well organized and planned, where sessions are conducted through forming live events on Facebook and you can also attend these events anytime in case you have missed the live event. I have attended only few live events but covered my preparation by going through all these recorded events.

At last, comes the question for working professionals that you should leave a job or not for CAT?

See it’s a very subjective question, totally depends on you. if you think your work life is affecting your CAT preparation and you are totally in for pursuing an MBA then you can. But it’s a collective decision (depends on family also), not an individual settlement.

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Hope the above feedback could be of some assistance in decision making regarding CAT exam preparation with job.


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