CAT Quants Strategy | Aiming 99%ile

CAT quants strategy

CAT Quants Strategy to score a 99%ile

Are you curious to know what should be your CAT Quants strategy to aim for 99%ile? Let’s get you started.

Quantitative Aptitude is the most popular section of CAT. You either love this section or hate it. There’s no third way. Engineers usually find this section much easier than the other two. One thing I would like to say to all non-engineers or anyone who gets intimidated by this section is that this is the easiest section to improve upon. There’s a well-defined syllabus which covers a lot of topics which all of us have studied in Class 9th and 10th. Concept used is same just the application might differ some topics like Numbers, PNC & Algebra. Quant is also the highest scoring section of CAT with multiple iQuanta students even scoring 102/102 in CAT’19. (3 hours pattern)

The CAT Syllabus Dilemma

The most important topics (in terms of weightage):

  • Arithmetic ( 8-9 Questions)
  • Algebra ( 5-6 Questions)
  • Geometry (5-6 Questions)
Other important topics:
  • Numbers ( 1-3 question but this topic is going to be your base for all other topics, some concept that you’ll learn in this topic will help you not only in Quant but some DI sets as well)
  • Series, logs ,P and C (3-4 Question)
  • Miscellaneous (1-2 Questions)
Several chapters are quite simple and need just a little brush-up. A chapter like Logarithm and Series is considered to be pretty simple and you can expect 1-2 questions each from there. So, the job at hand is to realise the importance of each topics. We, at iQuanta have a pretty solid curriculum. Students have often called and said that there were exact questions that came from what we taught.

Check iQuanta CAT Course Structure & Syllabus

Link of relevancy : Apply on Right Quality CAT Content

This is why iQuanta classes are designed in such a way.
We start with Numbers because it is the base for the quants topic even though the number of questions coming directly from this topic is not much.

We then focus on Arithmetic which has the highest weightage. Permutation & Combination comes next as it is a very logical topic and you are ready to get it done now.
Algebra is the next topic and by this time – we are done with 80 percent of our syllabus and you are ready to rock mocks.

Geometry comes at the end because this is something that we will be revising for a long time because of the number of theorems that we have.

CAT Quants Strategy: Practice Topics That Need Revision

While you are Learning the Concept, the right application of concepts are important, followed by Practice to get comfortable in the topic. After you are comfortable with the Topics start Timer based practice. To find out the topics which need revision, the first thing to do is to give a Quants mock test. After 2-3 tests, it becomes quite clear the topics you are weak at. Now comes how to prepare for the topics you are weak in. Only taking the exam would not suffice. Proper analysis should be done after the exam and have a look at the solutions to understand whether a particular sum could not be solved due to lack of understanding regarding the subject or is it because you forgot a relevant formula.
We follow exactly the same approach in our iQuanta CAT Quant Classes, we just don’t focus on Concept Learning but right application of them. iQuanta Quant sessions are 30% Concept Learning and 70% Application and later we make you practice on those topics to make you comfortable. Post that you guys can solve timer based questions on iQuanta Portal in form of assignments and Past Papers of CAT.

How to Prepare for your Weaker Topics

Quant is covered quite extensively in the iQuanta classes. But if you want to work on it on your own, the best way is to do one topic at a time. And when you revise the topics, keep a handbook of your cheat-sheet handy. Topic-wise tests are necessary to understand the level of competency. You can visit for this purpose which provides topic-wise free quants content. They do come in handy during preparation. It will help you understand if you are being able to apply the concepts or not.

The Exam Scores and Practice

Initial scores in quants are meant to be less because that is the learning phase. As you practice more and more, the speed and accuracy increase. Practicing quants regularly is a must and iQuanta Facebook group provides regular practice. Normally, accuracy is an issue in quants. The CAT paper has a history of having both easy and difficult Quants paper. As long as the basics are strong, the paper would be a cakewalk.

Process of Taking CAT Mocks: Crucial Part of CAT Quant Strategy

  • Take a Mock
  • Analyse and note down where you got stuck
  • Practice 30-50 questions on it
  • Take a topic wise test or a sectional
  • Analyse and down where you got stuck
  • Revise those topics again
  • Take the Next Mock

REPEAT MODE ON till you achieve 90% accuracy

Accuracy is the key in quants. An attempt of 15 questions in 40 min with 90% accuracy will fetch you a score of 42+ which can be enough to have a 99%ile plus in quant.

Attempting the Quants Section

There are various ways in which the paper can be solved. The usual way is to scan the paper and find out the easy ones. It is often the case that students start solving from the first question and skip those which were lengthy for later. Normally when people come to this section, they are tired after solving a VARC section and a historically difficult LRDI section.The aim is to solve as many as possible and not to miss out on the easy ones.

If you get any doubts while solving, Ask doubts on iQuanta platform, we will help you.

● Expert Tip : No book is enough, just solve as many as you can and most importantly solve all questions being posted in CAT Preparation – iQuanta group or iQuanta Paid group, coz the questions posted in group are random which prepares you to some extent for CAT. ( even if you don’t comment do solve) . [must]

Doubt Clarifications Should Be Part of Your CAT Quant Strategy

The most important thing that you can do for yourself is to ensure you get all your doubts clarified. The problem with not getting your doubts clarified is that it builds up. By the time you notice this – there is already a huge lag. iQuanta is the best in Doubts Clarifications for the reason we make sure your doubts get clear within 30 mins, irrespective of the time you are posting your doubts, be it Night or Day. Proof of our Doubts clarification system by iQuanta students is here :

The D-Day Quants Paper

The CAT paper has a history of having both easy and hard quants section. The one who holds his/her nerve to solve the last section of CAT aces it. The 2017 CAT paper had a very easy quants paper where a scaled score of 72% marks fetched 99%ile, whereas, in 2018, 99%ile was achieved at a score below 58% marks.

Hence iQuanta Last CAT 2022 Batch which is going to start coming week, the syllabus will get over by October in terms of Concepts, Applications as well as Practice, while Mocks will start July only. Though for those starting now it is suggested to start taking mocks after 60% of your syllabus is done.

In the end it is complemented by the CAT Crash course where we work on speed, shortcuts and revise everything in last 2 months. The Crash course is Free along with full course of iQuanta CAT Course. You can be a part of iQuanta CAT Batch at

For a structured CAT preparation and one-on one counselling, visit the link below.

To join India’s largest CAT preparation community and for free 24*7 doubt clarification, join the group linked below.