From 70%ile to 96.07%ile in CAT – A Working Professional’s Journey With iQuanta


Ayush Patwari has secured a 96.07 percentiler in CAT 2024 has set an example that you should never give up until you succeed. In his last attempt in CAT 2023 he secured a 70 percentile which was quite low. Ayush did not lose hope and prepared for CAT 2024 along with his job which is not at all an easy task. He joined iQuanta in January 2024 and has thanked the team for their support and guidance. Let’s see what Ayush has to say about his journey.

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From 70%ile in CAT’23 to 96.07%ile in CAT’24 – A Journey to Remember
I joined iQuanta in August 2023 with Batch 3, but unfortunately, my preparation was incomplete, which resulted in a lower score. Afterward, I decided to give the CAT exam again the following year with a job, and I joined iQuanta’s Batch 1 in January 2024. I chose iQuanta because I really liked their teaching style and course structure.
After almost a year of dedicated preparation, I appeared for the CAT exam again in 2024, and I am thrilled to share that I scored a 96.07%ile. While it’s not a perfect score, I recognize that the D-day pressure led to a few silly mistakes. Nevertheless, a big Thank You to Jeet Singh Sir for his constant support, guidance, and endless motivation throughout my journey.
A special shoutout to Kamal Lohia Sir, Abhishek Leela Pandey Sir, Raj Kumar Jha Sir, Vikrant Kathuriat Sir, and Prashant Chadha Sir, whose unwavering mentorship made all the difference. Their guidance truly transformed my approach. I am also immensely grateful to the iQuanta Doubts team, Deepanshu Omer, Jainam Shah, Raj Ishu Ayush Chakraborty—for their prompt responses and for resolving even the most trivial doubts.
Now, I am eagerly looking forward to the next step in my journey and am hopeful of converting some good calls.
P.S. – A general non-engineer male.

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