150 New Words with Meaning : Increase CAT Vocabulary

150 New Words with Meaning

150 New Words with Meaning

150 New Words with Meaning

We have compiled 150 New Words with Meaning to increase CAT vocabulary and help you ace the VARC section. The vaster your vocabulary, the better are your chances of success.

CAT is an exam of accuracy. VARC is a test to check critical reasoning ability. It is not about testing language skills. To improve your score in this section, one should be a compulsive reader to figure out and understand the meaning of the word in the context mentioned.

Words are known to be the symbol of knowledge. In the process of gaining knowledge, read to increase new words in your daily vocabulary. Put what you learn into practice, and you are sure to remember new words.

What Is The Importance of Learning New Words With meaning To Increase CAT Vocabulary?

Vocabulary, in any language, is vast and extensive. It isn’t possible to memorize every word in the dictionary. VARC is all about testing accuracy, not language. And many CAT aspirants do not pay much attention to this section. This is the biggest mistake aspirants make.

The words are difficult, and if the student is unaware of their meaning, it can lead to confusion in answering simple questions. You may choose the wrong answer in stress. Remember, for every wrong answer, there is a negative marking.

Importance of Learning New Words with meaning For CAT Preparation
Increase in vocabulary
Sharpens and enriches your thinking ability
Builds self-assurance
Helps in effective expression of thoughts
Improvement of reading comprehension
Improves listening and speaking skills
Enhances writing ability

VARC is all about comprehension. The questions are based on understanding. To increase CAT vocabulary and add a new words list, it is essential to read books, newspapers, and articles in varied topics.

Steps To Add New Words List To Increase CAT Vocabulary

Are you a beginner? Remember, it is critical to stay in the practice of reading books. Here are a few effective tips to help you stay dedicated.

Also Read : CAT VARC Strategy

Read Newspapers

Are you a reader or non-reader? Start by reading the editorial section of different newspapers. Reading newspapers is critical in CAT preparations. It increases your general knowledge and prepares you for group discussions and personal interviews. Newspapers are filled with scholarly views on different subject matters. It is one place to find out what’s happening around the globe and what’s the latest technology. Devote 40 minutes every day to reading different newspapers. There is no set syllabus for CAT exam. It is a test of accuracy. And newspapers are a great place to start preparing.

List of Newspapers – Online/Offline
The Hindu
The Economist
The Guardian
Business Standard
The Economic Times
Financial Express
The Atlantic
The New York Times
The New Yorker

Tip: Do not make the mistake of replacing newspapers with news channels, as the emphasis is on reading. CAT is a timed exam. It is all about speed and accuracy.

Make a Google Doc of New Words 

Reading a newspaper, article or book? Have a notepad handy. Or open a Google Doc to create your personal dictionary. Keep adding the new words in the doc. Add their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms, along with sentence examples. If you wish to and have time, add an image of the new word for visual impact. It is easier for the mind to relate a word to an image. Let’s look at an example:

Meaning – using or involving the use of minimum words
Synonym – brief, concise, terse, succinct, elliptical, economical, crisp
Antonym – verbose, long-winged, loquacious
Sentence – The students were laconic in the debate competition that made the principal furious. 

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Advantage of Creating a Personal Dictionary 

Spend good time to create your personal dictionary of new words on Google Doc. Follow the step mentioned above. The humongous word dictionary will be helpful for CAT preparation. Make the document date-wise to avoid confusion. This will make it easier to revise. This is an efficient and organized way to systematically enhance your vocabulary.

Analyze Your VARC Section of Mock Tests

As a CAT aspirant, you should know the importance of attempting mock tests. Gauge your section wise performance by appearing for mock tests. Do a thorough analysis of the VARC section of the mock tests. Solve the wrong questions. Add the new words from mock tests to your personal dictionary you created on Google Doc. There is a benefit of analysing mock tests. It is that you can create a list of repeated words that appeared in different mock tests. The chances of words coming in the actual CAT exam increases. The key is to keep revising.

Tip: If you don’t know a word, you can easily derive its meaning from the context in which it is used. Read the sentence clearly.

Skills Needed To Build And Increase CAT Vocabulary 

VARC is an important section. Make sure you spend equal time to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension. Not every topic or subject will be of your interest. Read it anyway to sharpen your skills. 

  • Be above average in your vocabulary. Spend at least 40 to 60 minutes every day reading books, newspapers, and articles.
  • Familiarise yourself with jargon in various topics like science and technology, literature, philosophy, economics, environmental issues, politics, etc.
  • Develop the skill to read and comprehend different topics in English, whether you like the topic or not. 
  • Post-it sticky notes can be helpful. Every day, write 8 to 10 new words and their meanings on a post-it sticky note. Stick them on your room mirror, desk or wall. Every time you visit your room, you look at the note and reinforce the words. Change the words every day or every alternate day.

Follow these simple steps to improve and increase the new words list in your CAT vocabulary. 

Tips For Non-Readers To Improve Reading 

Non-readers should put in extra effort to prepare for the VARC section to increase CAT vocabulary. As they will take a few days or weeks to come into momentum. Remember, reading various topics will keep you updated on general knowledge for domestic and international affairs. It will help you in the CAT exam and GDPI.

  • Slow reading without losing focus
  • Improving skills to analyse the answer quickly 
  • Reading and comprehending text from different topics
  • Reading newspapers, articles, books – fiction and non-fiction
  • Start by reading for 10 minutes daily, and gradually increase the time. And as you get in the habit of reading, do timed reading to increase the reading speed.

Reading list of 150 New Words with Meaning to improve your verbal ability

Sharing here is a list of 150 new words with meaning that we believe will be helpful in your CAT preparation for VARC.

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