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CAT VARC Practice

Vocabulary through Mnemonics

Vocabulary through Mnemonics As you all know, VARC  is a crucial component of almost all B-school entrance exams these days, so having a good vocabulary...

Vocabulary for MBA Entrance Exams – Quick Tips to improve it

Strategies to familiarise yourself with the lexicon of vocabulary  Look at this sentence: “Just as the effusive floral prints of the radical William Morris now...

CAT VARC Practice Set 5 (Quiz Of The Day )

This quiz from past CAT contains 2 sets of RC, one para completion and one para jumble. Try to complete the quiz within 15...

CAT VARC Practice Set 4 (Quiz Of The Day )

This quiz from past CAT papers contains 8 RC questions and 2 para jumbles. The questions are of moderate difficulty and the optimum time...

CAT VARC PRACTICE (Quiz of the day 3 )

This quiz contains 2 sets of RC and 2 para completion questions. The reading comprehension questions are of moderate difficulty and para completion questions...

CAT VARC Practice (Quiz of the day )

The first passage is based on History and the second passage is based on Politics. Passages from these streams are regularly asked in CAT...

CAT VARC Practice Set 1 (Questions From Toughest VA-RC Section Till Now)

These questions are from CAT 2003 retest which is termed as the toughest VA-RC section till now

How to improve score in VA-RC section in 47 days

The D-Day is fast approaching and many of you will already have known where you stand in your preparation. VA-RC section has always been...

Steps to improve your VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Composition) for CAT Exam

INTRODUCTION:  CAT (Common Admission Test) is the all India management entrance exam conducted by IIM. This exam was established by the act of the parliament...

How to Approach ParaCompletion

  Paragraph Completion (PC) has been a regular feature of CAT papers since 2005. Before we attempt the PC questions, we must try to understand...

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