Journey of a 99.31%iler cracking GD and PI – his challenges, mistakes and journey of overcoming them.
Common mistakes you can avoid while preparing for CAT which will improve your score by Akshay Saneja – current MDI student, 97.87%ile in CAT...
CAT preparation journey of Pulkit Singhal (98.7%iler)- MDI Gurgaon student.
Interview Experience and a word of advice which almost never fails by Pulkit Singhal – MDI Gurgaon student (98.7%iler)
Journey of a Biology student, who is doing an MBA from IIM Trichy.
WAT-GD-PI Preparation for MBA
How to and how not to approach B-school’s PI.
Acing the GD-PI round after a failed attempt.
TISSNET Preparation Strategy 2022
7 criteria to select your dream B-school.