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Reliance-Future Group Deal (Or Reliance-Amazon Fight For Future Group) 

What is the Future-Reliance deal?  In August 2020, Kishore Biyani’s Future Group entered into an agreement with Reliance Retail, a subsidiary of the umbrella Reliance...

Rise In Digitisation

Ex- Fintech, Edtech, E-commerce  Started with demonetization which triggered digitalization. It improved the acceptance of digital money. Only when payment goes digital, the sector of...

Farm Laws

MSP Based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India, declares Minimum...

Alexei Navalny 

The 44-year-old blogger has millions of Russian followers on social media - many in their early 20s or younger - and managed to get...

How India in a short period of time has become the cheapest producer of solar power 

Worldwide, renewable energy has established itself as the technology of choice for new power generation capacity and India's recent status of lowest-cost producer of...

What Is A Startup?

A startup is a young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market....

KP OLI And The Nepal Crisis

Half an hour before midnight on May 28th, 2008, the 240 year old monarchy was finally abolished and Nepal became a Democratic Republic. (I...

U.S Bombing Syria

March 2011: Protests erupt in the southern Syrian city of Daraa over security forces’ detention of a group of boys accused of painting anti-government...

Uttarakhand Disaster

What caused the Uttarakhand disaster?  A glacial lake burst, a cloud burst or an avalanche, the impact of climate change or “development” — scientists are...

France, Islam And The New Bill

Events leading up to the murder(read note at the end of the page for summary) Samuel Paty taught a moral and civic education course in...

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