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CLAT Mini Mock Series by iQuanta: 24th June 2024

iQuanta has launched a Mini Mock Series covering all the sections of the CLAT exam, these questions have been handpicked by our faculty based on the latest CLAT exam pattern.

1. Attempt all the questions.
2. Once you have completed all the questions of a particular section click on the submit button for scores and explanations then move to the next sections.
3. For each correct answer, you receive 1 mark. For this mock, there is no negative marking.

English Language

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

… You should go to the Muslim brethren and tell them to forget the past, that it will never be repeated and persuade them to return and live peacefully as before. Tell them that their misery is your misery, that you are their brothers, that both Hindus and Muslims are sons of the same soil, both eat and drink from the same source and breathe the same air, hence there should be no ill will between them. Tell them that you will not get any peace of mind until they return to their homes.
It is possible that the Muslims may turn round and ask how they can go back and live in the houses where their kith and kin have been done to death. They will be justified in saying so. But if the guilty persons go to the Muslims with truly penitent hearts, I am sure, they will be persuaded. Human hearts melt before love. When the murderers themselves go to them in sackcloth and ashes and promise them never to repeat such deeds, even a stony heart will melt.
You should not depend on the Government to do this work. The Government will of course lend a hand. But it is mainly your task. The Government can give you tools and materials; but the cleaning has to be done by you.
Amidst this mad upheaval there were some Hindus, like oases in a desert, who risked the wrath of the violent mobs and saved the lives of many Muslims and gave them shelter. They deserve congratulations though they do not need any…Since we have become strangers to human sentiments these days, we are impelled to congratulate any evidence of human love. Those who gave shelter to Muslims did not do so from any selfish motives.
If I have not gone to meet them, let them not think that I have no regard or respect for them. I would love to meet them and know how they saved the lives of Muslims. I have been unable to go to them in spite of my admiration because I have come here like a physician who goes only to those who are suffering. I have come to lighten the sufferings of Muslims in Bihar. I have been told that the Hindus have also suffered in the riots at some places. If there are any such Hindus, they too will be given relief. But I pay more attention to Muslims because there are quite a few of them here who are willing to help the Hindus…
[Extracted from Soul Force: Gandhi’s Writings On Peace, edited by V Geetha]

CLAT MMS English 24th June 2024-Master

Current Affairs and General Knowledge

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

In a first, India has dragged one nation to arbitration at the World Trade Organization (WTO) as it is making changes to its commitments which New Delhi believes could impact its services trade.

The official said India has already communicated to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) regarding its request for arbitration on the issue.

On November 17, 2023, the nation notified to the secretariat of the WTO about its intention to modify its schedule of specific commitments under the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) to incorporate additional commitments relating to services domestic regulation.

CLAT MMS GK 24th June 2024 (#264)

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

Every person has a lawful right to do or adopt any lawful profession, trade or business. If any agreement is made to put restriction over this right, that shall be an infringement of his fundamental right and shall also be against public policy. This is why the Indian Contract Act has specifically declared such agreements void.

Every agreement by which any one is restrained from exercising a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind, is to that extent void.

There are certain exceptions to the above general rule. One exception being that, one who sells the goodwill of a business may agree with the buyer to refrain from carrying in a similar business, within specified local limits, so long as the buyer, or any person deriving title to the goodwill from him, carries on a like business therein, provided that such limits appear to the Court reasonable, regard being had to the nature of the business. In India, trade has been in its infant and it is desirable to develop trade. Therefore, through the stringent provisions of Sec. 27 every agreement interfering with the right to trade has been specifically declared void. Public policy required that every citizen be allowed freedom to work for himself and should get the benefit of labour to himself or to the State. He should not enter into any agreement by which he may not be able to utilise his skill or talent for his benefit or to the benefit of his country. If he does so by an agreement, he shall not be allowed to do so.

Indian law is very stringent on this point. It has invalidated many agreements on this around although they could have been allowed by the English Common Law. English Law has wavered from time to time with the changing conditions of the trade. Till some time in past it considered agreements in total restraint of trade to be valid, but in Nordenfalt V. Maxim Guns Co. It has been decided in 1894 that when restraint is reasonable, it should be allowed and the agreement be not declared void on the plea of opposed to public policy.

According to Section 26 of the Indian Contract Act, all agreements in restraint of marriage except that of a minor are void. The basis of making agreements in restraint of marriage void is that marriage is a sacrament and nothing should interfere in the institution of marriage, not even contracts. The idea behind this provision is to not snatch away the personal right of every individual to marry someone of their own choice. It is important to note here that according to this section, agreements in restraint of marriage of a minor are not void.
[Extracted with edits and revision from Void Agreement, blog by lawtimesjournal]

CLAT MMS Legal 24th June 2024

Logical Reasoning

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

In the intricate tapestry of human cognition, the phenomenon of harboring seemingly contradictory beliefs presents a profound puzzle, challenging the very foundations of rationality and coherence. This exploration delves into the nuanced realm where intentions, beliefs, and preferences intersect, often in discordant harmony, revealing the complex architecture of our mental landscapes.

The narrative commences with a personal anecdote, illustrating the internal conflict experienced when faced with the aversion to malls juxtaposed against the necessity of a mall visit for acquiring shoes for a wedding. This scenario encapsulates the essence of means-end incoherence, a philosophical concept highlighting the dissonance between an intended end and the unwillingness to engage in the means necessary to achieve it. Such incoherence is not isolated to intentions but extends to preferences and beliefs, manifesting in various forms, from cyclical preferences to logically inconsistent beliefs. The crux of the matter lies not in the individual mental states but in their collective incoherence, challenging the rationality of the human mind.

The discourse transitions to a broader examination of irrationality, distinguishing between substantive rationality, grounded in reasonableness and evidence, and structural rationality, rooted in the coherence of mental states. Through examples ranging from political beliefs to intentions, the discussion underscores the inherent difficulty in adjudicating reasonableness due to subjective interpretations of evidence and the relative ease of identifying incoherence, which transcends subjective disagreements by revealing internal contradictions.

The exploration further contemplates the prevalence and intelligibility of incoherence, proposing that the most palpable instances of incoherent mental states occur when these states are not fully transparent to the individual. This opacity allows for the sustenance of incoherence until confronted with the necessity of reconciliation, prompting a reevaluation or reinterpretation of one’s mental states to restore coherence.

In conclusion, the inquiry into the nature of contradictory beliefs and intentions unveils a fundamental aspect of human cognition: the tension between the desire for coherence and the reality of often opaque and incoherent mental states. This tension, while highlighting the limits of our rationality, also underscores the inherent complexity and adaptability of the human mind, capable of navigating the labyrinth of its own contradictions to approximate a semblance of coherence under the scrutiny of self-awareness.

CLAT MMS Logical Reasoning 24th june 2024

Quantitative Techniques

Direction (1-5): The given Line graph Data Interpretation Chart shows the sales of shoes (in thousands) from six stores in six different cities Kolkata, Patna, Dhanbad, Ranchi, Asansol, and Gaya during three consecutive years 2014, 2015 and 2016.

CLAT MMS Quants 24th June 2024

Indrajeet Singh
Indrajeet Singh
The mastermind behind IQuanta, Indrajeet Singh is an expert in Quant and has devised some ingenious formulae and shortcuts to significantly cut down on the time taken to solve a problem

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