CLAT Mini Mock Series by iQuanta: 7th June 2024


iQuanta has launched a Mini Mock Series covering all the sections of the CLAT exam, these questions have been handpicked by our faculty based on the latest CLAT exam pattern.

1. Attempt all the questions.
2. Once you have completed all the questions of a particular section click on the submit button for scores and explanations then move to the next sections.
3. For each correct answer, you receive 1 mark. For this mock, there is no negative marking.

English Language

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

Most people pass through a period of anguish when their belief in humanity is at a low ebb. I was in such a period. My husband had recently died. My deep sorrow over his loss was followed by the humiliating realization that in the eyes of Indian law I had no individual existence. Along with other Indian women I had participated for years with men in the national struggle for freedom, working and suffering side by side with them until it had finally been achieved-yet in law we women were still recognized only through our relationship to men. Now as a widow without a son, I was not entitled to any share of the family property, nor were my two daughters. I resented this galling position. I was bitter towards those members of my family who supported this antiquated law.
At this time I went to pay my respect to Gandhiji and say goodbye before leaving for America to take part in a conference. After our talk he asked, “Have you made your peace with your relatives?”
I was amazed that he would takes sides against me. “I have not quarrelled with anyone,” I replied.
Gandhiji looked out of the window for a moment. Then he turned to me and smiled, and said,
“You will go and say goodbye because courtesy and decency demand this. In India, we still attach importance to these things.”
“No,” I declared, “not even to please you will I go to those who wish to harm me.”
“No one can harm you except yourself,” he said, still smiling. “I see enough bitterness in your heart to cause you injury unless you check it.”
I remained silent, and he continued: “You are going to a new country because you are unhappy and want to escape. Can you escape from yourself? Will you find happiness outside when there is bitterness in your heart? Think it over. Be a little humble. You have lost a loved one-that is sorrow enough. Must you inflict further injury on yourself because you lack courage to cleanse your own heart?”
His words would not leave me. They gave me no peace. After some days of severe struggle with myself, I finally telephoned my brother-in-law. I would like to see him and the family, I said, before leaving.
I hadn’t been with them five minutes before I sensed that my visit had brought a feeling of relief to everyone. I told them of my plans and asked for their good wishes before starting on this new stage of my life. The effect on me was miraculous. I felt as if a great burden had been lifted and I was free to be myself.

CLAT MMS English 7th June 2024-Master

Current Affairs and General Knowledge

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

India is poised to begin wheat imports after a six-year gap, to replenish depleted reserves and hold down prices that leaped following three years of disappointing crops, sources say, as the approaching end of general elections removes a key hurdle.

New Delhi is expected to abandon a 40% tax on wheat imports this year, officials and other sources told Reuters, paving the way for private traders and flour millers to buy from producers such as top exporter Russia, albeit in modest volumes.

As the new-season wheat harvest rolls in, the government is likely to wait until after June to scrap the import tax, in time for Russia’s harvest, the sources said.

CLAT MMS GK 7th June 2024

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

Assault is typically defined as an intentional act that puts another individual in apprehension of immediate harm. Assault thus criminalises the threat of harm itself, rather than requiring that actual harm has occurred. For this reason, it is sometimes also known as attempted battery. Since assault is an intentional act, it cannot be committed by accident. This means that a perpetrator must have intended to cause fear in another person, or that he or she acted in a way that was knowingly dangerous, even if a specific individual was not targeted. Assault does not require that the victim feared is subjected to severe bodily harm or death. Any reasonable fear is sufficient.
Assault also requires that an act be taken in furtherance of the threat of harm. This could be any variety of acts, including approaching someone with raised fists, scaring someone with a weapon, or attempting to push an individual into a crowded street. However, some sort of act is required. Simply stating a threat is not enough to create an assault unless the words are accompanied by an additional action that creates a fear of harm.
Battery is, in many ways, the completion of an assault. Battery is defined as an intentional offensive or harmful touching of another person that is done without his or her consent. Since an assault is the threatening of harm, and a battery is the actual act of harm, the two crimes are often charged together. As with assault, battery requires that the perpetrator intended to commit the act.
The act of battery does not require that the victim is severely injured or traumatised. Any type of touching that the victim considers harmful or offensive can be sufficient. For example, if a woman pours a mug of hot water on someone else, this could be a battery. To go even further, a classic case of a battery that does not result in pain or injury is when the perpetrator spits on the victim. However, a defendant will not be held liable for contact that is deemed offensive only because the victim is abnormally sensitive. The standard of offensiveness is determined from the perspective of an ordinary individual.
When the conduct of a defendant is particularly egregious, he or she may be charged with the elevated crime of aggravated assault or battery. This can vary by state, but it is generally meant to criminalise conduct that society finds particularly offensive. Thus, for instance, aggravated assault may apply to circumstances when a deadly weapon, such as a gun, is used, or when the victim is particularly vulnerable, such as a pregnant woman or an elderly individual. In some states, if the harm done to the victim is particularly severe and causes serious and lasting injury, the assault or battery will be charged as aggravated. If the perpetrator’s actions could have caused death, the defendant will face a charge of attempted murder and manslaughter.
[Extracted, with edits and revisions, from Assault and Battery, blog by justia]

CLAT MMS Legal 7TH June 2024

Logical Reasoning

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

The human mind is very strange. Mind enables people to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and reason, to perceive, to judge and to feel. It is the faculty of consciousness and thought. Human being is controlled by its own mind. Hence taking care of one’s mental health is a priority.

Mental health is an essential and important component of a person’s total health status. It includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. Human life is full of stress and strain and individual needs vary from person to person. Thus it is important to follow principles to keep the mental health intact.

Children need special care for their holistic development as they are the assets of the nation. They are vulnerable to problems relating to physical, mental and social health. Although physical health problems can be observed from outside, mental health problems may not be noticed unless one is aware of the signs which indicate the need for professional help.

Parents and family members need to be aware of any change in behavior of their children. A child’s socialization process takes place through the influence of the family, neighborhood and community. According to Karl Meninger- “What is done to children, they will do to the society.” Parents need to practice self-control and self discipline so as to expect the same from their children. Children follow the adults. They learn by observing the behaviors of their parents and other family members. A child’s health depends upon family’s health, lifestyle, culture, customs, traditions, taboos, rituals, religious practices, habits, child bearing and child rearing practices, social relationships, socio-economic conditions, environmental conditions, etc. A child can learn different life skills and gather knowledge in a healthy environment which is beneficial for normal development.”

CLAT MMS Logical Reasoning 7th june 2024

Quantitative Techniques

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following question.

A newly formed state government wantsto bring more development in the state. Therefore, the government proposed to launch various welfare programmes. Before bringing up any welfare programme, the state government intended to understand the population percentage of the state by age groups, so that the government could plan the welfare programmes accordingly. The state government found that the state’s 30 per cent of the population were children between the age group of 0-15. Next to child population, 17.75 per cent of the population were adolescents between the age group of 16 and 25. The early adult population, i.e., the age groups 26 to 35 were 17.25 per cent, 36 to 45 were 14.50 per cent, respectively. The population who are between the age group of 46 to 55 constitute 14.25 per cent and the elderly population of the state, i.e., 56 to 65 (5.12%) and 66 above (1.13%) was comparatively less than the other age groups. To get a better clarity, the state government concerned is seeking the answers to following questions:

CLAT MMS Quants 7th June 2024