CMAT Strategy | How to Ace CMAT 2024?

CMAT Strategy

CMAT Exam Strategy

The official dates for the Common Management Admission Test will be out soon and it’s time to start your CMAT preparation and in order to start preparing for the exam, you need to build an efficient CMAT strategy. CMAT 2024 is going to be a computer-based test. Innovation & Entrepreneurship which was optional till 2021 has now been made compulsory since CMAT 2022. This section consists of 25 questions for which an additional 30 minutes will be provided.

CMAT MBA Entrance exams


The National Testing Agency (NTA) administers the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT), an aptitude test, to applicants seeking admission to MBA/PGDM programmes. One of the most well-liked MBA entrance examinations in India is the CMAT and hence requires a CMAT strategy. Every year, about 70,000 candidates take the exam. Five sections will make up the three-hour computer-based online CMAT exam in 2024. A candidate’s aptitude in the areas of Quantitative Technique, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, General Awareness, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be assessed.

CMAT Exam Pattern

In order to efficiently build a CMAT strategy , you need to first of all go through the entire CMAT 2024 exam pattern.

CMAT 2024 Syllabus

1. Quantitative Skills & Data Interpretation (QSDI)

2. Logical Reasoning (LR)

3. Language Skills (LS)

4. General Awareness (GA)

5. Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Must Read : Top 22 Bschools Accepting CMAT 2024 Score

Pre-requisites of Preparing CMAT Strategy

1. Awareness

The CMAT strategy building starts with awareness. If you are an aspirant, you need to know the exam pattern, eligibility, concerned subjects or any recent changes established. Going through the exam pattern will give you an idea as to what the actual paper contains, the number of questions and marking scheme.

Next, go through the entire syllabus. Checking the CMAT 2024 syllabus will help you know about all the topics you need to cover and help you in your CMAT preparation accordingly. Note down the marks assigned to each topic and keeping that in mind, prepare a priority list.

2. Choose Where To Prepare From

Do your research and find a reliable external source for CMAT preparation. Working hard is on you but a good coaching institute that provides relevant CMAT study material and caters to your doubt helps in the long run. Keeping the current scenario in mind, you can go for online coaching for more cost efficiency, better value and better time management.

3. CMAT Study Material

Online or offline CMAT 2024 study material is very essential. The books and sources you choose must have all the relevant concepts and questions. You can also take up a CMAT Course that provides structured CMAT preparation.

4. CMAT Previous Year Questions

Practicing previous year’s question papers is an important aspect of preparing for CMAT. Solving past CMAT papers gets you accustomed to the CMAT question pattern. This will help you in relevant preparation so that you do not deviate from the actual topics. Practising past year papers is the best way to assess the exam and yourself.

5. Basic Concepts

The most important aspect of building a CMAT strategy is getting your basic concepts clear and practising as many questions as you can. Only by making your base strong can you move to the advanced level questions.

6. Practice Multiple Sets

After you get your concepts clear, practice as many sets as you can. Practice solving the RCs by analysing the gist and tone of the passage. For LRDI, practice different sets from all the topics multiple times. For Quants, start with basic questions and gradually move to the tougher ones.

7. Mocks and Analysis

Appearing for CMAT 2024 mocks hold paramount importance in CMAT preparation. Mocks give you an idea about where you currently stand with your syllabus. By analysing these mocks you can note down your strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

Prepare for CMAT 2024 with iQuanta. Click Here To Enroll.

Section-wise CMAT Strategy 2024

1. CMAT Strategy : VARC

VARC Strategy for CMAT

The first step to deal with any of the questions in the CMAT VARC section is to understand the nature of it. Know what the question is asking of you.

When dealing with RCs, try to analyse the tone of the passage and what the author wants to convey. Read the entire passage and figure out the motive of each paragraph. Understand the gist of the RC. Coming to the questions, instead of trying to find the right option, eliminate the wrong ones. Also, know the reasons behind the elimination of those options.

To prepare a CMAT strategy for the verbal part, practice as many previous year questions as you can. That is going to give you an idea about the question pattern. Find sources providing multiple practice sets. When provided with options in the question, comparing and eliminating should be your approach.

2. CMAT Strategy: Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation


To prepare a CMAT preparation strategy for Quants and DI, practice all the sets from previous year’s questions to question banks and the test series/ courses you’ve enrolled for. Make sure to strengthen your basics. Work on the conceptual part first and then start applying them in questions. Start with easier questions and then move on to the tougher ones. Work on your calculations. Practice a few calculation-intensive question to strengthen the same.

Prepare a formulae sheet and maintain it by adding any new formula you come across. Start with easier questions and move on to the advanced ones. Practice questions only belonging to the relevant topics.

Practice speed maths and vedic maths. You can refer to the following videos for some fast calculation tips:

Must Watch : Speed Maths session on Multiplication
Squares & Cubes

3. CMAT Strategy: Logical Reasoning

CMAT Strategy for logical reasoning

Start your CMAT preparation for LR by solving 2-3 sets daily and gradually keep on increasing this number with increasing accuracy. Practice diagram based questions and make yourself comfortable with them. Make sure to read the question carefully and keep the details in mind and not keep re-reading it as it is only going to cause more confusion.

Start with basic, easier questions and focus more towards increasing first your accuracy and then focus on the time taken. As you’ll start getting the answers right, your confidence will increase and hence you’ll start taking less time to solve the questions. Solving past year papers for this section is the best CMAT preparation strategy.

4. CMAT Strategy: General Awareness

GA Strategy for CMAT

For building a CMAT preparation plan for General Awareness, prepare for all the topics mentioned above. Keep track of the current affairs, take a newspaper subscription and read it every day. Watch the news regularly. Take GK quizzes on an everyday basis. To analyse the static GK question pattern, you can check out the previous year’s questions as well.

5. CMAT Strategy: Innovation & Entrepreneurship

CMAT innovation & entrepreneurship

To start preparing and formulating the strategy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, you should know that the questions concerned in this section need logical thinking. The answers should be dealt with with a business mindset. Read about different entrepreneurship schemes and new innovations as well as innovators. Get acquainted with the basics of starting organisations and startups. Think very critically while dealing with this section. Reading business related articles and magazines will also prove to be very helpful in this section.

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CMAT MBA Entrance exams

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