CUET Strategy 2022 | How to Prepare for CUET Exam

CUET strategy 2022

Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2022

Building an effective CUET strategy 2022 is essential to ace the exam.

The CUET Exam or Common University Entrance Test is a common entrance exam that is to be conducted by NTA for UG Admissions across all the Central Universities in India. A total of 54 Central Universities will be taking admissions in UG courses based on the CUET 2022 score conducted by NTA.

The exam will be conducted by the NTA (National Testing Agency) as the governing body for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the top Central Universities of India.

Candidates can apply on the official website i.e. for the UG and PG courses.

How to Prepare For the CUET Exam 2022?

1. Understand the Exam Pattern

CUET 2022 exam pattern

Before you start preparing for any competitive exam, the first thing you should do is to go through the exam pattern. The strategy building for any exam starts with awareness. Going through the exam pattern will give you an idea as to what the actual paper contains, the number of questions and marking scheme.

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2. Go through the CUET 2022 Syllabus

CUET Strategy syllabus

The next step to building your CUET strategy 2022 is to go through the entire syllabus. Checking the CUET 2022 syllabus will help you know about all the topics you need to cover and help you in preparing accordingly. Note down the marks assigned to each topic and keeping that in mind, prepare a priority list.

CUET Syllabus for Arts/Humanities

CUET Syllabus for Commerce

CUET Syllabus for Science

3. Build a CUET Strategy

CUET Strategy 2022

Now is the time to build a CUET strategy 2022. First of all, build a timetable. Assess your strong and weak points and assign the time to each of these points accordingly. Give more time to the topics in which you’re weak in and make your strong points stronger. Work according to your priority list. The exam is very competitive hence your CUET strategy should be full proof. You’ll also be provided with a topic wise CUET strategy later in the article.

4. Execute your CUET Strategy 2022

CUET Strategy 2022 execution

Merely building a CUET strategy is not enough. You need to start following the timetable and stick to it. Since the board exams are going on rigjht now, you can devote a minimum of 1-2 hours a day to your CUET preparation. Post the completion of your board exams, prepare dedicatedly for the CUET exam. Initially, give equal amount of time to all the sections. Later on, after you’ve figured out your strengths and weaknesses, prepare accordingly. Give more time to the weaker sections.

5. Practice the Questions and Take Mocks

CUET strategy 2022 practice

After you’ve covered the conceptual part of the topics, move to the implementation. Start practising the questions. Take one diagnostic mock to see where you stand with your preparation and if you are able to implement your CUET strategy 2022. Post that, mock analysis is another important part. Analyse what mistakes you’ve made and solve the paper again. Make sure to take a note of the errors and if you notice a pattern, work harder on that particular aspect.

6. Revision

CUET 2022 revision

Now comes the time to revise. Make sure that you take your time for regular revisions. Go through the topics you have covered 3-4 times again and again before the CUET 2022. The biggest mistake you can do is become overconfident and skip a topic thinking that you’re good at it or that it is irrelevant for the exam.

7. Stay Consistent & Wait for the Outcome


Consistency is the key to execute your strategy. Do not bring a long pause in your CUET preparation. Stick to the preparation strategy and be honest with yourself. Keep reminding yourself of your life goals and why do you need to work hard. More than 6 lakh applications have been received in DU with only 70,000 seats. So, if you stop for a day, imagine, how many people will get ahead of you. Just keep working hard and patiently wait for the results.

Section-Wise CUET Strategy 2022

1. CUET 2022 Strategy for Language Test

CUET 2022 Language Test

In the Section I of CUET 2022, a total of 32 languages are available to choose from. For the Language section preparation, you need to have a good grasp on the grammar and vocabulary of the language of your choice. Also, developing a regular reading habit is essential as it will help you in the Reading Comprehension part of the paper and later on in life as well. The RC passages will consist of 400-450 words and they’ll be 5-8 in number.

You need to select the right questions for yourself so that you don’t get stuck and waste your time on the tougher questions. For an efficient CUET Strategy 2022 for the Lanuage section, start reading newspapers and articles of different genres to gain familiarity with all the types of RCs expected in the CUET 2022 exam.

Every language has its own grammar, literature and vocabulary so be thorough of it all. Practice retention and with inculcating a reading habit, you’ll also be able to read in lesser time. ALso, try summarizing the articles you read.

2. CUET 2022 Strategy for Domain Subjects

Domain subjects test CUET

The Section II of the CUET 2022 paper will comprise of the Domain subjects. There are a total of 27 domains out of which a candidate can choose 6 subjects of their choice.

To build a CUET Strategy 2022 for Domain subjects, a student should be well-versed with the subject-wise syllabus. The level of the CUET exam is the same as Class XII. So what you need to do is have a strong base. Go through the NCERT books as advised by the NTA for your CUET domain subject section preparation. Do not go on reading/solving the advance level concepts without building the fundamentals.

Next, prepare your own notes as writing things down will also help you in remembering them. In this way, you also won’t have to go on exploring the entire book for a small doubt. Use different colored pens and highlight the important parts so that while revision, you can focus exclusively on them and this will also save a lot of time.

3. CUET 2022 Strategy for General Aptitude Test (GAT)


The General Aptitude Test concerns 3 sub-sections – Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning and General Awareness & Current Affairs. Given below are the preparation strategy for each of them:

a) Quantitative Ability

To prepare for the Quants section, make sure to strengthen your basics. Work on the conceptual part first and then start applying them in questions. Start with easier questions and then move on to the tougher ones. Work on your calculations. Practice a few calculation-intensive question to strengthen the same. For fast calculation tips, you can also check out this Speed Math session:

Prepare a formulae sheet and maintain it by adding any new formula you come across. Start with easier questions and move on to the advanced ones. Practice questions only belonging to the relevant topics.

b) Logical Reasoning

For the LR section, start by solving puzzles and problem solving questions to increase your efficiency in Reasoning. Solve questions like missing numbers, sudoku, basic and critical reasoning questions. Take the help of mocks and practice as many LR sets as possible. Regular practice can only help you to tackle the questions faster.

c) General Knowledge & Current Affairs

You can strengthen this section of the paper by reading the newspaper habitually. Be aware of what is going on in the world. This will also help you with RCs. Use relevant sources for the static GK preparation. Focus on awards and titles, sports and all the other domains.

So, this was the CUET strategy 2022 for an efficient CUET preparation. Perseverance and consistency is the key to success. All the best!

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