CUET Preparation Tips 2024 : Timetable & Study Plan

CUET Preparation

CUET UG exam is the gateway to India’s top central universities. In this article, we’ll be discussing the CUET Preparation strategy in detail along with some important tips and month wise study plan.

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What is CUET?

CUET, stands for ‘Common University Entrance Test’. It is a national level exam conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) for the admissions to undergraduate and post graduate exams. This exam enables students to enroll in many colleges, as numerous colleges participate in it. More than 250 universities accept CUET score for under graduation programme.

Some of the top Universities that accept CUET score are Delhi University, BHU, University of Hyderabad, Jamia Milia Islamia, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, BBAU Lucknow, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi, GGSIPU Delhi, Lovely Professional University Punjab.

This is a MCQ Based exam. There are total 3 sections- Language, Domain specific and General test. Section 1 (language) contains 50 questions, section 2 (domain specific) contains 50 questions, section 3 contains (general awareness) contains 50 question. Each section of the examination is allocated a time limit of 45 minutes for completion.

To crack this exam, effective CUET preparation is crucial. In this article, we will delve into strategies for efficient CUET preparation which will help you to score well in the exam.

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CUET UG Exam Pattern

Before delving into the strategies for CUET preparation, let’s understand the exam pattern and other relevant details about the CUET exam.

Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency
Online Submission of Application Forms27 February 2024- 26 March 2024
Date of Examination15 May 2024 – 31 May 2024
Result DeclarationJune / July 2024
Application Fees (Upto 3 subjects)INR 750- General Category
INR 650- ST/ST/PwD/Third Gender
INR 3750- Candidates From Outside India
Application Fees (Upto 7 subjects)INR 1500- General Category
INR 1300- ST/SC/PwD/Third Gender
INR 7500- Candidates From Outside India
Application Fess (Upto 10 subjects)INR 1750- General Category
INR 1550- ST/SC/PwD/Third Gender
INR 11000- Candidates From Outside India
Total SectionSection 1- Language
Section 2- Domain Specific
Section 3- General Test
Mode of ExaminationHybrid (Computer based test +Offline)
Type of QuestionMultiple Choice Questions
Eligibility10+2 or equivalent exam or those appearing in class 12th.
No Age limit (Universities have their own criteria)
Questions to be attemptedSection 1- 40/50
Section 2- 40/50
Section3- 50/60
Marking Scheme+5
Difficulty level Moderate

Also read: CUET Syllabus 2024 UG

CUET Preparation : Coaching vs Self Preparation

During CUET preparation, there is always confusion about whether to join a coaching center for CUET preparation or to prepare on your own. Here are the differences listed below.

No Material HuntMaterial Hunt
Content RelevancyRight Material Issue
Doubt ClarificationDoubt Clarification Issue
Daily Fixed ClassesDiscipline Issue
Correct GuidanceNo Guidance
MotivationLack Of Motivation
Coaching will provide relevant material, saving you time in finding the right content so that you can focus more on learning. Daily classes are conducted by coaching centers, which will help you stay focused and assist in solving your doubts. You will also be learning with other students; this will help you stay motivated and understand your competition as well.

You can also prepare on your own; all you need is to stay consistent and find the right content and strategy for CUET preparation to ace the exam.

Choosing or not choosing coaching is a personal choice; the main goal is that your CUET preparation should be efficient enough to help you succeed in the exam.


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CUET Preparation : Month Wise

A right strategy for CUET preparation is crucial. Let’s understand what should be your plan for every month to ace in the exam.

Board examinations are occurring this month, and for many of you, they will conclude in March. This is the ideal time to start your preparation. Let’s look at the important points you need to keep in mind for CUET preparation in March.

  • Prepare thoroughly for your board exams, as this will also help you get ready for your domain-specific exams. If you prepare thoroughly for your boards, you will need less effort to prepare for the domain-specific exam later.
  • While studying, develop the habit of taking notes. Your notes should be concise and well-organized. This will be useful for quick revisions whenever needed.
  • If you have taken a gap year, you’ll need to review your domain-specific subjects. Therefore, aim to finish the syllabus for your exam as soon as possible and then start focusing on English and general awareness.
  • Note down all the important topics in each subject and create a proper timetable.
  • Pay equal attention to all subjects, as each section is equally important. Start giving equal focus to every subject from the very beginning. This will better assist you in your CUET preparation.
  • Study any two subjects every day. Try to solve 20-30 questions for each subject daily. This will help you develop a habit of studying for extended periods.
  • Try to complete your syllabus as soon as possible.

CUET Preparation : April

  • Complete syllabus for all the subjects. Focus more on revision. Revision of all three domains should be the target for the month of April.
  • Make a schedule for English and General Test. English and General Test is as important as the domain specific subjects.
  • Learn a topic and solve 40 question for each domain.
  • Practice as much as possible. There is a high chance that similar questions may appear in the exam. Practicing more will aid in your CUET preparation and help you score well.
  • Solve at least 2 PYQ. At this stage, solving 2 PYQs is enough. This will help boost your confidence. Previous Year Questions (PYQs) will give you an insight into the exam you will be taking.
  • Start taking mock tests and do not forget to analyze your mock tests. Analyzing mock tests is as important as taking the mocks.
  • Ask as many questions as you can. Try to solve your doubts.

CUET Preparation : May

  • Start focusing on attending Marathons. This will help you to cover all the important topics and will aid you in revising the syllabus. Topics covered in marathons are very important.
  • Start solving questions from random topics. This will help you to cover questions of all the domains.
  • Start solving 3 mocks everyday along with the analysis. Analysis part is very important at this moment. Analysis helps you to rectify your mistakes.
  • PRACTICE MORE. Practice with taking as many tests as you can. This will help you to develop a habit of staying at one place for longer without fatigue.
  • Solve more in head. Try to do calculation in your mind. This will help to increase your solving speed.
  • Revise formulas in subjects that are formula-based.
  • By this time, you should have received your admit cards, so you will also know your slot timings. Try to solve mock tests during your slot timings. This will help you develop the habit of concentrating during that specific time.

CUET Preparation : Last minute tips


This may sound routine, but indeed, these are the best last-minute tips to crack the exam.

Following the right strategy for your CUET preparation will help you to ace the exam. Set weekly or monthly targets to score well. To join the crash course for CUET preparation at iQuanta, click here.