Daily Editorial Practice Questions For CLAT UG: 20th April 2024


Passage 1

Recently, the Department of Posts opened a second branch of the post office at the research station in Antarctica after almost four decades. Letters intended for Antarctica will now be addressed with a new experimental PIN code, MH-1718, typical for a new branch.

Letters meant for the post office in Antarctica are sent to the National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR). When a scientific expedition to Antarctica departs from NCPOR, a researcher carries the consignment of letters.
At the research base, the letters are ‘cancelled’, brought back, and returned via post.
The term ‘cancellation’ refers to the mark placed on a stamp or postal stationery to render it useless for reuse.

Source – https://indianexpress.com/article/india/pin-code-m

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Passage 2

Among the latest set of revisions that the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has proposed in school textbooks are additions about findings from the DNA analysis of skeletal remains found at the archaeological site found in Haryana and the dropping of references to how the Narmada Dam project adversely affected tribals and drew them to displacement leading to greater destitution.
NCERT’s latest textbook revisions include adding findings from DNA analysis, emphasising ancient Indian continuity. Other major changes include highlighting Ahom victories, using honorifics for Shivaji, and rephrasing terms like “rebel” to “revolt” in historical contexts.
“That Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are social groups specially marked by poverty, powerlessness and social stigma,” are a few of the multiple deletions NCERT is making to its sociology textbooks for Class 12.

Source- https://www.thehindu.com/education/schools/ra

20th APR 2024

Passage 1

Passage 2