Daily Editorial Practice Questions For CLAT UG: 27th March 2024


Passage 1

Union Home Minister Amit Shah on March 26 in an interview said that the Central Government will consider revoking the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act in one of the Northern parts of India.

The AFSPA gives the armed forces personnel, operating in the disturbed areas, sweeping powers to search, arrest and to open fire if they deem it necessary for “the maintenance of public order”. There have been demands from various organisations and individuals in the territory and the northeastern States to revoke the AFSPA.

Mr. Shah said the Assembly elections will be held in the territory before September. “Enshrining democracy is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise and it will be fulfilled. However, this democracy will not be confined to certain families alone and will be a people’s democracy,” he said.

Source – https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/centre-to-

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Passage 2

Thailand’s lower house of parliament on March 27 passed a marriage equality bill at the final reading, in a landmark step that moves the country closer to legalise same-sex unions. “We did this for all Thai people to reduce disparity in society and start creating equality,” Danuphorn Punnakanta, chairman of the parliamentary committee on the draft bill, told lawmakers ahead of the reading.

The bill now requires approval from the Senate and endorsement from the king before it becomes law. It was passed by 400 of the 415 lawmakers present.

The passing of the bill marks a significant step towards cementing Thailand’s position as one of Asia’s most liberal societies on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, with openness and free-wheeling attitudes coexisting with traditional, conservative Buddhist values. Thailand has long been a draw for same-sex couples, with a vibrant LGBT social scene for locals and expatriates, and targeted campaigns to attract LGBT travellers.

Source- https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/thailand-moves-

27th MAR 2024

Passage 1

Passage 2