Daily Editorial Practice Questions For CLAT UG: 6th May 2024


Passage 1

A major landmark study to be published reveals that global immunization efforts have saved an estimated 154 million lives – or the equivalent of 6 lives every minute of every year – over the past 50 years. The vast majority of lives saved – 101 million – were those of infants.

The study, led by the World Health Organization (WHO), shows that immunization is the single greatest contribution of any health intervention to ensuring babies not only see their first birthdays but continue leading healthy lives into adulthood.

Of the vaccines included in the study, the measles vaccination had the most significant impact on reducing infant mortality, accounting for 60% of the lives saved due to immunization. This vaccine will likely remain the top contributor to preventing deaths in the future.

Source – https://www.who.int/news/item/24-04-2024-global-imm

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Passage 2

The Supreme Court has declined to receive an application by the Centre to allow the administrative allocation of spectrum.

The Registrar found the application for clarification misconceived. Spectrum, a scarce natural resource, is allocated to private players only through open, transparent auction. The law was laid down on this issue by the Supreme Court 12 years ago in the 2G spectrum judgment.

‘Administrative allocation’ of spectrum would have government in sole charge of selecting operators to distribute airwaves, considered a scarce resource.

Source- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/supreme-court-declin

6th MAY 2024

Passage 1

Passage 2