DU JAT Preparation Strategy



Delhi University Joint Admission Test(DU JAT) is a national level entrance test conducted by national testing Agency(NTA) for admission to professional undergraduate programs including BBA, BMS(Financial Investment Analysis), BA(Hons) offered by 16 colleges affiliated to Delhi University.

DU JAT Preparation Strategy

  1. Consistency– Make a timetable that is suitable for you and stick to it till the date of examination. Also try including at least 2-3 hours of preparation time in your schedule. To analyse your level of preparation, making a list of topics you have learnt on your most productive days and comparing it with topics you have learnt on subsequent days is a good idea.
  2. Practice mocks- Start practicing mocks, one section at a time which is Quantitative Ability, Reasoning and analytical ability, General English, business and general awareness and once you are confident about all the sections, then you may try attempting the entire mock test in one go. Time for mock tests should be spared everyday.
  3. Revision- Candidate must shift their focus on brushing up he basics and going through the notes few days before DU JAT exam.
  4. Time Management- Candidate should divide their time among four sections.

Section wise  DU JAT Preparation strategy-

  1. Quantitative Ability- Mostly candidates are scared about this section since many of them feel that if they are not good at mathematics then it is difficult to score well in this field but it is not true. The topics covered in this section are the ones we have covered in class X, XI, XII. Following the below mentioned points will make DU JAT preparation much  easier.
  • Mathematical concepts ought to be clear and calculations should be fast which can be achieved through constant practice.
  • Attempting all the questions is not compulsory but attempting them correctly should be the priority of the candidate. It helps in managing time aptly for the rest of the paper.
  • Preliminary level questions are asked which can be solved easily.
  • Candidate should not indulge in learning new concept just before the exam, instead revise basic formula and concepts which are familiar to you.
  • Devote 1 hour to quantitative ability section on daily basis.
  • Solve previous year question papers to understand exam pattern.

2. Reasoning and analytical ability- 

  • It enhances analytical abilities of the candidate of the candidates as well as arguments and analogies.
  • It helps to understand relationship, structure, and logical calculations by applying rules & principles.
  •  It includes deductive reasoning & explaining relationship between person, place & thing.

3. General English- 

  • This section tests vocabulary of the candidate.
  • Develop reading habit on daily basis.
  • Regular practice is required to score maximum marks in this section.
  • Solving previous year question papers and identifying important words is a great way of learning.
  • Do not devote more than 20 minutes to verbal ability section.
  • Read the newspaper diligently and make a list of all the difficult topics.
  • Go through previous year cut-offs.
  • Devote last 5 minutes to any uattempted questions.

4. Business & General Awareness-

  • Reading newspaper on daily basis.