Gender Ratio in Medical Colleges

Gender Ratio in Medical College
Gender Ratio in Medical College

The gender ratio in medical colleges helps to track the progress of gender equality. The medical profession was earlier male-dominated with limited roles for females. Presently, the gender ratio has been improved with more women pursuing medical courses. The gender ratio is typically different in every medical college. But, the common thing is the increased enrollment of female students. Read the latest information on the gender ratio in medical colleges in India.

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Gender Ratio in Medical College

The gender ratio in medical colleges has improved due to the growing presence of female students. A huge number of women students enrol in both undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate courses. Although few challenges remain, the right strategies can be used to improve gender disparities in the medical profession. Some are workplace support, mental health programs for women, mentorship, and encouraging women to pursue various medical fields. This article highlights the male-to-female ratios in top medical colleges in India.

Gender Ratio in NEET Exam and Medical College Admissions

The gender ratio in NEET exams highlights the total number of male and female students. In the NEET UG 2024 exam, a total of 2406079 registered for the exam. Of which, 1029198 students were male and 1376863 were female. A total of 1315853 candidates qualified NEET 2024 exam. Out of the total, 546566 students were male and 769277 were female. These data reflect more female than male candidates qualified the exam. 

Gender Ratio in NEET 2024 Exam

Third gender181710

Factors Improving Gender Ratio in Medical College

Some of the factors responsible for influencing the gender ratio in medical colleges are shared below for reference purposes:

  • Changes in Societal Norms and Perspectives
  • Gender Equality Initiatives (Scholarships and mentorship programs)
  • Government/Institution Policies
  • Growing Support for Women
  • Evolving Healthcare Dynamics

Gender Ratio in Medical College-Top Colleges

The gender ratio in medical colleges has evolved drastically over the years. The growth is positive towards gender equality. Some reasons include changing perspectives, access to education, and initiatives. Check below the past trends for gender ratio in top medical colleges in India:

Gender Ratio in Medical Colleges- AIIMS, Delhi

Male-to-female ratio (2023-24)48:52
Male-to-female ratio (2022-23)54:46
Male-to-female ratio (2021-22)53:47
Male-to-female ratio (2020-21)58:42
Male-to-female ratio (2019-20)60:40
Male-to-female ratio (2018-19)56:44

Gender Ratio in Medical Colleges- AIIMS, Bhubaneswar

Male to Female ratio 2022-2368:32
Male to Female ratio 2021-2274:26
Male to Female ratio 2020-2166:34
Male to Female ratio 2019-2076:24
Male to Female ratio 2018-1967:33
Male to Female ratio 2017-1860:40

Gender Ratio in Christian Medical College, Vellore

Male to Female ratio 2023-2451:49
Male to Female ratio 2022-2347:53
Male to Female ratio 2020-2149:51
Male to Female ratio 2019-2047:53
Male to Female ratio 2018-1940:60
Male to Female ratio 2017-18100:0

Gender Ratio in Medical Colleges- JIPMER, Puducherry

Male to Female ratio 2023-2460:40
Male to Female ratio 2022-2364:36
Male to Female ratio 2021-2264:36
Male to Female ratio 2020-2158:42
Male to Female ratio 2019-2067:33
Male to Female ratio 2018-1964:36
Male to Female ratio 2017-1858:42

Gender Ratio in AIIMS Rishikesh

Male to Female ratio 2023-2463:37
Male to Female ratio 2022-2366:34
Male to Female ratio 2020-2174:26
Male to Female ratio 2019-2069:31
Male to Female ratio 2018-1923:77
Male to Female ratio 2017-1868:32

Gender Ratio in Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi

Male to Female ratio 2023-2475:25
Male to Female ratio 2022-2372:28
Male to Female ratio 2021-2278:22
Male to Female ratio 2020-2178:22
Male to Female ratio 2019-2083:17
Male to Female ratio 2018-1966:34
Male to Female ratio 2017-1857:43

Gender Ratio in AIIMS Patna

Male to Female ratio 2023-2466:34
Male to Female ratio 2022-2372:28
Male to Female ratio 2021-2274:26
Male to Female ratio 2020-2174:26
Male to Female ratio 2019-2076:24
Male to Female ratio 2018-1981:19

Gender Ratio in Kasturba Medical College, Manipal

Male to Female ratio 2023-2444:56
Male to Female ratio 2022-2351:49
Male to Female ratio 2021-2245:55
Male to Female ratio 2020-2144:56
Male to Female ratio 2019-2050:50
Male to Female ratio 2018-1949:51
Male to Female ratio 2017-1847:53

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Gender Ratio in Medical College-FAQs

What is the male-to-female ratio in medical colleges?

The male-to-female ratio in medical colleges varies as per the institution type, courses, and other factors.

What is the Gender Ratio in NEET?

As per the trends, 546566 male students, 769277 female, and 10 third-gender candidates passed the NEET UG 2024 exam.

What is the gender ratio in AIIMS, Delhi?

As per the reports, the male-to-female ratio in AIIMS Delhi in 2023-24 was 48:52.

Which factors are responsible for improving the gender ratio in medical colleges?

Changes in societal norms, gender equality initiatives, government policies, etc have improved the gender ratio in medical colleges.