How iQuanta Helped Me Score 99.34%ile in CAT


CAT even cat lovers are afraid of it. I started preparing for CAT around 4-5 months before the D-day. I was confused at the start and didn’t know where to begin my preparation so I decided to join CAT coaching physically but soon enough I realised how many problems they were creating for me. These classes were generally early in morning or in evening and would require getting ready and reaching the venue at least 5 mins before the class and post classes, we used to stand out and talk which would additionally consume time. In all, I wasted around 1 hr in total. Many times, I was also unable to ask my doubts as I felt they were silly and I was shy and thought of the impression I would have on my pears if I asked my doubts. I was going to coaching everyday spending nearly around 3-4 hrs but had a feeling that this was not going into effective learning.

Friends are gods in the form of humans because they were the one who told me about iQuanta’s Facebook group which was the largest online CAT community with more than 1.5 lacs active users and on this group, I could post my doubt anytime and regarding anything and get a solution almost instantly. With all my doubts getting cleared my confidence boosted but I still had a feeling that my time was not fully utilised as I was still wasting a lot of it in commuting and relaxing post classes and overall, just delivering less hours towards preparing than I could have. Even if I had a doubt, I had to go back to coaching to get it cleared or retake class.

Thank god I had only paid for 1st instalment before coming across iQuanta’s CAT program and based on responses on Facebook group from iQuanta team and results in previous years I decided to join the Brahmastra Program under iQuanta. I could see things pacing up for me within a few days as I started wasting a lot less time and learning became more effective. iQuanta’s unique way of teaching via Facebook helped me build my foundation very strong. Under every topic, we were shown a video which was followed by a lot of questions to ensure every aspect of the topic is covered and cleared and I could ask any doubt at any time in video or questions just by typing in my doubts. This method made doubt solving easy as I felt no shyness and also helped me in peer learning which is among main learnings of a B-school.  These sessions were timed in a way so that maximum students could stay active and learning could be the most. This novel way of learning also helped in setting that competitive atmosphere as questions were posted on feed and students rushed to answer in comments.

Brahmastra also had mock test series included in the package. These tests were curated with near perfection and different mocks had different difficulty levels and different CAT format which allowed me to prepare in every way possible. These mocks were even provided with detailed solutions for analysis which helped in identifying my weak areas and strong areas and redistributing my time in accordance with my command over topic. I could also post my doubt from the test at any time and get an instant solution.

I was also given access to an enormous video library that could be accessed from anywhere and contained quality videos on all the topics under CAT.

With preparation extending over several months, I began to forget some tricks and tips from earlier classes. Here, I believe the crash course came in most handy. It simply not only allowed me to revise the entire course just before CAT but also helped me with better memorisation of tricks and ways to save time and solve paper more effectively. This crash course was included in Brahmastra package and helped me in boosting my confidence before CAT which plays the most important role in deciding output on the day of exam.

My journey was not over with iQuanta post CAT as they also helped me with GD & PI. They conducted live sessions about these topics and helped us in preparing better. They also helped me with general awareness for other competitive exams.

In short, with iQuanta I was able to use my time more effectively and doing classes on Facebook gave me a chance to solve any kind of doubt and indulge in peer learning. Mock Test series helped me test my learning and verify my speed and test my CAT strategy and overall, develop a sense of complete learning. Video library and crash course helped me with brushing up my learnings and boosted my confidence that pushed me to score better.  iQuanta’s detailed program helped me convert my initial 30-40% in mocks to 99+% in CAT. Post this with aid in GD & PI, I was able to secure a seat in one of the top 10 B-schools in India.

All the best!!!

To structure your CAT Preparation in an efficient way consider visiting iQuanta website and being a part of iQuanta CAT 22 Course at
You can also check out and be a part of their Facebook group for peer learning, doubt solving and free material.