How Does iQuanta Conduct its Interactive CAT Classes?


Dual Pedagogy and CAT Preparation

When preparing for the CAT examination, students often struggle to find the right coaching that would not only teach but also involve students in the learning process. One will often see most institutes following a one way of teaching where the teachers would deliver concepts, solve examples on the board while the students would passively observe.

This has certain disadvantages:
1. Limited attention span leads to loss in interest.
2. Students get used to spoon feeding and don’t get the chance to solve the questions on their own.

This problem can be overcome through iQuanta’s dual pedagogy wherein the focus is not only on teaching theoretical concepts but also on application-based learning.

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Class Framework

iQuanta follows a mix of both live streaming interactive classes (7 – 9 PM) and application-based interactive classes (10 PM – 12 AM)

iQuanta’s Interactive Live Sessions Demo Classes:

1. Quant Demo Class

2. VARC Demo Class

3. LRDI Demo Class

1. Application Classes

In the application-based classes, the concepts are delivered one-by-one through pre-recorded short videos of 2-5 mins. If a student has any doubt, he/she can post it which is cleared then and there itself by the faculty who is conducting the class.

The concept video is followed by a few questions that make use of that concept.

Students are given a few minutes to solve the question on their own following which the solution is posted in 2 formats – textual, video. The elaborate textual solution accompanied by a detailed video solution ensures that students understand everything. One can prefer the textual format for the quick solution and the video format for detailed solution – whichever one is comfortable in.

Even if the doubts remain after the textual and video solution, the teachers will solve your doubt instantly. You do not have to wait for the class to get over. Moreover, additional faculties are available to help solve your doubts on time. Only after you are able to solve the questions, then we move on to the next video concept.

Benefits of Application Classes:

1. All the varieties and applications of the theory are taught as in the actual exam just knowing the theory won’t help, you need to be aware of numerous applications of it as well.

2. As the students are also directly answering the questions using the theory learnt in the class, this allows them to actively retain the concepts. Hence, no spoon-feeding takes place. We want our students to also get involved in the teaching-learning process.

3. Sometimes students get stuck only at part of the question, so they do not have to watch the complete video to get to the solution. They can simply refer to the textual solution and save time.

4. Multiple approaches to a question are posted by faculties as well as students. This encourages peer-to-peer learning.

5. The classes are chronologically stored in the Past Events and can be revisited anytime.

This is our application-based learning for you, from iQuanta.

2. Live Classes

In live interactive classes, the teacher himself comes in front of the students on a board and teaches various concepts including the ones taught in the application classes. A different set of questions are also solved. In case there is a doubt, one can directly ask the teacher for instant clarification. You do not have to wait for the class to end or for specific time slots.

Benefits of Live Classes:

1. Act as a good revision of the concepts that you learned in the application class.

2. Ensures a wholesome practice by solving a variety of new questions.

3. Promotes a more personal touch with the faculties.

4. The classes are chronologically stored in the Past Events and can be revisited anytime. So, no need to worry if you skipped a class. You can watch the recorded session anytime.


After every class, a list of highly relevant questions for the CAT exam is also provided in the form of assignments on the student dashboard. These assignments are crucial for enhanced practice, application and retention of concepts.


This is iQuanta’s dual pedagogy for you wherein we make sure that our students are not left behind in the learning process and are actively engaged. iQuanta provides all kinds of support you require for your CAT exam, from dual-pedagogy based classes to 24 x 7 instant doubt solving, from free counselling and guidance sessions to industry-famous tips and tricks.

For comprehensive guidance on the CAT 2022 Full Course, visit the link below. A special discount is running for a short while.

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