How to Manage College With CAT Preparation


Tips on How to Manage College With CAT Preparation

Preparing for competitive examinations can take a lot of your time, especially when you try to manage college with CAT preparation. However, you need to keep in mind that there are several factors that are required for the exam. For example, managing time with college, adopting an effective preparation strategy that you can adopt to clear the exam while also being focused on your college grades, etc.

For starters, the early you start your preparation for CAT, the better it is to avoid last-minute stress. This point is important as it will leave you with sufficient time for revision. Also, you would not have to worry about more-than-necessary work experience.

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Preparation with College Advantages:

  • Enough time to settle: as you have started the preparation early, you will have enough time to get used to the preparation. You do not have to worry about rushing into things. You can take your time in understanding the CAT syllabus and pattern.
  • Lower stress: unlike many others who would normally afford to give only one year to CAT preparation (and, thus, increasing their stress levels), you will have sufficient time to prepare without worrying too much.
  • Headstart: many would start their preparation only at the advanced stages of their work experience; however, if you start from the college itself, you will get an early headstart compared to others.

Managing College With CAT Preparation

Next comes the question of how to manage college with CAT preparation. Check the checklist mentioned below on how to manage your college with CAT preparation effectively:

  • Study your Syllabus: analyse your syllabus well and prepare a draft on which topics would demand how much time. This will provide you with a rough timeline of your preparation.
  • Schedule: once the timeline is set, devote suitable hours to the various topics (like algebra, DI, etc.) that you will study daily.

A schedule is necessary as it will help you get an idea of how much time it will take you to complete your syllabus and then later devote suitable hours to revision and giving mocks. Without a proper schedule, you might take your preparation easy and might extend your preparation more than necessary.

  • Managing with college: preparing for college would also require you to study for both your college exams as well as CAT Exam. Hence, strike for balance. Devote particular hours in a day for your college as well as CAT Exam. However, for college, you need not study daily except near the exam term. Hence, you can strategically plan so that you get more than enough time for your CAT exam preparation.
  • Pomodoro Technique: while studying, you can adopt the Pomodoro technique to be able to study for long hours. The technique goes as follows: study in a ratio of 50:10. Study for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break. Make sure that your break is not extended for more than 10 minutes.

The key feature of the Pomodoro technique is that you will be able to maintain your concentration at constant levels as your brain can not remain focused for a longer duration. The 10-minute break will provide you with time to relax your mind so that you can get back to studying.

  • Consistency: make sure that you stick to your timetable and be consistent in your preparation. As the cliche goes, “consistency is the key”.

These were the important points that you needed to keep in mind while preparing for the CAT exam. Make sure that you follow the pointers mentioned above. Sticking to your timetable and the Pomodoro technique are the hallmarks of effectively managing your CAT preparation with your college.

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