IIM CAP Final Selection Weightage 2025

IIM CAP Final Selection Weightage 2025
IIM CAP Final Selection Weightage 2025

IIM CAP 2025 has started and the cutoff has already been released. The final admission through CAP is offered considering various parameters that includes CAT score, performance in the personal interview and profile of the candidate. Amongst all the admission parameters of IIM CAP 2025 the maximum weightage is given to the CAT scores and it ranges between 33% to 60%. The weightage given to each of the IIM selection parameters varies from CAP participating college to college. For example, IIM Udaipur gives 60% weightage to CAT scores whereas 45% weightage is given by IIM Sirmaur and 40% by IIM Jammu and IIM Ranchi. Read further to know the CAP IIMs final selection weightage given to each criteria – CAT score, interview and profile.

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IIM CAP CAT Score Weightage

The weightage given in IIM CAP 2025 varies from college to college. However, the maximum weightage is given to CAT scores in IIM CAP amongst all the shortlisted criteria. IIM Udaipur gives 60% weightage to CAT scores in CAP whereas IIM Kashipur gives the least weightage amongst all the IIMs and the weightage given is 33%. 

IIM CAP Final Selection Weightage – CAT Scores

CollegeCAT Score Weightage
IIM Udaipur60%
IIM Trichy50%
IIM Ranchi40%
IIM Kashipur33%
IIM Nagpur50%
IIM Sirmaur45%
IIM Jammu40%
IIM Bodhgaya50%

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CAP IIMs Personal Interview Weightage

Candidates meeting the IIM CAP cutoff have to further take part in the interview process. The weightage given to interviews in IIM CAP colleges ranges between 15% to 30%. IIM Jammu and IIM Ranchi give the highest weightage of 30% in the selection process. IIM Udaipur gives the least weightage to PI in CAP which is just 15%. Check out the final weightage given to interviews in IIM CAP.

CAP IIMs Final Selection Weightage – Interview

CollegeInterview Weightage
IIM Udaipur15%
IIM Trichy25%
IIM Ranchi30%
IIM Kashipur25%
IIM Nagpur25%
IIM Sirmaur25%
IIM Jammu30%
IIM Bodhgaya20%

CAP IIMs Profile Weightage

The candidate’s overall profile also carries weightage in the final selection of IIM CAP. IIM Kashipur gives 42% weightage to the profile whereas IIM Udaipur and Trichy gives only 25% weightage to the profile of the candidate.

IIM CAP Final Selection Weightage – Profile

CollegeProfile Weightage
IIM Udaipur25%
IIM Trichy25%
IIM Ranchi30%
IIM Kashipur42%
IIM Nagpur25%
IIM Sirmaur30%
IIM Jammu30%
IIM Bodhgaya30%

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Weightage Given to IIM CAP Selection Criteria

What are the criteria considered for IIM CAP final selection?

Candidate’s CAT score, performance in the personal interview and overall profile is considered for the final CAP selection criteria.

How much weightage is given to CAT scores in IIM CAP?

The weightage given to PI score varies for each IIM CAP college. It ranges between 15% to 30% depending on the IIM CAP participating college.

What is the weightage given to the overall profile in IIM CAP?

The weightage given to the overall profile in IIM CAP ranges between 25% to 42%.