IIM Admission Process 2025 – Selection Criteria and Other Details

Selection Process for IIMs

Every year, thousands of students take the Common Admission Test (CAT) to gain admission to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). These prestigious schools are considered to be the cream of the crop for management education in India. IIM admission process 2025 has multiple rounds of tests and interviews. To ensure that you are making an informed decision and to make sure that you stand out from the rest of the applicants, it is important to understand the selection criteria for IIMs in India. For IIM selection process 2025 it is mandatory to have a valid CAT score.

This comprehensive guide will provide a detailed overview of the IIM selection process 2025, from the application process to the final selection criteria. It will also provide helpful tips and strategies to help you prepare for the various stages of the IIM admission process 2025. With this guide, you will be well-equipped to make the best of your IIM application and make a strong impression on the IIM admissions committee.

Overview of IIM Admission Process 2025

The process of selecting students for admission to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) is a long and gruelling one. It is important to note that the selection process for IIMs is unique for each institute. The duration of admission process also varies from one IIM to the next, with some schools having a selection process that lasts as little as two months, and others having a selection process that lasts up to six months.

Also Read: IIM Placements 2024

Stages of IIM Admission Process 2025

StageDescriptionKey Points
Stage 1: CAT ExamAppear for the Common Admission Test (CAT). Candidates must clear the minimum CAT cutoff for each IIM.– Written exam assessing Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning.- Must meet IIM-specific CAT cutoffs.
Stage 2: Profile EvaluationEvaluation of Past Academics, Extracurriculars, and Work Experience.Shortlisting for further rounds based on CAT score and profile.– Review of Class 10 & 12 scores, graduation marks, work experience, and extracurricular activities.- Shortlisting based on profile strength and CAT scores.
Stage 3: WAT-PI RoundWritten Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI) round. Assessments include communication skills, critical thinking, and overall fit for the program.– WAT assesses writing skills and clarity of thought.- PI evaluates personality, motivation, and communication skills.

For a structured GDPI WAT preparation with mock interviews and live GD preparation, click on the link below.

iQuanta GDPI Course

Eligibility for IIM Admission 2025

Before you apply for admission to an IIM, it is important to understand the IIM MBA eligibility criteria for admission to these top B-schools in India.

IIM Eligibility Criteria 2025

Eligibility CriteriaDetails
1. Educational QualificationCandidates must have completed their undergraduate degree by the time of admission.
Accepted Undergraduate Degrees– Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)- Bachelor of Science (BSc)- Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS)- Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)- Bachelor of Computer Science (BTech/BE)- Bachelor of Engineering (BTech/BE)- Bachelor of Law (LLB)- Bachelor of Architecture (BArch)- Bachelor of Home Science (BHS)
Postgraduate DegreesSome IIMs accept postgraduate degrees from select disciplines like:- Economics- Computer Science- Mathematics- Statisticsand other approved disciplines from recognized universities.
Academic RecordCandidates should possess a good academic record throughout their education. While requirements vary by IIM, generally a minimum of 80% in graduation is expected.
Additional Criteria– Work experience: While not mandatory, it may enhance the profile.- Extracurricular activities and overall personality may also be considered during the selection process.

IIM Admission Criteria 2025

Class 10th ScoreThe aggregate percentage scored in Class 10th or its equivalent.
Class 12th ScoreThe aggregate percentage scored in Class 12th or its equivalent.
Graduation ScoreThe aggregate percentage scored in a 3 or 4-year Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent.
WAT-PI PerformanceThe performance in the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI) will be evaluated.
Academic DiversityPoints are awarded to candidates with diverse academic backgrounds. The points vary by different IIMs.
Gender DiversityFemale and Transgender candidates receive diversity points. The points vary by different IIMs.
Work ExperiencePoints are awarded based on the duration of work experience. The range of points is determined by IIMs.

1. IIM Ahmedabad Selection Process 2025

Top B-Schools in India
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

IIM Ahmedabad Admission Criteria consist of two stages. The first stage is the preliminary screening with weightage divided between past academic records and CAT exam scores (higher weightage to CAT). The second and final selection Criteria consist of a Personal Interview (PI) and Writing Test Ability (WAT).

The preliminary stage is based on the division of weightage between the CAT score and Academic background. CAT score builds up 70% weight and Academic Profile builds up the rest 30%.

To get shortlisted, a candidate must hold a minimum CAT sectional percentile score of 70 for all three sections (individually): Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC).
Along with sectional scores, a candidate must also score a minimum CAT overall percentile of 80. While the weightage of the CAT Score and Academic profile is in a ratio of 70:30, Candidates with decorated academic records are awarded higher points during the shortlisting round.

IIM Ahmedabad Selection Criteria 2025

Academic LevelMarks ScoredAllotted Weightage
Class 10th90% and above10 Points
Class 12th(science and commerce Stream)90% and above10 Points
Class 12th(Humanities Stream)85% and above10 Points
Bachelor’s DegreeVaries10 Points

IIM A Final Admission Selection Round Criteria:

Shortlisted candidates are automatically eligible for the Final selection round conducted by IIM Ahmedabad.
During the final admission round, the Personal Interview (PI) is given 50% weightage, 10% weightage is given to Academic Writing Test (AWT) and 40% weightage is given to CAT Score and Academic background.

2. IIM Bangalore Selection Process 2025

IIM Selection Process IIM Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore

The admission process at IIM Bangalore for the PGDM will be carried out in 3 stages.

  • Preliminary Screening: Candidates who clear the CAT cut-off get screened based on a composite score (CS) which would be composed of an academic rating score (AR) (includes 10th marks, 12th marks, & work experience) & a normalized overall CAT score. Following is the weightage given to different stages for the IIM Bangalore admissions.

IIM Bangalore Selection Criteria 2025

ParametersWeightage (%)
Class 10th15
Class 12th15
CAT Score55
Gender Diversity5
Work Experience10
  • Shortlisting for Analytical Writing Test (AWT) & Personal Interview (PI): The best candidates with exemplary academic records and CAT scores from varied academic backgrounds get shortlisted for the PI round, based on their Composite Score.
  • IIMB Final Selection: At this stage, candidates separately get shortlisted across each category (General/ SC/ ST/ NC-OBC/ PwD) based on their Final Composite Scores (FCS).

3. IIM Calcutta Selection Process 2025

IIM Selection Process for IIM Calcutta
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta

The admission process at IIM Calcutta for PGP 2025 will be carried out in 3 stages.

Stage I: Minimum CAT percentile cut-offs to be considered for PI

Candidates meeting the minimum requirements on section-wise and overall percentiles in CAT 2024 will be shortlisted for Stage II.

Stage II: Shortlisting for PI And WAT

IIM Calcutta Selection Criteria 2025

ParameterWeightage (%)
CAT 2024 Score56
Class 10th10
Class 12th15
Academic Diversity4

Note: A = Candidate’s CAT 2024 Total Overall Scaled Score & B = Maximum possible CAT 2024 Total Overall Scaled Score

Stage III: Criteria for Final Selection for the MBA Programme

IIM Calcutta Final Selection Criteria 2025

ParametersWeightage (%)
CAT Score30
Personal Interview (PI)48
Writing Ability Test (WAT)8
Academic Diversity6
Work Experience8

4. IIM Lucknow Selection Process 2025

IIM Selection Process 2023 for IIM Lucknow
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow

IIML Admission Criteria is conducted in 2 Stages. Stage 1, further has 3 stages.

Stage 1a: IIM Lucknow Eligibility Criteria for WAT-PI

Stage 1b: Calculation of the Composite Score for Shortlisting for the WAT-PI stage. Only Candidates Eligible as per stage 1a, stand a chance of getting shortlisting WAT And PI.

IIM Lucknow Selection Criteria 2025

ParametersWeightage (%)
CAT Score60
Class 12th10
Work Experience10
Academic Diversity5
Gender Diversity5

Stage 1c: Scheduling for WAT-PI. Eligible Candidates shall be required to fill in and submit the WAT-PI form online by the stipulated deadline. The candidates, who fail to submit their WATPI form online by the prescribed time limit, shall not be allowed for the WAT-PI process

Stage 2: Final Shortlisting for MBA, MBA-SM, and MBA-ABM.

ComponentsMBA & MBA-SM (Weightage)MBA-ABM (Weightage)
Common Admission Test (CAT)3035
Academic Performance (12thMarks + Grad-Marks)5 + 55 + 5
Diversity Factor55
Work Experience5NA
Writing Ability Test1010
Personal Interview4040

5. IIM Indore Selection Process 2024

IIM Indore Campus view at night
Indian Institute of Management, Indore

IIM Indore Selection Process is conducted in 3 stages.

Stage 1: The Eligibility Criteria
All applicants who apply for the two-year PGP of IIM Indore must satisfy the eligibility criteria
mentioned in the CAT 2024 advertisement and also the minimum sectional percentile and overall
percentile scores in CAT 2024 (as mentioned in Table 1). Only those applicants meeting the
specified criteria will be considered for Stage 2 of the selection process.

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension

Stage 2: Shortlist for Personal Interview (PI)

Only those candidates satisfying the requirements mentioned in Stage 1 will be considered for
this stage of shortlisting for Personal Interview (PI).

10th Standard39
12th Standard20
CAT 2024 Sectional ScoresVARC: 10
LRDI: 10
QA: 15
Diversity Factor6
Composite Score= Sum of the Above Scores
Computation of Composite Score (CS)

Stage 3: Final Selection

10th Standard12.5
CAT 2024 Sectional ScoresVARC: 18.75
LRDI: 9.375
QA: 9.375
PI Scores50
Composite Score= Sum of the Above Scores
Computation of Final Composite Score (CS)

6. IIM Kozhikode Selection Process 2025

IIM Kozhikode Aerial View of the Campus
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode

Stage 1: The Minimum Eligibility Criteria

CategoryCAT Overall PercentileCAT Sectional PercentileSSC/X Class
EWS, OBC-NCL75656060

Stage 2: Shortlisting for Writing Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI)

ParametersWeightage (%)
CAT 2024 Score45
Class 10th Percentage25
Class 12th Percentage15
Gender/ Academic Diversity10 / 5
Work Experience5

Stage 3: Final Shortlist

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT 2024 Score35
PI Score35
WAT Score20
Resume Score10

7. IIM Mumbai Selection Process 2025

NITIE Mumbai B-school campus view
National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai

Stage 1: The minimum Eligibility Criteria

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Shortlisting for Personal Interview (PI)
From the candidates satisfying the criteria of Stage 1, shortlisted candidates will be called for Personal
Interview (PI) based on their CAT-2024 score along with sectional cut-offs considering their reservation
category and gender diversity.

Stage 3: Criteria for Final Selection for the MBA Programme

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT 2024 Score55
PI Score20
WAT Score20
Resume Score5

8. IIM Shillong Selection Process 2025

RGIIM Shillong B-School Overview
Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management (RGIIM), Shillong

Stage 1: Shortlisting for Personal Interview (PI)

CategoryVerbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Others Categories757575
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Merit Listing for Offering Admission to PGP

ComponentsWeightage (%)
Application Rating Score (10th + 12th+ Work ex)10
Gender Diversity10
CAT 2024 Score40

9. IIM Rohtak Selection Process 2025

IIM Rohtak B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak (IIM Rohtak)

The Admission Criteria of IIM Rohtak comprises of 5 stages.

Stage 1: Minimum Eligibility Criteria based on CAT Score

General 96
Minimum eligibility criteria based on CAT Score

Stage 2: Personal Interview (PI)

  • All shortlisted candidates at Stage I will appear in Stage II i.e. Personal Interview.
  • All the shortlisted candidates will be informed by email to download their call letters to appear
    in the Personal Interview. All the required details, like date, time and other required guidelines,
    will be mentioned in the call letter.

Stage 3: The Final Selection List based on CAT, Personal Interview & Diversity scores.

  • A weight of 60% will be assigned to the CAT Total Score (Scaled to 100). A weight of 20% will
    be given to the Personal Interview Score. Further, 20% will be given to Academic
    diversity and Gender diversity.
  • The weighted aggregate of the following components, namely (a) CAT, (b) Personal Interview,
    and (c) Diversity, will be used to prepare a merit/rank list, and accordingly, the candidates will
    be invited to appear in the next stage of Admission.

Stage 4: Offer for Provisional Admission for the PGP programme

  • The offer of admission to the candidate will be made strictly based on merit/ rank list and
    availability of seats in each category (General, EWS, NC-OBC, SC, ST & DAP) as per
    reservation rules of Govt. of India.
  • All the shortlisted candidates will receive a provisional offer letter for admission from
    pgpadmission@iimrohtak.ac.in on their registered email ID.
  • A candidate receiving an admission offer from IIM Rohtak (IIM-R) and accepting the offer
    within the stipulated date needs to deposit the Offer Acceptance Amount (as mentioned in the
    Offer Letter) through the admission portal only.
  • The candidate will receive his/her confirmation letter for provisional admission to PGP Admission on his/her registered email ID.

Stage 5: Reporting for joining the PGP programme.

10. IIM Raipur Selection Process 2025

IIM Raipur B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management Raipur (IIM Raipur)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Final Selection

The final composite score is computed based on the following four components.

ComponentsWeightage (%)
Overall CAT & Sectionals Percentile42
Personal Interview23
Personal Profile Mapping2

11. IIM Ranchi Selection Process 2025

IIM Ranchi B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management Ranchi (IIM Ranchi)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: PI Process

After the completion of the PI process, admission offers for IIM Ranchi would be made based on a
Consolidated Merit List (CML), which will be prepared based on the following components and their
corresponding weightage:

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score40
Personal Interview Score30

12. IIM Tiruchirappalli Selection Process 2025

IIM Trichy B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management Trichy (IIM Trichy)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Criteria for the Final Admissions

The following parameters and the corresponding weights will be used to arrive at the composite scores of the candidates to prepare the final merit list for admissions:

  • CAT Percentile: 50% weightage.
  • Personal Interview: 25% weightage (Based on the normalized PI scores, the lowest 20% of the candidates in each category will not be considered for admission to the PGPM)
  • Work experience: 10% weightage.
  • Normalized Score in 10th Standard: 2% weightage.
  • Normalized Score in 12th Standard: 3% weightage.
  • Performance at Undergraduate level: 5% weightage.

13. IIM Kashipur Selection Process 2025

IIM Kashipur B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur (IIM–Ka)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting of Candidates for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Generation of merit list

Stage 2a: Personal Interview

Personal Interview holds 25 per cent weightage.

Stage 2b: The following weights will be assigned to various components for generating the Merit list

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score33
Class 10th Score5
Class 12th Score5
Professional qualifications
Work Experience12
Academic Diversity 4
Gender Diversity6

Stage 3: Generation of Final Admission offer List Grand Total

The Grand Total will be used to rank students according to their merit. It is calculated as the sum of the PI Score and Shortlisting Score.

14. IIM Udaipur Selection Process 2025

IIM Udaipur B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (IIMU)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Selection Criteria for Preparing the Merit List.

The criteria for preparing the merit list will be as follows:

  • CAT Score*: 60%
  • Personal Interview (PI): 15%
  • Profile: 25%

CAT Score* of the candidate divided by the maximum CAT Score among candidates who have applied to IIMU and attended PI. It is clarified that the CAT Score would be used and not the CAT Percentile.

15. IIM Amritsar Selection Process 2025

IIM Amritsar B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar (IIM Amritsar)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

The Pre-PI Score is calculated for each candidate based on the following weights.

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score60
10th Board10
12th Board5
Gender Diversity10
Work Experience15

Stage 2: Personal Interview (PI)

The post-PI score for each candidate is calculated based on the aggregate scores obtained after applying the following weights.

ComponentsWeightage (%)
Personal Interview (PI)70
Work experience10
Gender diversity10
Academic diversity10

Stage 3: Calculation of Aggregate Score

The final ranking list of candidates for admission to the MBA program will be based on the Aggregate score(Aggregate Score = 0.6 X Pre-PI Score + 0.4 X Post-PI Score).

16. IIM Bodhgaya Selection Process 2025

IIM Bodhgaya
IIM Bodhgaya

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Criteria for Preparing the Merit List

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score50
Personal Interview (PI)20

17. IIM Jammu Selection Process 2025

IIM Jammu Eligibility Criteria
Indian Institute of Management Jammu (IIM Jammu)

Stage 1: Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles

Stage 2: Criteria for Preparing the Merit List

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score40
Personal Interview (PI)30

18. IIM Nagpur Selection Process 2025

IIM Nagpur B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management Nagpur (IIM Nagpur)

Stage 1: Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Selection of the Candidates for the PI process

Stage 3: Final Selection of the Candidates

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score45
PI Score25
PAP(Previous Academic Performance) Score10
Work Experience10
Gender Diversity10

19. IIM Sambalpur Selection Process 2025

IIM Sambalpur B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management Sambalpur (IIM Sambalpur)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Criteria for Preparing the Merit List

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score30
Personal Interview (PI)25

20. IIM Sirmaur Selection Process 2025

All about IIM Sirmaur
Iindian Institute Management (IIM Sirmaur)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude (QA)Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: Components of Merit List

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score35
PI Score20
Academic Performance15
Work Experience25
Trailblazer score5

21. IIM Vishakhapatnam Selection Process 2025

IIM Visakhapatnam B-School Overview
Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam (IIMV)

Stage 1: Initial Shortlisting for Personal Interview

CategoryVerbal Ability And Reading Comprehension
Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning(DILR)Quantitative Aptitude (QA)Overall
Minimum requirements of CAT percentiles for Stage I

Stage 2: For all Qualified Confirmed Candidates, the weights for the six components are fixed as:

ComponentsWeightage (%)
CAT Score50
10th Board10
12th Board10
Gender Diversity10
Work Experience10

Stage 3: The final aggregate score

ComponentsWeightage (%)
PI Score48
CAT Score25
10th Board4
12th Board4
Gender Diversity5
Work Experience10

CAT Exam Preparation Tips

If the selection process for IIMs is a long and complicated one, then the CAT exam is a long and complicated exam.

There are many different ways to approach the CAT exam, but the most important thing is to find a strategy that works for you. It is important to note that the best way to prepare for the CAT exam is to create a study plan.

Your study plan should include a study schedule, a list of the materials that you will use to prepare for the exam, and a list of the resources that you will use to track your progress.

Your study plan should also include a “survival strategy” for the days leading up to the exam. It is important to remain as stress-free as possible during the exam preparation period, so it is important to create a “bubble” around yourself during that time.

A few useful tips to consider while preparing for the CAT exam include:

  • Create a Study Schedule
  • Create a Weekly Study Plan
  • Identify Your Weak Areas and Address Them
  • Create a Mock Exam Environment
  • Manage Your Time and Anxiety
  • Recover Well After the Exam
  • Practice, Practice, Practice!
  • Sleep Well and Eat Well
  • Track Your Progress

IIM Admission 2025 – WAT/PI Preparation Tips

As mentioned above, the Personal Interview (PI) or Written Ability Test (WAT) is a common feature of the IIM selection process 2025.

The PI provides the admission committee with an opportunity to assess not only an applicant’s logical and verbal reasoning abilities but also their communication skills and personality.

The best way to prepare for the PI is to practice interview skills. The easiest way to do this is by attending mock interviews. Mock interviews are an excellent way to prepare for an interview.

It is important to keep in mind that mock interviews can be useful only if they are conducted by trained individuals. It is important to choose a mock interview that is tailored to the admission process of your desired B-school.

It is also important to remember that the best way to prepare for an interview is to be yourself. The most effective way to prepare for the PI is to prepare for the “real thing.” The best way to do this is to conduct “mock” interviews. The most effective way to prepare for the interview is to conduct mock interviews in a “real-world” environment.

Application Tips for IIM Admission 2025

The IIM selection process 2025 can be long and complicated. It is important to ensure that you are prepared for the application process for all IIMs that you are applying to.

  1. Decide which IIMs you want to apply to. While it is important to apply to as many IIMs as possible, it is also important to be realistic.
  2. Select two to four IIMs that you are really excited about and have a genuine interest in. During the IIM application process, you will have to fill out an online application form and submit various documents, including your academic achievements, work experience, and a few personal essays.
  3. To ensure that your application is as strong as possible, it is important to understand the criteria that the IIMs look for in their applicants. The IIMs are looking for students who have excelled academically and have the potential to become successful managers.
  4. The IIMs are also looking for candidates who have the ability to think logically and have a genuine interest in management studies.
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IIM Admission Process 2025 – FAQs

What is the eligibility criteria for MBA by IIM?

IIM MBA eligibility criteria is that the candidates must have passed their graduation with atleast 50 percent marks. Apart from this they must meet the CAT cutoff 2024 that has been decided by the respective IIM.

How can I get selected into an IIM?

As per the IIM admission criteria one can get selected through CAT exam. Candidates have to first appear for CAT and meet the cutoff of the desired IIM. Next, they have to qualify the selection process of the IIM consisting of WAT, GD and PI.

Do Class 10 and Class 12 marks matter in IIM?

Yes, class 10 and 12 marks do matter for admission into IIM. Candidates are shortlisted for the final admission based on their academic pursuit. So class 10 and 12 scores are given weightage during the IIM admission process.

What is the CAT cut off for GEM candidates for top IIMs?

The CAT cut off for GEM candidates for top IIMs usually goes above 99 percentile. The exact percentile depends on the individual cutoff released by the IIM.

Is IIM eligibility criteria different from CAT eligibility criteria?

No, IIM MBA eligibility criteria is not different from CAT eligibility criteria. The IIM eligibility criteria is same as the eligibility criteria of CAT. Therefore in order to be eligible for IIM candidates must have a bachelor’s degree with atleast 50% marks in aggregate.

Is the weightage of CAT higher than WAT-PI?

The weightage of CAT is generally not higher than WAT-PI. This completely depends on the selection criteria of the particular IIM. For example, the CAT weighatge of IIM Bangalore is generally 25% whereas around 40% weighatge is given to PI and 10% to WAT. At IIM Lucknow the weightage given to the CAT score is generally 30-35% and the weightage of WAT and PI is 50%.

Is CAT score mandatory for IIM admission?

Yes, CAT is mandatory for IIM admission for the full time MBA program. However some IIMs offer executive MBA program where GMAT scores is also acceptable. Apart from this some of the IIMs also offer integrated MBA programme through IPMAT and for this CAT is not mandatory.

What is the IIM Selection Process for 2025?

IIM selection process 2025 includes qualifying the IIM CAT cutoff. Further candidates have to qualify for the WAT, GD and PI rounds conducted separately for all the IIMs.

What are the eligibility criteria for IIM Admission 2025?

IIM admission eligibility criteria is that candidates must have passed graduation with atleast 50% marks and should have scored a valid marks in CAT 2025.

Is work experience required for admission to IIMs in 2025?

No, work experience is not mandatory for admission to IIMs in 2025 for MBA programs. This is mandatory for the executive MBA programs offered by the IIMs