IPMAT VARC : Syllabus, Preparation & Practice


In this article, we will delve into the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section for both IPMAT Indore and IPMAT Rohtak. We will examine the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) syllabus, identify important topics within IPMAT VARC , evaluate IPMAT mock tests, discuss how to analyze them, and offer tips and strategies to achieve a high score in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section. In the end, it includes a short quiz as well. Reading this article will help clear all your doubts about the IPMAT VARC section.

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What is IPMAT?

The IPMAT (Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test) is an entry-level exam for institutions offering a five-year integrated course, merging a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. This program provides an uninterrupted academic journey from an undergraduate to a postgraduate degree in business management.

The IPMAT for Rohtak emphasizes three key areas: Quantitative Aptitude (IPMAT QA), Logical Reasoning (IPMAT LR), and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (IPMAT VA RC). In contrast, the IPMAT for Indore is divided into three specific segments: Quantitative Aptitude (Short Answer) or IPMAT QA (SA), Quantitative Aptitude (Multiple Choice Questions) or IPMAT QA (MCQ), and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (IPMAT VARC).

  • The IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section in Indore comprises 45 questions, and candidates are allocated 40 minutes to complete this section
  • Each correct answer awards +4 marks, while each incorrect answer results in a -1 mark deduction
  • Time limits are set for each section, and you must complete the current section before proceeding to the next one.
  • IPMAT Indore has sectional cut off.

IPMAT VARC: Indore Syllabus

The IPMAT Indore is considered as the most challenging of the IPMAT exams. While discussing about the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, let’s talk about IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) syllabus:

Verbal Ability
Deductive Reasoning
Logical Consistency
Inference based Passages
Idioms and Phrases
Foreign words
Tenses, Modifier & Parallelism
Reading Comprehensions
Noun and Pronoun Errors
Prepositions and Conjunctions
Etymology and Roots
Subject- Verb Agreement

Visit IPMAT Indore for a detailed information.

IPMAT VARC: Rohtak Syllabus

  • In this exam, there is no sectional cutoff; admissions are based on the overall score.
  • Each section is timed, and you must complete each section before moving on to the next.
  • Reading Comprehension is included in the IPMAT Rohtak.

Here’s the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) syllabus for IPMAT Rohtak:

Verbal Ability
Deductive Reasoning
Subject- Verb Agreement
Inference based Passages
Etymology and Roots
Logical Consistency
Prepositions and Conjunctions
Idioms and Phrases
Tenses, Modifier & Parallelism
Reading Comprehensions
Noun and Pronoun Errors

Also Read: All About IPMAT Exam

Give it a try

Ques. Visually strong, ______ films of the 1920s are ___ preserved and suffer from censorship cuts, leading to the ______ that they were primitive and barely watchable.

Option A. classic; dispassionately; conclusion
Option B. action-packed; badly; accusation
Option C. monochrome; barely; observation
Option D. silent; poorly; misconception

Was this difficult, or was it easy?

This question is from the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section. If you found this challenging, continue reading this article, as it will definitely help you understand such questions.

Even if you solved this question easily, this article is still for you. After reading it, you will learn about the preparation strategy and gain insights into the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

At the end of the blog, you will find a quiz. Attempt it to become more familiar with the format.

Also Read: IPMAT Strategy 2024

IPMAT VARC: Preparation Strategy

In this section we will understand you you can prepare for IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, and score well in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

1) Know the rules of tenses

In the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) , you might be asked questions that require a solid understanding of grammar; for this, knowing the rules of tenses is essential.

Review this table, practice forming sentences, and apply them in daily life to master these rules. This will definitely help you to score will in IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

2) Ways to Learn Vocabulary

There will be questions related to vocabulary in your IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section. These questions are relatively difficult if you don’t know the meanings of the words. Only if you are 100 percent sure of the answer should you attempt the question.

So how can you prepare to have a good vocabulary?

Actually, there is no way to learn all the words in the universe. Therefore, the question remains: How to prepare for IPMAT VARC section?

Learn the root words. What are root words? A root word is a word or word part that forms the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. Many of the words we use in our daily language come from a root word. Once you remove any prefixes or suffixes, what usually remains is the root.

Example: ‘EGO’

The root word “ego” refers to the self or the individual. Here are some examples of words derived from this root:

  1. Egotist: Someone excessively focused on themselves and their own importance.
  2. Egoistic: Pertaining to being self-centered or selfish.
  3. Egocentric: Considering oneself and one’s own opinions or interests as the most important or valid.
  4. Alter ego: A second self or different version of oneself, often a reflection of one’s hidden or different personality.
  5. Egoism: An ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality.

Focus on learning root words; by doing this, you’ll be able to remember more words and make connections with new ones as they come up. This strategy will help in scoring well in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, particularly in vocabulary questions.

To excel in the vocabulary section of the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension), you can also consult “Word Power Made Easy.” Completing the entire book may be challenging, but try to finish as much as possible.

3) Reading Comprehension

In IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, reading comprehension can help you score maximum marks, so it is crucial to answer these questions correctly. Improving in reading comprehension takes time; it’s not something that can be mastered quickly. To enhance your skills, read articles and newspapers regularly. Then, try to write summaries of them. This practice will also benefit you in the Writing Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds.

Try this technique and score well in IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

4) Learn Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and phrases often appear in your IPMAT VARC section, and you cannot rely on random guesses to answer these questions. You must be completely certain of their meanings to score well. It’s important to learn as many idioms and phrases as possible.

For optimal preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, consider enrolling in the iQuanta IPMAT crash course.

5) Learn to eliminate the options

The best way to answer IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) questions is by eliminating the wrong answers. In fact, I would say there are no wrong answers, just more correct ones. First, try to identify the options that are unlikely to be the correct answer. This technique will help you eliminate the incorrect choices, increasing your chances of selecting the right answer.

This will definitely help you excel in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.


Strategies for Scoring Well in the IPMAT VARC Section
Read articles daily
Read for at least 30 minutes daily
Write summary after reading articles or RCs
Read various genres
Try to complete Word Power Made Easy
Read Newspaper daily
Follow these suggestions and gradually, you will notice an improvement in your preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.


Things to Avoid When Attempting Questions in the IPMAT VARC Section
Avoid Relying on Your Gut Feeling
Don’t start with Reading Comprehension (RC); begin with Verbal Ability questions, followed by short RCs, and then tackle the long RCs in your IPMAR VARC section
Don’t panic if your don’t know the answer
Avoid answering without reading the whole passage
Do not stick to difficult question

Follow these suggestions and gradually, you will notice an improvement in your preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

Also Read: IPMAT Syllabus 2024

IPMAT VARC: Mock Tests

When we talk about the IPMAT VARC Follow these suggestions and gradually, you will notice an improvement in your preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, it’s really important to understand why mock tests are so valuable. Think of mock tests as a rehearsal for the real deal; they’re set up just like the actual exam, which means taking them can really help you get a feel for what the exam day will be like.

But don’t just stop at the full-length tests; make sure to dive into the sectional mock tests too. Practicing with as many IPMAT VARC Follow these suggestions and gradually, you will notice an improvement in your preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) mocks as possible can really boost your skills in that area. And if you’re looking for good resources, iQuanta has a great set of mock tests that cover everything you need to know for acing your IPMAT 2024 prep.

IPMAT VARC: Mock Analysis

Reviewing your performance in mock tests is even more crucial than just taking them, especially for the IPMAT VARC(Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension). Follow these suggestions and gradually, you will notice an improvement in your preparation for the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section. These tests are there to mimic the real exam environment, so it’s fine to slip up while attempting them. The main goal is to use these tests to identify what you’re good at and where you need improvement. How can you do this? By closely analyzing each mock test you take. This helps you reinforce your strong points and work on the areas where you’re struggling. For the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section, this method is particularly useful to pinpoint the specific topics that require more focus.

Enroll for IPMAT Online Coaching by iQuanta

iQuanta provides an excellent AI-driven analysis tool that can help you understand your weaker areas more clearly. With its advanced AI, you can easily figure out which aspects of the IPMAT VARC section you need to work on, allowing you to tailor your study plan and improve effectively.

Here, you will see how thorough your IPMAT mock analysis will be conducted for all sections, whether it’s the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension), or other sections.

IPMAT VARC: Tips and Strategies

1) Develop a Reading Habit

Reading is a skill that cannot be mastered overnight. Begin by reading short articles, then gradually progress to longer ones. Start with newspapers and explore different genres. This approach will help you develop your reading habits and improve your ability to maintain focus while answering questions in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section.

2) Solve PYQs

Solve previous year question papers and take as many mock tests as possible. If you encounter new idioms, phrases, or vocabulary, jot them down in a notebook and learn them. This practice will help you remember the words and phrases. This will definitely help to ace your IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section

4) Read Questions Carefully

Read each question carefully in the IPMAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section. Some questions may be confusing, so make sure to read the entire question, understand its meaning, and then attempt to answer it.

Also Read: Information about IPMAT Indore 2024

IPMAT VARC: Sample Questions

Here, you can find questions from previous years’ papers. Try solving these questions from the IPMAT VARC section to gain a better understanding of what the question paper might look like.


NOTE: These examples provide just a glimpse of what the IPMAT VARC section might include. Reading Comprehension is not mentioned here. To access more questions and mock tests, you can join the iQuanta IPMAT mock test series.

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