Is BITSAT Easy? Let’s Have a Reality Check (2025)


BITSAT is an engineering entrance test conducted by the Birla Institute of Engineering and Technology. It is among the top engineering exams conducted in India. Candidates who aim to secure in BITS engineering programs should take this entrance paper. Is BITSAT easy? This is a common question for the aspirants. The level of the paper is designed to test the concepts of the candidates applied accurately in the paper. You need to be smart enough to tackle the questions covered in Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. The difficulty level is moderate to difficult. Let’s take a reality check for the BITSAT exam for 2025 and know the difficulty level of this exam. 

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Analyzing BITSAT Difficulty Level

Candidates planning to appear in BITSAT 2025. You should take time to know the syllabus and analyze the difficulty level of the paper in the last years. It gives you an advantage to know the question pattern and important concepts to study for the paper. Only consistency and conceptual knowledge can pave your way in qualifying the engineering entrance paper. You get 130 questions and 3 hours in BITSAT. 

BITSAT Difficulty Level – 2020 – 2024

YearPhysicsChemistryMathsEnglishReasoningOverall Difficulty Level
2020Formula based questionsOrganic & Inorganic QuestionsAlgebra and calculusVocabulary & Grammar QuestionsSyllogism & Critical ReasoningModerate to Difficult
2021Conceptual questionsPhysical ChemistryCoordinate Geometry, TrigonometryComprehension & VocabularyComplex Reasoning QuestionsEasy to Moderate
2022Modern Physics, ElectromagnetismOrganic Chemistry Challenging QuestionsApplication based problemsGrammar-based and VocabularyPattern-based & logical questionsModerate to difficult
2023Optics, MechanicsBasic QuestionsAlgebra, Calculus, GeometryReading Comprehension QuestionsData Sufficiency & Analytical QuestionsEasy to moderate
2024Modern Physics, Electromagnetism, application (conceptual questions)Physical & Organic Chemistry QuestionsAdvanced Problem-Based QuestionsComplex argument-related questionsComplex Syllogism Questions and PuzzlesEasy to moderate

Toppers Tips To Attempt BITSAT Exam 2025

The BITSAT exam requires a calm mindset and a practical approach to attempting questions. You get 3 hours for 130 questions from English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Reasoning. Time matters the most when handling tricky questions. You know the level of questions goes to moderate and difficult. At times, you may lose the battle only with time mismanagement. Get a quick guide on the topper’s tips to attempt BITSAT in 2025. It can help with the planning and execution taking the paper. 

  • Know Your BITSAT Exam: Candidates start exam preparation without knowing the complete idea of BITSAT. BITS conducts the engineering entrance test to check the overall knowledge of candidates in English, Reasoning, Maths, Physics, and Chemistry. You have 3 hours for 130 questions asked from the 5 subjects. Check the latest syllabus and get the study resources to prepare for BITSAT.
  • Focus On Concepts: Qualifying BITSAT in 2025 is possible if you start working on the concepts. Prepare the list of the strong areas in the subjects asked in the paper. Begin your BITSAT preparation with your strengths. Know the concepts and build them by practicing questions. Make the notes and revise them regularly. Meanwhile, give time to the topics which demand special attention. You may get sureshot marks in BITSAT with a planned approach applied in the paper. 
  • Solve BITSAT Mock Tests: Dedicate your weekends in the initial preparation days for BITSAT mocks. The low scores are common in the first few mocks. Don’t get demotivated, just take time to track performance and attempt mocks. You get to know the paper pattern and the art of handling time. Make a plan to solve the mocks. Analyze your marks and performance in the BITSAT mocks. You know where areas require special attention before appearing in the paper. 
  • Don’t Miss BITSAT Negative Marking: Don’t try to attempt all the questions in BITSAT. You can lose your preciously earned marks in negative marking. There is 1 mark deducted for every wrongly attempted question in BITSAT. Try to be alert and smart making your paper attempt strategy for BITSAT. Attempting questions that don’t require much attention can fetch you easy marks. 
  • Stay Calm: Appearing in BITSAT needs a calm and focused mindset. Losing confidence can leave you no way in the exam. You should be patient and motivated at the start and end of the BITSAT paper. The 3 hours can be life-changing if you can handle all the things smartly. You can get stuck on any particular question. Leave those questions and move on to take other questions. So that, you are left with a sufficient number of accurate attempted questions achieving target scores in the paper. 
  • Don’t Ignore Reasoning & English: Reasoning and English can be the game changer sections for you in BITSAT. The difficulty level of these sections is considered moderate. 
  • Keep Time Track: Don’t miss the time track in BITSAT. You have 3 hours for 130 questions. Negative marking is in the exam. Choose the questions to attempt wisely. Leave the questions for which you are unsure about. You may lose marks in the negative marking for wrongly attempted questions in BITSAT. 

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