JEE Algebra Chapters Explained

JEE Algebra Chapters
JEE Algebra Chapters

JEE Algebra chapters have a lot of weightage in the exam. There are a total of 5 questions in JEE that is asked from the algebra chapters. The weightage assigned to each of the JEE algebra chapters is 3.30%. Algebra chapters from Class 11 and 12 in JEE are Sets, Relation and Function, Permutations and Combinations, Sequences and Series, Binomial Theorem and Its Application and Quadratic Equation. JEE aspirants should have a complete understanding of this topic and here is a detailed video on all the algebra chapters in JEE 2025.

IIT Preparation

JEE Algebra Weightage  2025

Sets, Relation and Function13.30%
Binomial Theorem and Its Application13.30%
Sequences and Series13.30%
Permutations and Combinations13.30%
Quadratic Equation13.30%

Check out this video for a detailed explanation of JEE ALgebra Chapters.

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