JIPMAT Syllabus 2024 : Section Wise Important Topics


JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: In this article, you will learn about JIPMAT syllabus 2024, JIPMAT paper pattern, Preparation strategy and other relevant information that might help you in taking your JIPMAT exam.


JIPMAT syllabus 2024 and IPMAT syllabus is 80 percent same. You can join IPMAT Preparation group to get all the exam updates and free resources along with JIPMAT exam strategies.

What is JIPMAT?

The Joint Integrated Programme in Management Admission Test (JIPMAT) serves as a national-level entrance examination for those seeking entry into the 5-Year Integrated Programme in Management, culminating in a dual BBA + MBA degree, at IIM Jammu and IIM Bodh Gaya. To gain admission to these institutions, candidates must take the JIPMAT exam.

Regarding the JIPMAT 2024 eligibility criteria, applicants who have passed the Class 12/HSC examination in the arts, commerce, or science stream, or its equivalent, with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PwD candidates) qualify to apply for JIPMAT 2024. The examination has no age limit for applicants. Prospective students should be aware of the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 when preparing for the exam.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Paper Pattern

While talking about JIPMAT Syllabus 2024, let us understand the paper pattern of JIPMAT exam.

Examination modeComputer Based Test (CBT)
Total number of questions100
Type of questionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Duration of examination150 minutes
Timing of examination03:00 P.M. to 05:30 P.M.
Medium of question paperEnglish
Total marks400
SectionsQuantitative Aptitude
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension
Marking scheme(+) 4 for the correct attempt
(-) 1 for incorrect attempt
NO negative marking for unattempted question

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Syllabus

There are 3 sections in the JIPMAT exam. Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. Let us see the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 section-wise.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Quantitative Aptitude

In the JIPMAT 2024 syllabus for the quantitative aptitude section, you will find topics up to the 10th-grade level. The math in this section is comparatively easier than that in the IPMAT exam.

Here is the list of quants section of JIMAT exam.

  • Percentage, Profit, and Loss
  • Algebra
  • Averages
  • Set Theory
  • Square Root and Cube Root
  • Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • Number System
  • Time and Speed
  • Distance, Time and work, etc.

Sample questions from JIPMAT Previous Year Question Papers.

Attempt these questions from the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 to get a feel for the exam. These past year papers provide insight into the types of questions you can expect, helping you better prepare for the JIPMAT 2024 exam.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

In the JIPMAT 2024 syllabus for the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section, you will find topics that will test your ability to think logically.

Here is the list of topics of DILR section of JIPMAT exam.

Data InterpretationLogical Reasoning
Data InterpretationMissing Number in the series
Basic GraphsVerbal Reasoning
Data SufficiencyProblem-Statement
Geometry, Mensuration, etc.Seating Arrangement
Mirror Images
Clocks & Calendars
Venn Diagram
Direction Sense
Family Relation
Statement-True/False etc

Sample questions from JIPMAT Previous Year Question Papers.

Attempt these questions from the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 to get a feel for the exam. These past year papers provide insight into the types of questions you can expect, helping you better prepare for the JIPMAT 2024 exam.

JIPMT Syllabus 2024: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

In the JIPMAT 2024 syllabus for the verbal ability and reading comprehension, you will see topics that ask you to read, understand, and explain what the text means.

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Grammar
  3. Paragraph jumbles
  4. Idioms and Phrases
  5. Proper Usage of Words
  6. Error Spotting
  7. Fill in the Blanks
  8. Paragraph completion
  9. Vocabulary etc.

Sample questions from JIPMAT Previous Year Question Papers.

Attempt these questions from the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 to get a feel for the exam. These past year papers provide insight into the types of questions you can expect, helping you better prepare for the JIPMAT 2024 exam.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Sectional Weightage

While talking about the JIPMAT Syllabus 2024, let us talk about the sectional weightage of the exam.

Types of QuestionsTotal QuestionsMarks per sectionTotal marks
Quantitative Aptitude334132
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning334132
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension344136

Also Read: Important Topics for IPMAT 2024

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Preparation Strategy

While talking about JIPMAT syllabus 2024, let us talk about the preparation strategy that can help you ace the exam.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Preparation Strategy for Quantitative Ability

To manage both your board exams and JIPMAT preparation effectively, consider these guidelines:

Pre-Board Exams Preparation:

Allocate 2-3 hours daily for JIPMAT studies. Start with the fundamental topics, then progress to more complex ones. This approach will form the core of your JIPMAT preparation before your 12th-grade board exams.

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Post-Board Exams Focus:

After the board exams, concentrate solely on practicing and revising for JIPMAT.
Depending on your 12th-grade subjects, you might find some overlapping concepts, which can simplify your JIPMAT study process.
Once the board exams are over, prioritize JIPMAT preparation to make the most of your time.

Considering the valuable opportunities the integrated management program offers, taking the JIPMAT exam seriously and following a dedicated preparation plan is crucial.

Make sure you cover the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 fully.

JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Tips and Tricks to Prepare

While talking about JIPMAT Syllabus 2024, let us talk about the tips and tricks to ace the exam.

  1. Revise Often with the JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Just like keeping your brain’s muscle memory in shape, going over the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 regularly strengthens your memory. Think of it as practice for your brain. The more you review what you’ve learned from the JIPMAT syllabus 2024, the better you’ll perform on exam day, making recalling information feel easy and natural.
  2. Learn from Mistakes in the JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Making mistakes is part of learning, especially when tackling the JIPMAT syllabus 2024. If you stumble on a question, take a step back and dive deeper into that part of the JIPMAT syllabus 2024. Revisit the topic, understand it fully, and keep practicing those tough questions. It’s like missing a goal in a game and practicing until you succeed. This way, you’ll not only improve but also gain confidence in your knowledge.
  3. Create Your Own Study Path with the JIPMAT Syllabus 2024: Remember, studying effectively means finding what works best for you, especially when navigating the JIPMAT syllabus 2024. Do you prefer starting with easier sections to build confidence, or do you like the challenge of tackling it in sequence? Customize your study strategy according to the JIPMAT syllabus 2024 to make the most of your prep time. It’s like choosing your route in a game; the best path is the one that suits you.

Also Read: IPMAT Personal Interview 2024: Preparation and Questions

To prepare for the JIPMAT exam, you can join iQuanta for proper systematic preparation. You will get full insights about the JIPMAT exam including the JIPMAT syllabus 2024, preparation pattern, preparation strategy, mock tests, study plan, and many others.