B-Schools With No Sectional Cutoff in CAT

List of b-schools with no sectional cut-off
List of b-schools with no sectional cut-off

CAT score is a gateway to prestigious B-Schools including the IIMs and other management institutes. Generally for all IIMs candidates not only have to meet the overall cutoff but sectional cutoff as well. However, there are some prestigious Bschools with no sectional cutoff. Some of them are FMS Delhi, GLIM Chennai, IMT Ghaziabad and many more. It might be a possibility that you have got a good overall percentile in CAT but a low percentile in any one of the section then knowing the top schools with no sectional cutoff is important for you. FMS Delhi cutoff is above 99.5%ile whereas IIT Delhi sectional cutoff is above 98%ile. Tabulated below is the list of b-schools with no sectional cutoff.

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BSchools With No Sectional Cutoff

College NameAverage PackageCut off
FMS DELHI34.1 LPA99.5+
IIT Delhi25.8 LPA98+ %ile
IIT Madras20.19 LPA92+ %ile
IIT Kharagpur22.13 LPA95+ %ile
IIT Roorkee18.34 LPA92+ %ile
IIM Rohtak18.73 LPA95+ %ile
GLIM Chennai18.10 LPA90+ %ile
IMI Delhi17.01 LPA90+ %ile
IMT Ghaziabad17.35 LPA90+ %ile
DSE Delhi12.54 LPA95+ %ile
IRMA15.50 LPA85+ %ile

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