Master CAT Geometry in 10 Days : Geometry Challenge by iQuanta


CAT Geometry Challenge with iQuanta CAT Crash Course !!

Geometry is one of the topics in CAT that a lot of aspirants are scared of; as it is a little different as compared to other topics as it has bit more formulae to remember as well as it requires some bits of constructions also to be able to apply the Formula.

CAT Community

In the iQuanta Crash Course, we teach Geometry so well that if anyone attends it properly, they will improve by at least 30-50%, even if they don’t practice separately, because we make you practice within the course itself. Even if someone has zero knowledge in Geometry, by taking this practice seriously, they can easily improve by 50%.

I’m so confident that if any student attentively goes through every question in the Geometry section of iQuanta CAT Crash Course, there’s a 99% chance that they will double their score in Geometry if they are weak.

After all Geometry is one of the 3 important topics in the CAT exam. Skipping the topic would not be fair.

Hence, I am challenging all of you that if your Geometry doesn’t improve by 30-50% after attending this course, I will give you a pro-rata refund for the sessions! 🙂

My only ask is you attend Geometry seriously from 25th Of September to 3rd October in iQuanta CAT Crash Course.

And there’s no risk for me in this… When I know that by doing this, 99% of students will definitely improve their Geometry score, then there is no risk… 🙂

Yes, a few students might waste time… which is why there are refund conditions—every question in iQuanta Geometry should have your like, and a comment within the first 7 minutes. But please try genuinely. Instead of focusing on this small amount, it’s better that you crush Geometry this time, which will help you secure a package in lakhs… 🙂

So who all are up for this Geometry Challenge at iQuanta CAT Crash Course ???

Special focus on shortcuts and techniques, Mega Marathons with the facility of 24×7 doubt clarification from the moment you enroll & 3 Months of Rigorous Practice. Enroll Now and get iCAT mocks for Free!