MH-CET MBA Strategy 2023 | How to Prepare for MH-CET MBA 2023


MH-CET MBA 2023 Strategy

The State Common Entrance Test Cell Maharashtra conducts the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MBA) 2023, a computer-based state-level entrance test for admission to MBA and MMS programmes. Qualifying for the overall cut-off is critical for the contenders. As a result, applicants must concentrate on all areas of the exam rather than just one. While Abstract Reasoning and Logical Reasoning are concerned with practising a range of sets and problems, Quantitative Ability and Verbal Ability are concerned with concepts. It is critical for applicants to continue preparing and working hard in order to achieve the highest possible score in the MH-CET MBA 2023.

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MH-CET 2023 Exam Pattern

Understanding the structure of the paper is the first step in preparing for the exam. The test pattern will assist you in determining the most significant areas of the exam as well as the order in which questions are divided among the sections. Here are some things to bear in mind when taking the MAH-CET 2022 exam:

When studying for the exam, the four sections are frequently grouped into three broad divisions as Logical and Abstract Reasoning are placed together. Each question is a multiple-choice question with five answers. One mark is given for each right answer. There are no negative marks on this exam.

The MAHCET paper has a total time limit of 150 minutes and no individual time is separated into portions. The reasoning section of the exam comprises 50% of marks with 100 questions.

Section Questions Total Marks
Logical Reasoning 75 75
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 50 50
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
Abstract Reasoning 25 25
Total 200 200

Section-Wise MH-CET 2023 Preparation Strategy

1. Logical and Abstract Reasoning

With 75 questions, logical reasoning is the longest section of the exam. Arrangements, directions, series completion, venn diagrams, series, selection criteria, and more are discussed in this section.


This section should include 1-2 topic and sectional tests per week. Concentrate on enhancing your reading and question-answering speed. Time yourself and aim to gradually reduce the total time.

Previous year’s papers will provide you with a decent idea of the types of questions that might be asked. As a result, make sure you solve MAHCET previous year papers.
Invest in a good test-series of mocks and carefully plan these mocks so that there is no last-minute surprise and your strategy for this portion is in place well in advance.

2. Quantitative Aptitude

Numbers, Ratio – Proportion, Percentage, Numbers, SI & CI, Time – Distance, Height & Distance, Indices & Surds, Geometry, Mensuration, Logarithms, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Time & Work, Profit-Loss, and Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables are the major topics covered in this section.


Although the questions are based on elementary mathematics, you should be able to answer the practise problems. To save time on the test, memorise tables, squares, and cubes. Mental computations can be extremely useful in this situation. To answer quantitative problems, use approximations, decimal fractions, and percentage approaches. The majority of this section is devoted to DI. As a result, practise 3-4 DI sets per day.


The VARC portion makes up around a quarter of the paper and has about 50 questions. The VARC curriculum emphasises grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Para jumbles, error correction, fill in the gaps, reported speech, and other themes are among them.


Once again, speed is crucial. Reading comprehension tests necessitate a strong emphasis on swiftly analysing the paragraph and determining the answers.
Start reading a variety of newspapers, magazines, and blogs to keep up with current events and enhance your reading skills.
Concentrate on refining your grammar and extending your vocabulary, as many questions will require both. Examine sample papers to identify your areas of weakness and to get a sense of the types of questions that are frequently posed in this section.

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