NEET UG Syllabus for 2025 is out. The syllabus has been announced by NTA and is finalized by the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) – National Medical Commission (NMC). NEET Physics syllabus is based on topics available in the NCERT syllabus of Class 11 and 12. NEET Physics paper will consist of two sections. Section A will comprise of 35 questions bearing the total marks 140. In Section B, there will be a total of 15 questions. The total marks in this section is 40. This article mentions the NEET UG Physics syllabus units, key topics under each unit, weightage of each topics and bifurcation of units based on Class 11 and 12.

NEET Physics Syllabus – Units and Sub-Topics
The syllabus of NEET Physics comprises 20 units. Among them, the major topics include Electrodynamics, Mechanics, Modern Physics and Thermodynamics. Candidates can have a look at the detailed NEET Physics syllabus in the table below:
NEET 2025 Physics Syllabus – Key Topics
Units | Key Topics |
Physics and Measurement | Units of MeasurementsSystem of UnitsSI UnitsFundamental and Derived UnitsLeast CountSignificant FiguresErrors in MeasurementsDimensions of Physical QuantitiesDimensional Analysis and Its Applications |
Kinematics | Frame of ReferenceMotion in a Straight LinePosition-Time Graph, Speed, and VelocityUniform and Non-Uniform MotionAverage Speed and Instantaneous VelocityUniformly Accelerated MotionVelocity-Time and Position-Time GraphsRelations for Uniformly Accelerated MotionScalars and VectorsVector Addition and SubtractionScalar and Vector ProductsUnit VectorResolution of a VectorRelative VelocityMotion in a PlaneProjectile MotionUniform Circular Motion |
Laws of Motion | Force and InertiaNewton’s First Law of MotionMomentumNewton’s Second Law of MotionImpulsesNewton’s Third Law of MotionLaw of Conservation of Linear Momentum and Its ApplicationsEquilibrium of Concurrent ForcesStatic and Kinetic FrictionLaws of FrictionRolling FrictionDynamics of Uniform Circular MotionCentripetal Force and Its ApplicationsVehicle on a Level Circular RoadVehicle on a Banked Road |
Work, Energy, and Power | Work Done by a Constant Force and a Variable ForceKinetic and Potential EnergiesWork-Energy TheoremPowerPotential Energy of a SpringConservation of Mechanical EnergyConservative and Non-Conservative ForcesMotion in a Vertical CircleElastic and Inelastic Collisions in One and Two Dimensions |
Rotational Motion | Centre of Mass of a Two-Particle SystemCentre of Mass of a Rigid BodyBasic Concepts of Rotational MotionMoment of a ForceTorqueAngular MomentumConservation of Angular Momentum and Its ApplicationsMoment of InertiaRadius of GyrationValues of Moments of Inertia for Simple Geometrical ObjectsParallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems and Their ApplicationsEquilibrium of Rigid BodiesRigid Body Rotation and Equations of Rotational MotionComparison of Linear and Rotational Motions |
Gravitation | The Universal Law of GravitationAcceleration Due to Gravity and Its Variation With Altitude and DepthKepler’s Laws of Planetary MotionGravitational Potential Energy; Gravitational PotentialEscape VelocityMotion of a SatelliteOrbital VelocityTime Period and Energy of a Satellite |
Properties of Solids and Liquids | Elastic BehaviourStress-Strain RelationshipHooke’s LawYoung’s Modulus, Bulk Modulus, Modulus of RigidityPressure Due to a Fluid ColumnPascal’s Law and Its ApplicationsEffect of Gravity on Fluid PressureViscosityStokes’ LawTerminal VelocityStreamline and Turbulent FlowCritical VelocityBernoulli’s Principle and Its ApplicationsSurface Energy and Surface TensionAngle of ContactExcess Pressure Across a Curved SurfaceApplications of Surface Tension: Drops, Bubbles, and Capillary RiseHeat, Temperature, and Thermal ExpansionSpecific Heat CapacityCalorimetryChange of State and Latent HeatHeat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation |
Thermodynamics | Thermal EquilibriumZeroth Law of ThermodynamicsConcept of TemperatureHeat, Work, and Internal EnergyFirst Law of ThermodynamicsIsothermal and Adiabatic ProcessesSecond Law of ThermodynamicsReversible and Irreversible Processes |
Kinetic Theory of Gases | Equation of State of a Perfect GasWork Done on Compressing a GasKinetic Theory of Gases: AssumptionsConcept of PressureKinetic Interpretation of TemperatureRMS Speed of Gas MoleculesDegrees of FreedomLaw of Equipartition of Energy and Its Applications to Specific Heat Capacities of GasesMean Free PathAvogadro’s Number |
Oscillations and Waves | Oscillations and Periodic MotionTime Period, Frequency, and Displacement as a Function of TimePeriodic FunctionsSimple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.) and Its EquationPhaseOscillations of a Spring: Restoring Force and Force ConstantEnergy in S.H.M.: Kinetic and Potential EnergiesSimple Pendulum: Derivation of Expression for Its Time PeriodWave MotionLongitudinal and Transverse WavesSpeed of a Travelling WaveDisplacement Relation for a Progressive WavePrinciple of Superposition of WavesReflection of WavesStanding Waves in Strings and Organ PipesFundamental Mode and HarmonicsBeats |
Electrostatics | Electric Charges: Conservation of ChargeCoulomb’s Law: Forces Between Two Point ChargesForces Between Multiple Charges: Superposition Principle and Continuous Charge DistributionElectric Field: Electric Field Due to a Point ChargeElectric Field LinesElectric Dipole and Electric Field Due to a DipoleTorque on a Dipole in a Uniform Electric FieldElectric FluxGauss’s Law and Its Applications:Infinitely Long Uniformly Charged Straight WireUniformly Charged Infinite Plane SheetUniformly Charged Thin Spherical ShellElectric Potential and Its Calculation for:A Point ChargeElectric DipoleSystem of ChargesPotential DifferenceEquipotential SurfacesElectrical Potential Energy of:A System of Two Point ChargesElectric Dipole in an Electrostatic FieldConductors and InsulatorsDielectrics and Electric PolarizationCapacitors and CapacitanceCombination of Capacitors in Series and ParallelCapacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor With and Without Dielectric MediumEnergy Stored in a Capacitor |
Current Electricity | Electric CurrentDrift Velocity, Mobility, and Their Relation With Electric CurrentOhm’s LawElectrical ResistanceV-I Characteristics of Ohmic and Non-Ohmic ConductorsElectrical Energy and PowerElectrical Resistivity and ConductivitySeries and Parallel Combinations of ResistorsTemperature Dependence of ResistanceInternal Resistance, Potential Difference, and EMF of a CellCombination of Cells in Series and ParallelKirchhoff’s Laws and Their ApplicationsWheatstone BridgeMetre Bridge |
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism | Biot-Savart Law and Its Application to Current Carrying Circular LoopAmpere’s Law and Its Applications to Infinitely Long Current Carrying Straight Wire and SolenoidForce on a Moving Charge in Uniform Magnetic and Electric FieldsForce on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Uniform Magnetic FieldThe Force Between Two Parallel Currents Carrying Conductors – Definition of AmpereTorque Experienced by a Current Loop in a Uniform Magnetic FieldMoving Coil Galvanometer: Its Sensitivity and Conversion to Ammeter and VoltmeterCurrent Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and Its Magnetic Dipole MomentBar Magnet as an Equivalent Solenoid, Magnetic Field LinesMagnetic Field Due to a Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) Along Its Axis and Perpendicular to Its AxisTorque on a Magnetic Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic FieldPara-, Dia-, and Ferromagnetic Substances with Examples, Effect of Temperature on Magnetic Properties |
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents | Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday’s LawInduced EMF and Current: Lenz’s Law, Eddy CurrentsSelf and Mutual InductanceAlternating Currents, Peak and RMS Value of Alternating Current/VoltageReactance and Impedance: LCR Series Circuit, ResonancePower in AC Circuits, Wattless CurrentAC Generator and Transformer |
Electromagnetic Waves | Displacement CurrentElectromagnetic Waves and Their CharacteristicsTransverse Nature of Electromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic Spectrum (Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Rays, Gamma Rays)Applications of Electromagnetic Waves |
Optics- Reflection and Refraction | Reflection of Light, Spherical Mirrors, Mirror FormulaRefraction of Light at Plane and Spherical SurfacesThin Lens Formula and Lens Maker FormulaTotal Internal Reflection and Its ApplicationsMagnificationPower of a LensCombination of Thin Lenses in ContactRefraction of Light Through a PrismMicroscope and Astronomical Telescope (Reflecting and Refracting) and Their Magnifying Powers |
Optics- Wave Optics | Wavefront and Huygens’ PrincipleLaws of Reflection and Refraction Using Huygens’ PrincipleInterference, Young’s Double-Slit Experiment, and Expression for Fringe WidthCoherent Sources and Sustained Interference of LightDiffraction Due to a Single Slit, Width of Central MaximumPolarization, Plane-Polarized Light: Brewster’s LawUses of Plane-Polarized Light and Polaroid |
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation | Dual Nature of RadiationPhotoelectric EffectHertz and Lenard’s ObservationsEinstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Particle Nature of LightMatter Waves – Wave Nature of Particles, de Broglie Relation |
Atoms and Nuclei | Alpha-Particle Scattering ExperimentRutherford’s Model of AtomBohr Model, Energy Levels, Hydrogen SpectrumComposition and Size of NucleusAtomic Masses, Mass-Energy Relation, Mass DefectBinding Energy Per Nucleon and Its Variation with Mass NumberNuclear Fission and Fusion |
Electronic Devices | SemiconductorsSemiconductor Diode: I-V Characteristics in Forward and Reverse BiasDiode as a RectifierI-V Characteristics of LED, Photodiode, Solar Cell, and Zener DiodeZener Diode as a Voltage RegulatorLogic Gates: OR, AND, NOT, NAND, and NOR |
Experimental Skills | Familiarity With the Basic Approach and Observations of the Experiments and ActivitiesVernier Calipers – Its Use to Measure the Internal and External Diameter and Depth of a VesselScrew Gauge – Its Use to Determine the Thickness/Diameter of a Thin Sheet/WireSimple Pendulum – Dissipation of Energy by Plotting a Graph Between the Square of Amplitude and TimeMetre Scale – Measuring the Mass of a Given Object by the Principle of MomentsYoung’s Modulus of Elasticity – Of the Material of a Metallic WireSurface Tension of Water – By Capillary Rise and Effect of DetergentsCoefficient of Viscosity – Of a Given Viscous Liquid by Measuring Terminal Velocity of a Given Spherical BodySpeed of Sound in Air – At Room Temperature Using a Resonance TubeSpecific Heat Capacity – Of a Given (i) Solid and (ii) Liquid by the Method of MixturesResistivity of the Material – Of a Given Wire Using a Metre BridgeResistance of a Given Wire – Using Ohm’s LawResistance and Figure of Merit of a Galvanometer – By Half Deflection MethodFocal Length of:Convex MirrorConcave MirrorConvex Lens Using the Parallax MethodPlot of the Angle of Deviation vs Angle of Incidence – For a Triangular PrismRefractive Index of a Glass Slab Using a Travelling MicroscopeCharacteristic Curves of a P-N Junction Diode in Forward and Reverse BiasCharacteristic Curves of a Zener Diode and Finding Reverse Breakdown VoltageIdentification of Diode, LED, Resistor, and Capacitor From a Mixed Collection of Such Items |
NEET Physics Syllabus with Weightage
Each topics mentioned in the NEET 2025 Physics Syllabus are given weightage based on the previous year exam analysis. Candidates can have a look at the same in the table below:

Weightage Given to Physics Topics in NEET
Physics Topics | Weightage (%) |
Current Electricity | 10% |
Rotational Motion | 6% |
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments | 6% |
Moving Charges and Magnetism | 5% |
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits | 5% |
Units and Measurements | 5% |
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance | 5% |
Nuclei | 4% |
Alternating Current | 4% |
Electromagnetic Induction | 3% |
Mechanical Properties of Fluids | 3% |
Electromagnetic Waves | 3% |
Oscillations | 3% |
Kinetic Theory of Gases | 3% |
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter | 3% |
Gravitation | 3% |
Work Energy and Power | 3% |
Electric Charges and Fields | 3% |
Atoms | 3% |
Motion in a Plane | 3% |
Motion in a Straight Line | 3% |
Mechanical Properties of Solids | 2% |
Center of Mass & System of Particles | 2% |
Wave Optics | 2% |
Laws of Motion | 2% |
Thermodynamics | 2% |
Magnetism and Matter | 1% |
Mathematical Tools & Vectors | 1% |
Waves | 1% |
Thermal Properties of Matter | 1% |
NEET Physics Syllabus – Chapters from NCERT Class 11 and 12
Class 11 | Class 12 |
Units and Measurements | Electromagnetic Waves |
Motion in a Plane | Wave Optics |
Motion in a Straight Line | Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance |
Thermodynamics | Ray Optics and Optical Instruments |
Waves | Electric Charges and Fields |
Oscillations | Electromagnetic Induction |
Mechanical Properties of Fluids | Current Electricity |
Mechanical Properties of Solids | Moving Charges and Magnetism |
Kinetic Theory of Gases | Alternating Current |
Thermal Properties of Matter | Atoms |
Mathematical Tools | Nuclei |
Newton’s Laws of Motion | Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter |
Gravitation | Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits |
Centre of Mass & System of Particles | |
Rotational Motion | |
Work, Energy & Power |
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What is the NEET syllabus for Physics?
NEET Physics syllabus comprises 20 units. They are Physics and Measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Powerz Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Properties of Solids and Liquids, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Oscillations and Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics- Reflection and Refraction, Optics- Wave Optics, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Atoms and Nuclei, Electronic Devices and Experimental Skills.
How many chapters are in Physics NEET?
NEET Physics syllabus comprises 16 chapters from Class 11 NCERT and 13 chapters from Class 12 NCERT. Some of the topics include Units and Measurements, Electromagnetic Waves, Motion in a Plane, Wave Optics, Motion in a Straight Line, Electrostatic, Potential and Capacitance, Thermodynamics, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Waves, Electric Charges and Fields, Oscillations and Electromagnetic Induction
What is the main chapter of NEET Physics?
All chapters mentioned in the NEET Physics syllabus are important. Among them, the high-weightage topics are Current Electricity, Rotational Motion, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Moving, Charges and Magnetism, Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits, Units and Measurements, Electrostatic, Potential and Capacitance, Nuclei, Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Induction.
Is Physics hard for NEET?
Candidates need to compulsorily appear for the Physics paper. Out of total questions, 50 questions are based on NEET Physics syllabus. Students have shared that Physics is comparatively harder than other subjects. To score well, candidates need to go through the syllabus in detail and accordingly plan their preparation.
Which is the easiest chapter in NEET Physics?
Some of the easiest chapter in NEET Physics is as follows – Measurement, Vectors, Work Power and Energy, Projectile Motion, Centre of Mass and Momentum, Rotational Motion, Laws of Motion, Motion in a straight line , Circular Motion and Gravitation.