Negative Marking in CAT – Tips to Avoid Negative Marking

Negative Marking in CAT
Negative Marking in CAT

Being the top most management entrance exam, CAT is also the toughest entrance exam. The major reason being the difficulty level and negative marking in CAT. As per the marking scheme for the exam there is a deduction of one mark for every incorrect answer. CAT questions are of two types – Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Type in the Answer (TITA). CAT negative marking is only for multiple choice questions (MCQs) and not for TITA. CAT aspirants should have the right strategy to reduce negative marking in CAT 2025. Check out all the important details on negative marking in CAT 2025 along with the tips to reduce negative marking in the exam.

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What is Negative Marking in CAT?

Negative marking in CAT means that if your answer is incorrect then one mark from the total marks that you get from the correct answer shall be deducted. This negative marking scheme in CAT is applicable only to the MCQs and not TITA. So every answer that is found to be incorrect, one mark will be deducted. Test takers must note that there is no negative marking if you have not attempted any question.

Why Negative Marking in CAT ?

The main purpose of negative marking in CAT is to discourage random guesses and avoid speculative answers. It can be a possibility that through random guessing one might achieve a higher score than a candidate who has prepared and has answered carefully. Negative marking scheme in CAT also assess the managerial skills of a candidate on how accurately he or she can be under pressure. 

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Strategy and Tips to Reduce Negative Marking CAT

  • Use the Elimination Technique – This is a good approach wherein you should eliminate the least likely options out of the available options. This will help you get closer to the correct option.
  • Focus on Accuracy – Attempt questions that you are sure about rather than randomly guessing the answers. 
  • Devote time in Reading the Questions Carefully – Make sure you read all the questions carefully. Do not misinterpret the questions as this is a very common experience of the aspirants. Read each question thoroughly and then start with answering them.
  • Attempt Easy Questions First – First, solve the easy question and then move to questions that you find difficult and tricky.
  • Avoid the Last Minute Hassle – Do not panic at the last minute and keep yourself calm and composed. Answering in hassle might lead to negative marking in CAT.

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CAT Negative Marking Scheme – FAQs

Is there negative marking in CAT?

Yes, there is a negative marking scheme in CAT so for every wrong answer for MCQ one mark is deducted. There is no negative marking for TITA.

Is there any negative marking in CAT if I don’t attempt a question?

No, there is no negative marking in CAT for unattempted questions.

How many marks are deducted in CAT for a wrong answer?

One mark is deducted for every wrong answer in CAT and this is only for MCQ questions.